Table of Contents: • Eruption time, form and function • Location in the dental arch, relationship with the adjacent tooth in the dental arch and the opposing teeth • Morphology of each surface of the crown and root and tooth identification • Anatomy of the pulp cavity and pulp tissues of each tooth • Comparison between the permanent maxillary and mandibular canines
#13, #23, #33, #43
in the FDI system, what teeth number is the maxillary and mandibular canines?
what is the derivative of “canine”?
eye teeth
what is the alternative name for canine?
fang like appearance
what appearance does the canine resembles?
severe gingival recession
root of canine exposed
patient has periodontal disease
patient is an aggressive tooth brusher (abrasion)
loss of tooth structure caused by mechanical forces, such as aggressive tooth brushing.
11-12 years
when does the maxillary canine erupt?
9-10 years
when does the mandibular canine erupt?
(mandibular teeth always erupt before maxillary teeth)
after 2/3 of the root is formed
when does the active eruption of teeth occurs?
*there are no mamelons on newly erupted canines
any linear elevation on the surface of a tooth
labial ridge
determine the structure highlighted in dark blue
hint: this structure is more pronounced on the maxillary canines
cusp tip
identify the pink structure
mesial cusp ridge (cusp slope)
identify the green structure
mesiolabial developmental groove
identify the red structure
disto-labial developmental groove
identify the orange structure
distal marginal groove
identify the dark blue structure
mesial lobe
identify the mint-green structure
distal lobe
identify the green structure
labial ridge
what is the blue line?
cervical third
what is the height of contour
junction between incisal third and middle third
where is the contact area of the mesial surface of the max canine
middle third
where is the contact area of the distal surface of the max. canine?
right angle
what is the mesioincisal angle
what is the distoincisal angle?
where is the cusp tip positioned?
labial ridge
mesial ridge
distal ridge
what are the three developmental lobes of the labial surface?
mesiolabial developmental depression
distolabial developmental depression
what are the two developmental depressions on the labial?
1/3 of the crown’s length and slightly curved
what is the labial depression length
3 to 4 lines
how many imbrication lines are on the cervial line
cusp tip
lingual ridge
lingual fossae
distal marginal ridge
mesial marginal ridge
lingual ridge
what are the structures for the lingual aspect of the canines?
where is the cingulum positioned in the maxillary canine
off-centered to the distal
where is the cingulum positioned on the mandibular canine
maxillary canine cingulum
the largest cingulum of all anterior teeth
fill in the blank: labial/lingual dimension is ____ than the mesiodistal
fill in the blank: incisogingival dimension is ____ than the mesiodistal dimension.
what is the outline form of the mesial surface of the max. left canine?
the amount of crown is extending more towards the root
what is the outline of the distal surface?
what is the geometric outline for the mesial and distal view of the maxillary left canine?
what is the geometric view for the the incisal view of the max. left canine?
from the incisal view, what is the shape of the mesial portion of the facial/labial outline?
from the incisal view, what is the shape of the distal portion of the facial/labial outline
trapezoid or pentagon
what is the geometric outline for the facial and lingual view of the max. left canine?
shows more curvature toward the cusp tip than that of distal
the labiolingual surface is significantly more thick than any other anterior teeth
the majority of the surface is curved outward except for the contact area and cervical line (where its flatter)
root surface shows a slight indentation or depression extending from the cervical line halfway toward the apex of the root
On the mesial surfaces of a max. right canine, explain the structure of the surface.
same form and outline as mesial view
cervical line is less curved towards the cusp tip
concave area is more pronounced than the mesial
the developmental depression on the root surface is more pronounced than the mesial’s
on the distal surface of the max. right canine, describe the structure of the surface.
is the root of max. canine the shortest or longest of all teeth
toward the distal
where is the apical third of the root be curved?
the movement of the tooth during the eruption
what factor does the root curvature depends on?
one root, one canal
has the longest root of all teeth
apical third of the root is curved towards the distal
the pulp chamber is wide labiolingually
has one pulp horn
pulp is pointed incisally
pulp space overall shape is similar to the incisor’s
root canal is usually straight but may show a distal curvature
what is the root form of max canine
lingual to or on the root axis line
what is the location for the incisal and proximal cusp tip?
mandibular right canine
identify this tooth (which arch is this tooth located)
consider the side of the cusp tip and the distal and mesial
remember that the tooth is flipped over to see the lingual view (imagine it being flipped on to the labial side)
straighter than on the maxillary
what is the outline form for the mesial of mandibular left canine?
(the root and crown form is almost a straight line)
the crown extends more towards the root
what is the outline form for the distal surface of the mandibular left canine?
off centered to the mesial
where is the facial cusp of the mandibular right canine?
mesially to the center
from an incisal aspect, where is the cusp tip located in mesiodistal dimension?
slightly labial and aligns perfectly with the root axis line
from an incisal view, where is the cusp tip located in the labiolingual dimension?
what is the geometric shape of the mesial and distal view of the man. right canine?
what is the geometric shape of the incisal view of the man. right canine?
junction between incisal and middle third
what is the contact area for the mesial side of the man. canine
middle third
what is the contact area for the distal side of the mandibular canine?
consider the distolabial line angle and the length of the adjacent tooth (first premolar)
lower than the mesial side
split into two branches
one root
can sometimes bifurcated near the apical third
prominent pulp horn pointed incisally
pulp chamber is wide labiolingually
root form of the mandibular canine
max. and man. canines are the least often extracted and lost
most stable teeth
clinical alert
the labiolingual thickness of the crown and root
anchorage of roots in the alveolar process of the jaws
why is canine the most stable teeth in the mouth
canine eminence
protruding bony ridge above the maxillary canine and below he mandibular canine
bulge in the alveolar process (tooth socket) bone that covers the root of the canine
has a very prominent labial ridge
greatest labiolingual dimension of any anterior teeth
longest tooth (crown+root)
longest root
what are the important points about the maxillary canine?
longest crown
has smoother anatomy than that of the maxillary’s in ALL aspect
doesn’t have pits or grooves (makes canine resistant to decay)
what are the important points about the mandibular canines?
has no pits or grooves
why is man. canine resistance to decay?
mandibular incisors and canines are generally smoother than the max. teeth and less pronounced
cervical third
what is the facial and lingual height of contour of ALL anterior teeth
fill in the blank: ALL teeth have ____ CEJ curvature on the mesial surface than on the distal surface
maxillary canine: facial to or in line with the root
mandibular canine: lingual to or in line with the root
difference between the maxillary and the mandibular cusp tip
maxillary lateral incisor and canine
which teeth does the mandibular canine occludes with?
the mandibular canine and the 1st premolar
which teeth does the maxillary canine occludes with?
intercuspal position
when most of your teeth in contact
the only anterior tooth that occludes with both an anterior and posterior teeth when in the intercuspal position
what is special about the occlusion of maxillary canine
class l occlusion
the maxillary canine lies in the embrasure between the mandibular canine and first premolar
the most common occlusion (70% of the population)
the mesial slope of the max. canine coincides with distal slope of the man. canine.
class II occlusion
the maxillary canine is mesial to the embrasure between the mandibular canine and first premolar
the mesial slope of the max. canine is ahead of the distal slope of the man. canine
less common = about 25%
class III occlusion
the mesial slope of the max. canine lies behind the distal slope of the mandibular canine
least common : less than 5%