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Abnormal behavior
Behavior that is deviant, mal-ada ptive, or personally distressful over a relatively long period of time
Medical model
The view that psychological disorders a medical diseases with a biological origin
A disorder recognized by Northern Algonquin Native American groups that involves fear of being bewitched and turned into a cannibal
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition. The major classifications of psychological disorders in the US
Axis 1(DSM -5 classification system)
All diagnostic categories except personality disorders and mental retardation
Axis2 (DSM -5 classification system)
Personality disorders and mental retardation
Axis 3 (DSM -5 classification system)
General medical conditions
Axis 4 (DSM -5 classification system)
Psychosocial and environmental problems
Axis 5 (DSM-5 classification system)
Current level of functioning
One of the most common psychological disorders of childhood, in which individuals show one or more of the following: in attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
Anxiety disorders
Disabling psychological disorders that feature motor tension, hyperactivity, and apprehensive expectations and thought. These disorders are uncontrollable and disruptive
Generalized anxiety disorder
Psychological disorder Marc by persistent anxiety for at least 6 months, and in which the individual is unable to specify the reasons for the anxiety
Panic disorder
Anxiety disorder in which the individual experiences recurrent, sudden onset of intense terror, often without warning and with no specific cause
The causes or significant proceeding conditions
Phobic disorder (phobia)
Anxiety disorder characterized by an irrational, or overwhelming , persistent fear of a particular object or situation.
Social phobia
And intense fear of being humiliated or embarrassed a social situation
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Anxiety disorder in which the individual has anxiety provoking thoughts that will not go away and or urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors to prevent or produce some future situations
Post traumatic stress disorder
anxiety disorder that develops through exposure to a traumatic event, a severely oppressive situation, cruel abuse, or a natural or an unnatural disaster
Mood disorders
Psychological disorders- the main types of which are depressive disorders and bipolar disorder- in which there is a primary disturbance of mood. P rolonged emotion that colors the individuals entire emotional state
Major depressive disorder (MDD)
Psychological disorder involving a major depressive episode and depressed characteristics, such as lethargy and hopelessness, for at least 2 weeks
Dysthymic disorder
A more chronic depression with if you are symptoms then major depression
And unrelenting lack of pleasure in life
Pessimistic attributional style
Style that means blaming oneself for negative events and expecting the negative events to recur each time
Optimistic attributional style
Style that has been related to lowered depression and decreased suicide risk in a variety of samples. This style makes external attributions for bad things that happen, and also recognize that these things will change
Learned helplessness
An individual's feelings of powerlessness after exposure to aversive circumstances over which the person has no control
Word used that suggests depression can spread from one person to another
Bipolar disorder
Mood disorder characterized by extreme mood swings that include one or more episodes of mania, and over excited, unrealistically optimistic state
a way of thinking that involves worrying about a topic without finding a resolution
Empathetic distress
This occurs when one friend takes on the negative feelings of the other
involves engaging in a conversation with someone and making a negative events that the person is going through seem even worse
The neueotransmitter linked to suicide
Anorexia nervosa
Eating disorder that involves the relentless pursuit of thinness through starvation
Bulimia nervosa
Eating disorder in which an individual consistently follows a binge and purge eating pattern. Typically a girl or woman
Binge eating disorder
Eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large amounts of food during which the person feels a lack of control over eating
Dissociative disorders
Psychological disorder that involves a sudden loss of memory or change and identity due to the disassociate on (separation) of the individuals conscious awareness from previous memories and thoughts
Dissociative amnesia
Dissociative disorder characterized by extreme memory loss that is caused by extensive psychological stress
Dissociative fugue ( fugue means "flight")
A dissociative disorder in which the individual not only develops amnesia, but also unexpectedly travels away from home and assumes a new identity.
