Pressure Groups, Lobbyists and Think Tanks key evidence

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How many voters didnt vote in last election?

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How many voters didnt vote in last election?

16 million

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Which pressure group allows members to start their own campaign?

38 Degrees

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What can Trade Unions do?

Workers can organise and demand better working pay

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What percentage of Junior Doctors in 2023 took party in a ballot to vote to strike ?


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What does a vote of this magnitude demonstrate ?

The breadth of feelings on issues such as pay and working conditions

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What did Justice4Grenfell push for?

A public enquiry into the grenfell

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Which piece of information did the legatum institute publish during the cost of living crisis ?

That failure to increase wages inline with inflation would lead to 450,000 people more living in poverty in 2023-2024

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What did the campaign “led by donkeys” run?

A sting operation catching 3 MP’s including Matt Hancock saying they were willing to promote a business in parliament for £10,000 a day

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In 2022 what two thing did Trans Rights Groups lobby for?

  1. Easing of the process of transitioning

  2. Advocated for the Gender Recognition Act 2022

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What did the Institute of Fiscal Studies reveal after the Truss-Kwarteng mini budget ?

The Fiscal Black Hole after the mini budget and a borrowing of estimated £300 billion

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Why was the work of the Institute for fiscal studies crucial?

The government refused to publish broadcast produced by the independent office of budget responsibility

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What are the leaders of groups not?


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Who was the Director General of CBI that had to resign after allegations of sexual harassment?

Tony Baker

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What is Stop5G concerned with and what should they be focusing on instead ?

  • Health and environment implications of 5G which have not yet been proven

  • Should be focusing on the economic impact s

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What was the impact of Junior Strikes on patients?

X3 increase in excess deaths week before and after strikes

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What has the tactics of Just Stop Oil led to?

A lack of sympathy for the cause

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What two bills have been passed as a result of civil disobedience from pressure groups?

  1. Police, Crime and Sentencing Bill 2022

  2. 2023 Public Order Act

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What targets have been accepted by government suggesting influence by environmental groups?

Net 0

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Who are in competition with environmental groups ?

Carbon Intensive companies

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In the Farms V animal welfare groups on the badger issue who won?

The Farmers (NFU donates to Tories)

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Who gets to choose which pressure group has influence ?

The government

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Which companies threatened employment if England went for a “hard” Brexit?

  • BMW

  • Airbus

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In 2020 who rushed through a development project to satisfy Developer Tory Donor?

Robert Genrick, housing minister

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Which think tank was highly influential in the mini budget of Truss ?

Institute for Economic Affairs

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What can some privileged groups do that others cannot?

Draft legislation

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Which companies helped draft the Health and Social Care bill which benefitted them?

Private healthcare companies

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IN 2022 What did “Warm With Winter” encourage citizens to do?

Write to MP’s to join meetings to pressure gov into continuing help with heating cost

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What did Trade Unions do in 2022?

mass lobby government to protest anti union laws

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What did leaked WhatsApp messages in March 2023 show the chair of health select committee doing?

Steve Brian- lobbied for remidium partners to be given favourable contracts by NHS

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What boards have MPS sat in relation to currency?

The Boards of Crypto Currency groups

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Which group has crypto currency groups funded and what do they advocate for?

All Party parliamentary committees- advocate for losing of restrictions surrounding crypto currency

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Which groups confirmed to “open democracy” that they participate in monthly meetings with conservative MP’s to discuss strategy?

Tax Payers alliance, Brexit central etc

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What did investigations by green peace and the guardian show ?

IEA director, Mark little wood- told undercover representatives that they had influence in Brexit

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What did the 2022 Joseph Rowntree Foundation Poverty report show?

That poverty was having a wide reaching impact, including effects on children, disabled and from different ethnics groups.

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Why s the information provided by thinktanks respected?

Experts in their field, working with academics.

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In how many documents relating to employment and education was The Jospeh Rowntree foundation name checked in?


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How many citations was the institute for Fiscal studies between 2015-2021 mentioned in?


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Which two think tanks under Johnson helped to guide Brexit Policy, including the decision to withdraw from the single market when leaving the EU?

  • The Legatum institute

  • The Institute for Economic Affairs

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What do think tanks help formulate?

  1. Specific Policies

  2. Wider priorities of political parties

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who was the 2019 Conservative manifesto co-authored by?

Robert Coalville and Rachel Wolf- both of the centre for policy studies

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Where do some political catchphrases come from?

Think tanks

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How do think tanks aid for public acceptance of policy?

Think tanks often advocate for a long time for certain policies to pass, this will ease the introduction of legislation by government if they choose to adopt think tanks policy

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What is an example of a think tank advocating for a policy and being adopted by the the government in 2021?

  • The Adam Smith Institute advocated for giving British Citizenship to residents of Hong Kong and was adopted by government in 2021.

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How many members of Johnson’s government were former members of the Institute of Economic Affairs ?

4 (Truss, Raab, Kwarteng and Patel)

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what did the think tank the “kings fund” advise the government on in 2022?

The health and care act- allowed them to fulfil their goal of integration social and healthcare - the government advised the think tank in aspects of the legislation

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What do many think tanks benefit from?

Tax exemptions- registered as a charity

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what percentage of think tanks say their key aim is to influence politicians?


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What did the NFU successfully lobby government for in 2023?

To ensure that rural households would receive extra energy help when they were “off grid”

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