MBIO 1220

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3 Major Groups of Microbes

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3 Major Groups of Microbes

  • Prokaryotes

  • Eukaryotes

  • Acellular Infectious Agents

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Scientific Names

  • Carl Linnaeus (1700s)

  • Genus Species

    • Ex. Homo sapien

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Essential component of a healthy human

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Human Microbiome

  • Group of microorganisms living in/on your body & don’t usually cause disease

  • Prevent disease by competing with pathogens

  • Aid with digestion

  • Promote immune system development

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Disease-causing microbes

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Robert Hooke (1665)

  • Used crude microscope to view individual cells

    • Bread mold (“Microscopial Mushroom”)

    • Beginning of Cell Theory

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Cell Theory

All living organisms are composed of cells

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Antoine Van Leeuwenhoek (1674)

  • Amateur lens grinder

  • Built microscopes that could view living microorganisms

    • Called microorganisms “little animacules”

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Spontaneous Generation vs Biogenesis (1668 - 1800s)

Spontaneous Generation: Forms of life can arise from non-living matter.

Biogenesis: Living matter only arises from pre-existing life forms.

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Louis Pasteur (1861)

  • Used swan neck flasks to disprove spontaneous generation.

  • Showed that microscopic yeast (fungi) converts sugar to alcohol using fermentation.

    • Absence of oxygen - anaerobic

  • Souring occurs when bacteria turns the alcohol into vinegar.

    • Presence of oxygen - aerobic

  • Solution: Heat beer or wine after fermentation to kill bacteria and prevent spoilage - pasteurization.

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Germ Theory of Disease

Microorganism cause certain diseases.

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Joseph Lister (1860s)

  • Used Phenol to clean surgical instruments and treat surgical wounds.

  • Drastically reduces incidents surrounding surgical wound infections.

    • Led to development of disinfectants and antiseptics.

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Robert Koch (1876)

  • first proof that bacteria cause disease.

  • Investigated cause of anthrax.

  • Establish a sequence of experiment steps that could be used to find the causative agent of other diseases

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Koch’s Postulates

  • Isolated bacteria

  • Showed that particular bacterium was present in all cases of the disease

  • Injected bacterium into healthy specimens

  • Specimen contracted anthrax and died

  • Re-isolated bacteria from injected specimens and showed they were identical to him first sample

  • Showed that specific microbe was the cause of particular disease

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Edward Jenner (1796)

  • Developed smallpox vaccine

  • Observed that people previously sick from cowpox did not contract smallpox.

  • Purposefully inoculated a young boy with cowpox, fell ill, recovered and became immune to smallpox.

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Paul Ehrlich (1909)

  • Noticed that certain dyes stain bacteria differently than they stained a animal cells

  • Proposed that a chemical might be found that would harm disease causing microbes without harming the host.

  • Discovered Salvarsan, an arsenic derivative that could be used to treat syphilis.

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Selective Toxicity

Ability to drug target sites relative to the microorganism responsible fro infection. Some sites are unique to microorganism or more essential to the survival of the microorganism than the host.

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Alexander Fleming (1928)

  • Noticed mold inhibited bacterial growth on contaminated plates.

  • Produced first natural compound, penicillin.

    • First antibiotic

      • Compound naturally produced by molds or bacteria, inhibiting he growth of or kills other microorganisms.

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Light Microscope

  • Light Microscope that uses visible light to observe a specimen

  • Compound Light Microscope: Uses two lenses to magnify image

    • Objective Lens: Lens closest to specimen & can magnify between 4x - 100x

    • Ocular Lens: The eyepiece & magnifies by 10x

  • Calculating magnification:

    Total Magnification = Objective lens x Ocular Lens

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  • Ability to distinguish fine detail & structure

  • Ability to distinguish 2 points a certain distance apart

  • Light must pass between 2 objects for them to be seen as two separate things.

  • Need light of a short enough wavelength to fit between them, otherwise will appear as one object.

  • Resolution General Principle: the shorter the wavelength, the better the resolution.

