Flashcards for FALL NIGHT ROUTINE video by Allison - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZjSM96DuEE&ab_channel=ALLISON
hectic life
a busy way of living with many things to do
After a long week at work, I often feel tired from my hectic life.
cozy fall flair
a warm and comfortable feeling that comes in autumn.
The living room has a cozy fall flair with all the pumpkins and leaves.
to relax after being busy or stressed
The best way to unwind at the weekend is to read a good book and enjoy the silence.
have your fair share of sth
to have a lot or more than enough of something bad
We certainly have our fair share of problems at the moment.
She's had her fair share of tragedies in her life.
fall inspired playlists
lists of songs that match the autumn season
I created a fall inspired playlist to enjoy while decorating for Thanksgiving.
enhance one’s skills
to improve one’s skills
I am taking an online course to enhance my skills in graphic design.
in honour of being festive
as a way to be joyful
We decorated our home in honour of being festive for the Christmas holidays.
take a short intermission
to pause for a little
If you need to make a call during the movie, it's okay to take a short intermission.
[apple cider] essential oil
a strong liquid made from apples used for smell or health
I love using apple cider essential oil in my diffuser during autumn.
turn on/off the diffuser
to start or stop a device that spreads scents in the air
Please remember to turn off the diffuser before you leave the house.
an overload of scents
too many different smells at one time
During the holiday season, we can smell an overload of scents from different foods.
space sth out
to put things apart so they are not close together
It is important to space things out when studying to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
hop in the shower
to quickly get into the shower
After my workout, I can't wait to hop in the shower and relax.
harvest blend herbal tea
a drink made from plants that has flavours from the autumn gathering
A cup of harvest blend herbal tea warms me up on chilly fall evenings.
be keen on sth
to like or enjoy something a lot
I am keen on learning how to play the guitar.
unsettling moments
something that makes you worried or uncomfortable
Watching that scary movie gave me a few unsettling moments throughout the night.
It's not my cup of tea
It is not something I like or enjoy.
While many enjoy jazz music, I must admit it's not my cup of tea.
wrap up the night
to finish activities before going to bed
At the end of the party, we decided to wrap up the night with desserts.
make the most of sth
to take full advantage of something because it may not last long
To make the most of our trip, we planned to visit four cities in one week.
bundle sb up
to put warm clothes on yourself or someone else
After the coffee we bundled up and walked down to the river.
I spent much of my time bundled up in sweaters in an effort to keep warm.