social psychology

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A car dealer may offer a customer a ten-ific deal on a car, but once the customer commits to buying the car the dealer reveals that there are some hidden costs. This approach illustrates which of the following social influence techniques?

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A car dealer may offer a customer a ten-ific deal on a car, but once the customer commits to buying the car the dealer reveals that there are some hidden costs. This approach illustrates which of the following social influence techniques?

lowball technique

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A complete absorption in another that includes tender sexual feelings and the agony and ecstasy of intense emotion is called ____________________ love.


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A complete absorption in another that includes tender sexual feelings and the agony and ecstasy of intense emotion is called

passionate love

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A father suggests that his son's low marks in school are due to the child's laziness. The father has made ___________________ attribution.

an internal

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A father suggests that his son's low marks in school are due to the child's laziness. The father has made

an internal attribution

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A group that one belongs to and identifies with is known as a(n)


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A group that one does not belong to or identify with is known as

an outgroup

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A man who believes that "women just don't make good leaders" may dwell on his female supervisor's mistakes and quickly forget about her achievements. This scenario illustrates which of the following concepts?

the illusory correlation effect

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A self-serving bias is a tendency to attribute our positive outcomes to ______________________ and negative outcomes to _______________________.

dispositional causes; situational causes

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A shift toward more extreme decisions in a group as a function of discussion is referred to as

group polarization

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According to evolutionary theorists, which of the following factors is likely to be the most important for a female seeking a prospective mate?

social status

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According to Hazan and Shaver's model of infant attachment and romantic love, adults with which of the following attachment styles are most likely to feel negative about their relationships after dealing with conflict?


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According to Hazan and Shaver's model of infant attachment and romantic love, adults with which of the following attachment styles are most likely to have satisfying, interdependent, and long-lasting relationships?


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According to research, people tend not to prefer unattractive, asymmetrical faces. This may be because people with these faces could

be less healthy.

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According to Sternberg (1988), companionate love can be subdivided into

commitment and intimacy

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According to Sternberg, long-term, older relationships are dominated by

commitment and intimacy

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According to the elaboration likelihood model, messages that focus on the ___________________ are more likely to produce lasting attitude change.

central route

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According to the notion of defensive attribution, we tend to explain the setbacks that befall other people in terms of __________________ causes.


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After an earthquake in one city, people were overexcited and there were no police around. So, mobs of people looted the damaged shops and homes. This behavior is most likely a result of


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Alan has been known to stretch the truth in the past. Therefore, when he tries to convince you to adopt a particular attitude, you are somewhat resistant. Alan has lost ________________________ in his ability to persuade you.

the characteristic of trustworthiness

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Attributing one's success on an exam to one's intelligence and one's failure to the unfairness of the test is an example of

a self-serving bias

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Behaving in a way that confirms your own or other people's expectations is referred to as

self-fulfilling prophecy.

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Brendan does not like psychology, but he is still taking an introductory psychology class. Due to cognitive dissonance, Brendan will probably have a(n) _____________________ attitude by the end of the semester.

more positive

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Carisa was born and raised in Peru (collectivest); Olga was born and raised in the Netherlands (individualist). Based on evidence from cross-cultural studies comparing individualistic and collectivist cultures, Carisa is likely to be

less prone to the fundamental attribution error

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Celine just heard that her neighbor, Rodney, was involved in an automobile accident. If Celine concludes that Rodney's children distracted him for a few seconds, and that was the reason for the accident, she has

made an external attribution

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Classical conditioning could account for the formation of the __________________ component of an attitude.


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Cognitive dissonance

is a state of tension produced when related cognitions are inconsistent

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Conformity occurs when people change their behavior

in response to real or imagined social pressure

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Denying a person equal social treatment based on his or her group membership defines


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Dirk just failed the driving portion of his driver's license exam. Dirk will most likely explain his failure by saying that he

could not see well because it was raining.

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Doug feels that he has worked very hard to get his promotion. However when his last sales pitch did not end up in a sale he attributed the failure to the fact that the company he was "pitching to" was having financial difficulties. Doug's behavior is an illustration of _____________________.

the self-serving bias.

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Elena is working on a team project for her computer science class. Although the entire team is responsible for the project, some people do not feel responsible for contributing to it. Because of this, some team members do not complete their assigned tasks. This is most likely due to

social loafing.

