standardised measurement that can be used to compare places
each place has disticnt characteristics and can be described using quantitative data this includes endogenous and exogenous characteristics
examples of this in a quantitative method
clone town survey
index multiple deprivation
census data
flows of people and events
social constructionist
takes into account the effect that people have on their setting a place is shaped by peole ,cultures and customs within it
examples of locale
quantitative method-participation observation
qualitative method-participant observation
sense of place
subjective and emotional attachment an individual has to place.it will completely diffe when looked at from another perspective
qualitative method-photo survey
descriptive approach
the idea that the world is set of places and each can be studied and is distinct
social contructionist approach
seeas place as a product of a particular set of social processes occuring in a particuar time
a phenomenological approach
is not interested in the unique characteristics of a place it is interested in how an individual person exoeriences the place.
meaning relates to individual or collective perceptions of place
means of communication including tv,films,art,photography etc ,these reach and influence people widely
place making
the deliberate shaping of an environment to facilitate social interaction and improve communitys quality of life
based on or influenced by personel feelings
importance of place in human life and experiecne
people define themselves throguh sense of place and by living there,
promotion is crucial in the marketing of holiday destinations
people may buy into or consume place
place can be critical to the construction of identity
can be evident in number of scales:
an affection at a for or an emotional ownership of a particular place.Localism barely manifests itswlf in a political sense but can be demonstrated nimbyism which occurs when people are reluctant to have their local area affected by development
consciousness of an dloyalty to a distinct region with a population that shares similarities
loyalty and devotion to a nation which creates a sense of national consciousness
cann too be used to foster a sense of identitiy in place. At a local level churches,mosques etc are placdes where people from the same religious identity come togehter to worship
globalisation of place
some argue that this has made place less imprtant as the forces of global capitalism have eroded local cultures and creates identical or homogenised place
clone town/placelessness
describes settlements where the high street is dominated by chain stores
multinational companies having to adapt to the local marketplace
localisation of place
place has become a political symbol for people fighting against global capitalism one response has been greater focus on local place and promotion of local goods and services
to belong means to be part of the community,
the extent to which one might feel a sense of belonging to a place can be influenced by number of factors such as
socio-economic status
level of education
individuals will have a different views about what makes a place great,there are certain features which generally accepted to be more important in promoting happiness and well being but different factors will be important to different groups of people as the quality of lived experience and perception of place are influenced by a sense of belonging,age etc
to be inside of a place is to belong to it and identify with it and the more profiundly inside you are the strogner is the identity with the place
can be applied to loca; opposition to development such as new housing estates
near places and far places
the terms near and far have several potential meaning when it comes to places
could refer geographyical distance bwetween place
equally could describe the emotional connection with a particular place and how comfortable a person feels in that particular place
some places feel more familiar than others partly due to personel experiences but also due to frequent representational exposure.
experienced places
tose places that a person has spent time in
media places
those that the person only has read or seein in films about
the reality of a place can be far different to that put across by the media and that is most clearlt seen through the portrayal of rural places
media portrayasl of rural living
stereotypicaly images of rural living permeate but the idyllic image of country side put forward by the media and advertising companies which have all sought to disasvantage low income house holds in rural areas
unemoloyment and underemployment
scarce availability of affordable housing
reduction is public transport services
rural homelessness
media portrayal of city living
cities are showed in a negative way
economic and social depriviation,homelessness,crime,vandalism
endogenous factors
refers to the characteristics of the place itself or factors which have originated internaliy.this would include aspects such as location,physical geographt,land use and social and economic characteristics such as population size and employment rates
exogenous factors
relationship of one place with other places and external factors which affect this.The demography,socio-economic and cultural characteristics of a place are shaped by shifting flows of people,respurces ,money and investment
endogenous factors examples
physical geogrsphy such as relief,altitude,aspect,drainage,soil and rock type
demographic factors:population size,structure,ethnitcity
urban or rural,proximitity to other settlements ,main roads,physical features
land use,age and type of housing,building density,building materials
political factors such as role and strength of local councils
mobility of the population for work and leisure pursuits
exogenous factors examples
the impact of international migration.People from all around thw world have settles in the uk,creating a more cultural society
newcomers could cause conflict or change the character or community of place
increasing mobility of people increases links between places
deindustrilisation,unemployment,economic restructuring and urban decline of former traditional industrial cities as manufacturing moves overseas
links to or infliences from other places
agents of change
any group of people who work to impact a place through working there,living or trying to improve the place
government policies
e.g regeneration schemes and financial incentives for industries such as subsidies,tax breaks, and enterprise zones
these can attract business to places and stimulate a positive multiplier effect
decisions of multinational corporations
e.g in 2019 honda announced the closure of its swindon factory to move production to china
job losses for employwes and in the supply chain
uncertain fututere for the 380 aqcre factory site
impacts of international or global institutions
in 2020 the world bank was running 24 development projects in haiti
sustainable development goals
qualitative skills -maps
used to locate places but they can also influence how we think or feel about a place and as such play a very important role in both our sense of place and perception
counter mapping
a bootom up process where people produce their own map informed by thei own local knowledge
can generate detailed insights about a persons sense of place or perception they are first hand
interviewer bias may affect the responses of the interviewe by using leading questions
people may not be honest
media representation photographs
places can be easlity photosopped to make appear different
textual sources
novels may evoke a sense of place a feeling that the reader knows what its like to be there
poets may refer to specific places in personel and responsive ways but they also enable the reader to sense and imagine what it is like to be there
may not be that accurate as there is more scxope for individual interpretations and selection however they can show a deeper understanding of place becasue they allow the painter to show more of the charactwr of what is there