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Electron Microscope

  • Electrons instead of light, electrons travel in much shorter waves.

  • Resolving power is greater

  • Allows for greater magnification

  • Allows us to view viruses and internal cell structures

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Electron Microscope - Transmission (TEM)

  • See internal structures

  • Very thin slices can be cut from sample

  • Samples generally stained with a metal to make structure opaque to electrons

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Electron Microscope - Scanning (SEM)

  • See surfaces, less powerful

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Atomic Force (AFM)

  • See’s molecules

    • Uses thin metal probe to scan a specimen revealing bumps and depressions

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  • Microorganisms are almost colourless when seen though a microscope, stains make them easier to see.

  • Stains are composed of positively and negatively charges ions, one of which is coloured (chromophore).

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Stain - Simple

  • One dye is used to highlight the entire microorganism

  • Steps:

    • Smear sample on slide

    • Fix with heat

    • Add stain

    • Was, dry, and view

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How Stains Work

Bacteria have a net negative charge on their outer surface, this charge attracts stains with positively charged chromophores and repels stains with negatively charged chromophores.

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Positive Stains - Simple

  • Stain binds to bacterium

  • Bacterium appears coloured

  • Background appears clear

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Negative Stains - Simple

  • Will not bind to bacterium

  • Bacterium appears clear

  • Background is coloured

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Stains - Differential

  • React different with bacteria, thus can be used to distinguish between them.

  • Eg. Gram Stain

    • Differentiates bacteria based on the structure of the cell wall

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Gram Stain - Differential

  • Gram Positive: Bacteria with a thick cell wall retain the primary stain crystal violet and appear purple.

  • Gram Negative: Bacteria with a thin cell wall lose crystal violet during destaining, take on the colour of counterstain safranin and appear pink.

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Endospore Stain - Differential

  • Stains internal structures of some bacteria

  • Primary stain colours endospores green

  • Counterstain colours the rest of cell red

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Flagella Stain - Differential

  • Stains external structures

  • Mordant (dye fixative) thickens flagella so they can be observed under light microscope

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Acid-Fast Stain - Differential

  • Detects presence of waxy compound in cell wall

  • Used to identify the genus Mycobacterium

  • Mycobacterium cell wall retains dye carbol fuschin

  • Counterstain with methylene blue stains non acid-fast bacteria and tissues blue

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Capsule Stain - Differential

  • Detects thick layer of polysaccharide outside the cell.

    • Negative stain colours background

    • Positive stain colours the cell

    • Does not take up most dyes and remains colourless.

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  • DNA not enclosed within a nucleus

  • Usually arranged as one circular chromosome

  • Lack membrane bound organelles

  • Single celled organisms: Bacteria, Archaea

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  • DNA found in nucleus, surrounded by nuclear membrane

  • DNA arranged as multiple chromosomes

  • Membrane bound organelles

  • Single celled or multicellular organisms

    • Algae, Protozoa, Fungi, Plants, Animals

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  • Coccus - Spherical

  • Bacillus - Rod

  • Vibrio - Curved

  • Spirillum - Spiral Shaped

  • Spirochete - Corkscrew Shaped

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Bacteria Cell Structure

knowt flashcard image
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External Structures - Bacteria Capsule

  • Sticky, gelatinous layer external to the cell

  • Composed of polysaccharides, protein, or both

  • If layer is organized and firmly attached to cell wall, capsule

    • In some bacteria capsules a play a role in virulence

    • Protection against phagocytosis

    • Streptococcus pneumoniae

      • With capsule: causes disease

      • Without capsule: no disease

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External Structures - Bacteria Slime Layer