Dissociative identity disorder
Formally called multiple personality disorder, it is so should have disorder in which the individual has two or more distinct personalities or cells, each with its own memories, behaviors, & relationships
Social construction
This represents a category some people adopt to make sense of their experiences
Severe psychological disorder characterized by highly disordered thought processes. Individual suffering from schizophrenia may be referred to as psychotic because they are so far removed from reality
Sensory experiences that occur in the absence of real stimuli
False, unusual, and sometimes magical believe that are not part of an individual's culture
C atatonia
state of immobility and unresponsiveness lasting for long periods of time
Flat affect
The display of little or no emotion - a common negative symptoms of schizophrenia
Referential thinking
Ascribing personal meaning to completely random events
Diathesis stress model
View of schizophrenia and the sizing that a combination of biogenic disposition and stress causes the disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
Psychological disorder characterized by guiltless, law-breaking, exploitation of others, irresponsibility, and deceit
Borderline personality disorder
A pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self image, and emotions, of marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in various contexts
Injuring oneself with a sharp object without suicidal intent
"Avoidant personality disorder (Axis 1)"
Socially detached and withdrawn individual who avoids intimacy with others ;low levels of positive emotion, high levels of anxiety
"Borderline personality disorder (Axis 1)"
Emotionally unstable and intense, impulsive, risk-taking, hostile, and anxious individual ;experiences fear of abandonment, depression, and internal feelings of emptiness
"Narcissistic personality disorder (Axis 1)"
Unrealistic grandiose sense of self-importance, attention seeking, difficulty taking criticism, lack of empathy for others
"Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (Axis 1)"
Rigid perfectionism and adherence to a strict moral code ;experience is a great deal of anxiety unless things are just right and maybe obsessed with rules: excessively stubborn, rigid common and moralistic
"Skitzotype personality disorder (Axis 1)"
Eccentric beliefs, cognitive and perceptual distortions, unusual believe and experiences, similar to delusions ;emotionally restricted, socially with drawn, suspicious
"Personality disorder trait specified personality disorder(Axis 1)"
Extreme trait profile, with personality traits contributing to problems in the self, including sense of identity and self discretion, as well as in social relationships
"Anxiety disorders (Axis 1)"
Characterized by motor tension, hyperactivity, and apprehensive expectations and thoughts. Include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, both this order, I'm sexy compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder
"Somatoform disorders (Axis 1)"
Current wind psychological symptoms take a physical form even though no physical causes can be found. Include hypochondriasis and conversion disorder
"Factitious disorder (Axis 1)"
Involve a sudden loss of memory or change of identity. Include the disorders of dissociative amnesia dissociative Fugue, and dissociative identity disorder
"Delirium, dementia, amnesia, and other cognitive disorders (Axis 1)"
Consist of mental disorders involving problems and consciousness and cognition, such as substance-induced delirium or dementia related to Alzheimer's disease
"Mood disorders (Axis 1)"
Disorders in which there is a primary disturbance in mood semi colon include oppressive disorders and bipolar disorder ( which involves wide mood swings from deep depression too extreme euphoria and agitation)
"Schizophrenia and other psychotic (Axis 1)"
Disorders characterized by distorted thoughts and perceptions, our communication, inappropriate emotion, and other unusual behavior
"Substance-related disorders (Axis 1)"
Include alcohol related disorders, cocaine related disorders, hallucinogen related disorders, and other drug related disorders
"Sexual and gender identity disorder (Axis 1)"
Consists of three main types of disorders :gender identity disorder (person is not comfortable with identity as female or male) , paraphlias (has a preference for unusual sexual acts to get aroused)Â and sexual dysfunction
"Eating disorders (Axis 1)"
Include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating
"Sleep disorders (Axis 1)"
Consist of primary sleep disorders, such as insomnia and narcolepsy, and sleep disorder due to a general medical condition
"Impulse control disorders not elsewhere classified (Axis 1)"
Include kleptomania, pyromania, and compulsive gambling
"Adjustment disorders (Axis 1)"
Characterized by distressing emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor
Mental retardation (axis 2)
Low intellectual functioning and ability to adapt to
Personality disorders (Axis 2)
Develop when personality traits become inflexible and maladaptive. Include antisocial personality disorder and borderline personality
Other conditions that may be a focus of clinical attention(Axis 2)
Include relational problems with a partner sibling and so on, problems related to abuse or neglect, or additional conditions such as bereavement, academic problems, religious, or spiritual problem
Hoarding disorder
Involves compulsive collecting, poor organization skills, difficulty discarding things, along with cognitive deficits in information processing speed, problems with this is making, and procrastination
Excoriation (skin picking)
Refers to the particular completion of picking at once again sometimes to the point of an injury
Trichotillomania (hair pulling)
Intel's compulsively playing at the hair from a scout, eyebrows, and other body areas. Hair pulling for the Scout can lead to bald pitches that the person will go to great lengths to disguise
Body dysmorphic disorder
Involves a distressing Piko pation with imagen or slight loss in 1 physical appearance