Value Gradation
Gradual change from dark to light areas used to create the illusion of three dimensions on a two-dimensional surface.
Vanishing points
Imaginary points at the horizon where parallel lines meet
Drawing in which the shapes often fade gradually into the empty working area around the edges of the drawing
Two Point Perspective
A technique for perspective that shows different sets of receding lines converging, or meeting, at different vanishing points.
Thumbnail Sketch
Small sketch drawn quickly to record ideas and information for finished drawings
Three Point Perspective
A technique in which objects in a drawing have three vanishing points---two on the horizon and one above or below it.
Tightly rolled paper stick used for blending
The use of light and shadow to give a feeling of depth.
Creating dark values by using a dot pattern.
Method of reproducing texture by placing a thin sheet of paper over an actual textured surface and then rubbing the top of the paper with a crayon, pencil, or charcoal
Picture plane
The flat surface of a painting or drawing.
One Point Perspective
A technique for perspective in which the lines formed by the sides of the road, walk, or track seem to come together at a vanishing point on the horizon. It is also known as parallel perspective.
Outline Contour
The line around the outer edge of a figure or an object that shows the overall shape of the person or object that you are viewing from a particular spot.
Sketches that indicated the general idea for finished work, including the size, position, and relationship to images.
A continuous mark made on some surface by a moving point.
Linear Perspective
Technique for creating the illusion of depth for the three-dimensional objects on a two dimensional surface known as a picture plane
Drawing a series of thin lines all running parallel, or in the same direction.
Areas on a surface that reflect the most light. In a drawing, these areas are shown by light values to create the illusion of depth.
Gesture drawing
A drawing in which lines are drawn quickly and loosely to capture the form and actions of a subject in movement
Formal Drawing
Drawings that concentrate on design qualities
Shortening an object in a drawing to make it look as if it extends backward into the space. This method reproduces proportions a viewer sees
Expressive qualities
The way the drawing effectively communicates an idea, feeling, or mood to the viewer.
The technique of using sets of crisscrossing, parallel, and overlapping lines to create areas of differing degrees of darkness.
Contour drawing
A drawing in which an object is drawn as though your drawing tool is moving along all the edges and the ridges of the form.
Cast Shadow
Shadow thrown by the object onto a surface; it is sharper and darker nearer the object.
Smoothly drawing dark values little by little by pressing harder on the drawing medium.
Blind contour drawing
An exercise in which you concentrate on the contours of the object you are drawing and avoid looking at your paper.
Atmospheric Perspective
Decreasing the intensity of hues for objects that appear farther back in a composition. This technique is used to create the illusion of space and suggest the effects of light, air, and distance