  • Sticky, gelatinous layer external to the cell

  • Composed of polysaccharides, protein, or both

  • If layer is unorganized and loosely attached to the cell wall, slime layer

    • Often allow bacteria to attach to surfaces

    • Medical Implants, water pipes, teeth

      • Streptococcus mutans

        • Makes polysacccharide slime from sucrose

        • Attaches to teeth, leading to cavities

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Bacteria - Flagella

  • Long protein appendages

  • Used in motility

  • Semi rigid helical, turns like a propeller

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Flagella - Arrangement

Monotrichous: Single polar flagellum

Lophotrichous: Two or more flagella originating from one pole

Amphitrichous: Tufts of flagella originating from opposite poles

Peritrichous: Flagella distributed all over the cell

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Flagellar Motility

  • Flagella turn causing cell to move in one direction - “run

  • Periodically flagella reverse direction causing a random change in direction - “tumble

  • Flagella allow chemotaxis

    • Movement toward or away from a stimulant

    • Toward nutrients (attractant)

    • Away from toxins (repellent)

    • Flagella protein can be used to distinguish among strains of species

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Bacteria - Fimbriae

  • Short, hair like appendages

  • Hollow

    • Allow cell to adhere to surfaces

    • Contribute to pathogenicity

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Bacteria - Pili

  • Short, hair like appendages

  • Hollow

    • Allows attachment of two bacteria to each other

    • Involved in transfer of genetic material between bacteria

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Bacterial Conjugation

  1. Pilus Formation

    The donor cells (F+ cells) form a sex pilus and begin contact with an F- recipient cell.

  2. Physical Contact between Donor and Recipient Cell

    The pilus forms a conjugation tube and enables direct contact between the donor and the recipient cells.

  3. Transfer of F-Plasmid

    The F-factor opens at the origin of replication. One strand is cut at the origin of replication, and the 5’ end enters the recipient cell.

  4. Synthesis of Complementary Strand

    The donor and the recipient strand both contain a single strand of the F-plasmid. Thus, a complementary strand is synthesized in both the recipient and the donor. The recipient cell now contains a copy of F plasmid and becomes a donor cell.

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Bacterial Cell Wall

  • Semi Rigid structure giving shape to the cell

  • Major function is to prevent rupture of the cell - protects against environmental changes

  • Useful in identification of bacteria - ie. Gram Stain

  • Composed of peptidoglycan

  • Mesh-like structure composed of polysaccharide and amino acids

  • Polysaccharide portion composed of 2 alternating monosaccharide covalently joined

    • N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG)

    • N-acetyl muramic acid (NAM)

  • Peptide portion composed of short changing of amino acid

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  • Polysaccharide chains run parallel

  • Peptide chains link polysaccharides together

  • Forms a mesh-like net surrounding cell

  • Completely different from anything found in animal cells

  • Many antibiotics have been discovered that act against peptidoglycan

    • Penicillin: inhibits production of peptidoglycan

    • Lysozyme: Degrades and is found in tears, saliva, mucous

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Gram Positive Cell Wall

  • Made of thick layers of peptidoglycan outside of plasma membrane

    • Contains teichoic acids

      • Wall teichoic acids: Attached to peptidoglycan

      • Lipoteichoic acids: Attached to plasma membrane and extend through peptidoglycan

  • Have only one membrane - cytoplasmic membrane

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Gram Negative Cell Wall

  • Thin peptidoglycan layer sandwiched between two membranes

  • Outer membrane made of phospholipid, proteins, and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)

  • Polysaccharide portion of LPS is composed of O-sugars

    • Useful for distinguishing negative bacteria

  • Lipid portion of LPS is toxic

    • Referred to as endotoxin

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How Gram Stain Works - Positive Cells

  • Thick peptidoglycan traps crystal violet - stain purple

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How Gram Stain Works - Negative Cells

  • Thin peptidoglycan does not trap crystal violet, and outer membrane gets disrupted by alcohol

  • Crystal violet is washed away

  • Safranin counterstain stains cells pink

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Prokaryote - Cytoplasmic Membrane

  • Composed of phospholipid bilayer

  • Separates interior from outside environment

    • Serves as a semi-permeable barrier

    • Selectively allowed inflow and outflow of materials

  • Exists in a semi-fluid state

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Antimicrobial Agents

  • Alcohols disrupt the membrane

  • Can be used as disinfectant

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Bacterial Internal Components - Cytoplasm

  • Substance inside plasma membrane

    • 80% water

    • Contains most of the stuff needed for life

      • Sugars, amino acids, nucleotide, etc.

