The scientific method-
make observations & collect data that lead to question→ formulate & test hypothesis→ interpret results/ revise hypothesis→ state conclusion.
Physics uses models that describe part of reality
- System- typically single object & items that affect it are the focus
- Models- simplify complex situations
- Models can help build hypothesis - can help identify the relevant variables
- Help guide experiment design
Numbers as measurements
- SI is the standard measurement system for science
- Both dimensions & units must agree
Accuracy & precision
- Careful measurements are important
- Problems w/ accuracy are due to error
- Precisions describes the limitations of the measuring instrument
- Lack of precision is due to limitations
Significant figures- a common convention used to indicate precision
- SF of measurement includes all digits that are actually measured, plus 1 estimated digit
- SFs require special rules- the # of SFs in result depends on the # of SFs in measurement
Mathematics & Physics
- Physics equations indicate relationships