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Fear arousal is likely to be an effective persuasive tactic

if the negative consequences are extremely unpleasant, fairly probable if the receivers don't follow the source's advice, and avoidable if they do

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George believes all white males are snobbish, standoffish, cold, and money hungry. George's belief about white males can be viewed as

a stereotype

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Harboring negative thoughts and feelings about a person simply because of his or her membership in a particular group defines


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If a behavior shows high consensus and distinctiveness, and consistency is low, an observer is apt to make ___________________ attribution.

an external

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If a behavior shows high consistency, but distinctiveness and consensus are both low, then an observer is very apt to make _________________ attribution.

an internal

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If Matthew's mother praises his "good sense" every time he says that money is important, then Matthew's attitude will be strengthened by


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If you are trying to persuade others to your point of view on AIDS research, you would be wise to

give a two-sided argument, arouse fear, and offer a solution

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In Asch's studies, what was the relationship between group size and conformity?

Conformity increased steadily as group size went from two to four, and then leveled off.

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In his research on conformity in making perceptual judgments, Asch found that

both group size and unanimity affected the degree of conformity

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In Kelley's attributional model, the dimension of consensus refers to whether

other people in the same situation tend to respond like the actor

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In Milgram's (1963) study of obedience, subjects

were ordered to deliver painful electric shocks to a stranger

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In Milgram's (1963) study, what percentage of the subjects fully obeyed the experimenter?


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In the study by Festinger and Carlsmith (1959), subjects who were paid $1 for "lying" exhibited __________________ attitude change; subjects who were paid $20 for "lying" exhibited ___________________attitude change.

much; little

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Individuals from Western societies are more likely to evidence a(n) ______________________ in their causal attributions relative to Individuals from non-Western societies.

self-serving bias

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Inferences that people draw about the causes of events and theirs and others' behaviors are known as


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John observed Gracie, an executive for a large accounting firm, behave in an aggressive and pushy manner with her subordinates. John now believes that most women executives are basically aggressive and pushy with their subordinates. John's overestimation of the relationship between women executives and the social traits of "pushy" and "aggressive" is referred to as

an illusory correlation

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Julio had planned to buy a national brand computer when one of his friends suggested that he look into the computers available through a local "no-name" outlet store. Julio carefully reviewed the relevant reports about the various computer components as well as the statistics on service reliability, and decided his friend was correct. Julio bought his computer from the local "no-name" outlet store. In this case, Julio reached his decision using

the central route to persuasion

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Laura is afraid of bees. In fact, Laura is afraid of all insects. Laura's fear of bees is a case where there is

low distinctiveness

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Like everyone else in her botany class, Rosa is anxious just before the weekly quizzes. Based on Kelley's covariation model, in this example there is

high consensus

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Love as the basis for marriage is

an 18th-century invention of Western culture

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Lucia is an engineering student. According to ingroup/outgroup bias she most likely believes other engineering students are ____________________ and liberal arts students are ______________________.

unique individuals; very similar to each other

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Making excuses for problems (blaming something else) reflects a

self-serving bias

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Martha wins three games of backgammon in a row, even though she has never played before. If Martha assumes she has "beginner's luck," she is making an ________________________ about her success; if she decides backgammon is an easy game, she is making an _____________________ attribution about her success

external-unstable; external-stable

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Maureen was trying to decide which one of two national brand computers to buy. She was pretty well set on buying the "Brand A" computer when one of her friends mentioned that Kevin Costner did commercials endorsing "Brand B." Maureen decides to buy the "Brand B" computer, based on the assumption that Kevin Costner wouldn't endorse anything that wasn't top quality. In this instance, Maureen has reached her decision using

the peripheral route to persuasion

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Milgram found that subjects' obedience declined dramatically when

another "teacher" defied the experimenter's order

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Miriam believes she is not attractive so she typically wears ugly clothing. As a result, men rarely show interest in her, which confirms to her that she is not attractive. Miriam's behavior is an example of a(n)

self-fulfilling prophecy.

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Negative feelings, opinions, and beliefs associated with a stereotype are known as


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New Smoke wants to market its cigarettes to young adults, so it decides to create an ad using an attractive celebrity couple. By using well-known, high-status people to influence its audience and deliver its message, the company is using the ______________________ route of persuasion to increase cigarette sales.


