what did Jesus use to to feed the crowd?
5 loaves and 2 fish
As a catholic, what are you required to believe about the sacrament of Eucharist?
That during mass (more specifically the words of concatenation), the bread and wine change into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus
which title of the eucharist means “thanksgiving”?
what is the name of the Eucharist when given to a dying person? what does this tell us about this title for the eucharist?
viaticum (means “with you on the way”) tells us that Jesus will protect us and lead us to eternal life
identify the significance of bread throughout salvation history.
melchizedek (offered bread and wine -- prefigures our eucharist)
unleavened bread (sign of God’s faithfulness and the israelites freedom)
why was bread and wine offered throughout salvation history?
it signified thanksgiving to God as symbols of all his gifts, faithfulness, freedom, and love.
Identify the significance of wine in both Old and New Testament
New testament: Jesus turns water into wine →prefigures the last supper (wedding at cana)
Old Testament: wine signified a sharing of joyful anticipation of the coming of the messiah
When and where did Jesus institute the sacrament of Eucharist?
When? at Passover
Where? At the last supper
what does the term anamnesis mean in regards to the eucharist?
makes present the paschal mystery and making it a living reality/memory
how does the memorial of the eucharist differ from our ordinary memories?
its a living memory
celebration of the eucharist: 2 parts
liturgy of the word
liturgy of the eucharist
you ____ (stand/sit/kneel) during the introductory rite
introductory rite consists of…
entrance chant
penintential act (i confess..)
kyrie (lord have mercy)
collect (through christ our lord…)
the part of the introductory rite that provides a moment of repentance of sin in silence and recalls the role of christ in salvation and remission of venial sin is called
penintential act
the ____ is recited by the congregation each sunday except during the advent and lenten seasons. it expresses our joy in the lord. it also praises god for being who he is, and who he is to us
the liturgy of the word consists of…
first reading (sit)
responsorial psalm (sit)
second reading (sit)
gospel acclamation (stand)
gospel reading (stand)
homily (sit)
profession of faith (stand)
prayer of the faithful (stand)
the __ ____ draws us into the roots of our faith and is usually taken from the old testament
first reading
the _____ is usually taken from on of the letters of saint paul or from the writings of the other Apostles. Through these we can find many similarities to our life of faith today
second reading
the __ __ consists of the alleluia and a scripture verse. in Lent it is omitted and is replaced by __________________
gospel acclamation, “glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ”
the ______ is a response to the first reading, it is usually sung at sunday services and recited at weekday services, and gives us an opportunity to reflect on the first reading. it is taken from the book of psalms
responsorial psalm
the _____ has a central place in the liturgy and the church because Jesus is the center of each one. It is proclaimed by a __ or a ____
gospel reading, priest or a deacon
In the _____ we are helped to discover the meaning of the Word of God for us today. It must always lead the assembly to active participation in the Liturgy of the Eucharist
how do the profession of faith and the prayer of the faithful prepare us to celebrate the liturgy of the eucharist?
the profession of faith (the creed) and prayers of the faithful (praying for our community) remind us of the truths of our faith and so prepares us to celebrate the eucharist
the liturgy of the eucharist consists of…
presentation and preparation of the gifts
eucharistic prayer
the eucharist begins with a ___ altar except for possibly a crucifix and two candles.
____ is a square linen cloth upon which the sacred vessels are placed during the celebration of the mass
_____ is a small piece of white linen, folded in three layers, marked with a cross in the center. It is used by a priest to clean his fingers, the chalice, and the paten.
_____ is the round dish used to store the Eucharist
_____ is the vessel into which the wine will be poured
________ is the sacramentary. It is used by the priest and it contains the prayers of the Mass
roman missal
as catholics, we must recieve the eucharist at least…
once a year during the easter season
it is obligatory to take part in the Eucharistic celebration on __ and ______
sundays and holy days of obligation
when the priest stretches his hands over the offering of bread and wine, this signifies the calling of the Holy Spirit upon the gifts. the prayer in which the priest asks the father to send his holy spirit down upon the offerings is known as the ____
________ is the word used for the action of the changing of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus
identify what the term “accidents” means in reference to the holy eucharist
appearance of bread and wine remain while the substance has changed
what are the essential elements of the eucharist and how might they differ between the western and eastern churches?
essential elements: bread and wine
western church: unleavened bread
eastern church: leavened bread
identify the term anamnesis
remembering and making present the paschal mystery and is in the mystery of faith
the communion rite ends the liturgy of the eucharist. it begins with the praying of what prayer?
the praying of the Lord’s prayer
(essay on test) name 3-4 roles of the deacon in mass
assists the bishop and priests
proclaim the gospel
preach the homily
announce the prayer of the faithful
what is the role of the extraordinary ministers of holy communion?
they distribute the body and blood of christ