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Obedience is a form of compliance in which people change their behavior in response to

direct commands

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Organized clusters of ideas about categories of social events and people are referred to as

social schemas

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Payton and his friends wear matching jerseys at the football game. Whenhis friends start yelling curses at the players, Payton starts cursing, too, even though normally Payton rarely yells or curses at anyone. Payton's yelling in this case is best explained by


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Phoebe saw the passenger in the seat across the aisle suddenly slump forward in her seat. While the other passengers looked around for a flight attendant, Phoebe immediately started to administer CPR. In this case, Phoebe's actions are the opposite of what would be expected based on

the bystander effect

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Psychology is committed to the reliance on systematic observation through research, to arrive at conclusions. That is, psychology is committed to


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Putting group goals ahead of personal goals and defining one's identity in terms of the groups one belongs to is called


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Putting personal goals ahead of group goals and defining one's identity in terms of personal attributes is referred to as


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Research on factors contributing to building relationships seems to support the adage

"similarity breeds liking"

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Scott spent a great deal of time and money on becoming a member of a certain club, yet later discovered that the members of the club were boring. According to dissonance theory, Scott would most likely

continue to extol the virtues of the club to his friends

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Self-perception theory suggests that

one infers attitudes from observing one's own behavior

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Social loafing refers to

the reduction of effort by individuals when they work in groups

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Social schemas are best defined as

organized clusters of ideas about people or social events

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Subjects in Group A are paid $1 for engaging in a dull task. Subjects in Group B are paid $20 for the same task. Which theory would predict that Group A subjects would enjoy the task more?

cognitive dissonance

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Tally just heard that her neighbor, Rupert, was involved in an automobile accident. If Tally concludes that Rupert's reckless driving habits caused the accident, she has

made an internal attribution

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The bystander effect is

greater the more people there are in the group.

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The elaboration likelihood model of attitude change suggests that

the central route gives more enduring attitude change

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The fundamental attribution error leads observers to attribute the crime and poverty of urban ethnic neighborhoods to the

personal qualities of the residents

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The fundamental attribution error refers to the tendency of

observers to favor internal attributions in explaining the behavior of others

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The idea that males and females of approximately equal physical attractiveness are likely to select each other as partners refers to the

matching hypothesis

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The illusory correlation effect occurs when we

see correlations between social traits that really aren't there, because our expectations distort our memories

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The inferences that people draw about the causes of events, others' behavior, and their own behavior are called


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The main reason that people make attributions that reflect the just world hypothesis is that these explanations

make them feel safer.

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The makers of the new Adobe automobile are sick and tired of TV commercials that rely on images of sex and life in the fast lane to sell cars, Besides, they believe that if their commercials simply present the true facts about why their car is the best on the market, potential buyers are more likely to develop a long-lasting preference for the Adobe. According to the elaboration likelihood model, this approach exemplifies the ____________________ route to persuasion.


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The matching hypothesis proposes that males and females of approximately equal ________________________ are likely to select each other as partners.

physical attractiveness

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The topics of aggression, altruism, conformity, and attitudes are most likely to be studied by a ___________________ psychologist.


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Virginia has a favorable attitude toward aerobics and working out. Just the thought of her daily workout is enough to make Virginia feel good, and she finds that when she is at the gym she feels much more relaxed and much less stressed. These emotional responses form part of the _____________________ component of Virginia's attitude toward working out.


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What is the main reason we tend to make attributions about the causes of events, others' behavior, and our own behavior?

We have a strong need to understand our experiences.

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When advertisers use extremely attractive models to demonstrate their products, they are relying, in part, on the power of _______________________ to change consumers' attitudes.

classical conditioning

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When the presence of others leads to enhanced performance, it is an example of

social facilitation.

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When Tyronne first heard a new song on the radio, he disliked it. However, after hearing it played many times on the radio, he is surprised that he has grown to like it. Tyronne's positive attitude toward the song after listening to it multiple times is best explained by

the mere exposure effect.

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When we conform or go along with what the group does because we want to be liked, it is often due to __________________ influence.


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Which of the following are potential sources of subjectivity in our perceptions of ourselves and others?

all of these factors

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Which of the following behaviors is likely to be variable across cultures?

all of these behaviors

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Which of the following characteristics do we tend to attribute to physically attractive people?


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Which of the following could be an example of the fundamental attribution error?

Sue explained Ralph's failure in terms of his incompetence and laziness.

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Which of the following factors is likely to be the most important for a female seeking a prospective mate?

social status

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Which of the following factors is likely to be the most important for a male seeking a prospective mate?

physical attractiveness

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Which of the following factors is not one that influences a person's initial attraction to someone else?

attributional style

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Which of the following factors is NOT one that influences a person's initial attraction to someone else?

attributional style

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Which of the following is illustrated in the Stanford prison study?

People will behave according to their roles in a situation.

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