      • Enzymes

      • Some functional structures

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Bacterial Internal Components - Nucleoid

  • Contains bacterial chromosome (DNA)

    • All genetic information required for cell’s structures and functions

  • Not surrounded by nuclear membrane

  • May contain plasmids

    • Smaller double stranded DNA molecules

    • Contain non-essential genes - eg. Genes for antibiotic resistance

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Bacterial Internal Components - Ribosomes

  • Site of protein synthesis (translation)

  • Made of protein and ribosomal RNA (rRNA)

  • Two Parts:

    • 30s Subunit

    • 50s Subunit

      • Together form the complete 70s ribosome

  • Ribosomes of bacteria differ from eukaryotic ribosomes

    • Eukaryotes have 80s ribosomes

    • Several antibiotics target bacterial ribosomes

    • Prevent bacteria from making new proteins

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Bacterial Internal Components - Storage Granules (Inclusion Bodies)

  • Usually deposits or granules of nutrients, stored for late use

  • Examples:

    • Sulfur granules

    • Polysaccharide (Glycogen)

    • Lipid inclusions

    • Enzymes

    • Magnetite

  • Variety of inclusion bodies occur in different bacterial species - can serve as a basis for identification

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Bacterial Internal Component - Endospores

  • Formed only by some Gram-positive bacteria

  • Special resisting structure - allows bacteria to enter dormant state

  • Extremely durable

    • Resist heat, desiccation chemicals, radiation

    • Some endospores can survive in boiling water for hours

  • Remains dormant until good growth conditions occur

    • Can for new population

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  1. Cell replicates its DNA

  2. Septum forms, dividing cell into unequal compartments

  3. Larger compartment engulfs the smaller

  4. Peptidoglycan and other protective material forms around the foreshore - spore coat

  5. Finished spore is freed from the mother cell as the mother cell dies

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Eukaryotic Cell Structure

  • Includes microorganisms algae, fungi, protozoa and higher organisms, plants, animals.

    • Larger and more complex than prokaryotes

    • Genetic material housed in nucleus

    • Membrane bound organelles

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Eukaryotic - Cytoplasmic Membrane

  • Composed of phospholipid bilayer

  • Separates interior from outside environment

    • Serves as a semi-permeable barrier

    • Selectively allowed inflow and outflow of materials

  • Exists in a semi-fluid state

  • Contains phospholipids, proteins, and sterols

    • Sterols make membrane rigid compared to bacteria

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Eukaryotic - Cell Wall

  • Not all eukaryotes have one

    • Allows endocytosis

  • Simple structure compared to bacteria

  • Made of:

    • Cellulose

    • Chitin

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Eukaryotic - Cytoplasm

  • Substance inside plasma membrane but outside nuclear membrane

  • Has complex internal structure - Cytoskeleton

    • Protein filaments on the inside of plasma membrane

    • Provides support and shape

    • Transports substance through the cell

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Eukaryotic - Ribosomes

  • Larger and heavier than bacterial ribosomes

    • 80s

  • Several antibiotics target bacterial ribosomes

  • Prevent bacteria from making new proteins

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Eukaryotic - Membrane Bound Organelles

  • Structures with specialized functions

  • Not present in bacteria

  • Example:

    • Mitochondria: Site of energy production

    • Chloroplast: Site of photosynthesis in algae and plant cells

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Eukaryotic - External Appendages

Flagellum & Cillia

  • Long flexible projections that contain protein and cytoplasm

  • Move in whip-like fashion

  • Can be used for:

    • Motility

    • Sweeping material past stationary cells

  • Has 9 + 2 array (9 pairs of microtubules with 2 in enter of ring)

    • Microtubules: Long, hollow tubes made of protein called tubulin

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Bacterial Growth

  • Refers to increase in bacterial cell numbers

    • Not an increase in size of individual cells

  • Most bacteria reproduce by binary fission

  • Bacterial cell:

    • Elongates and makes copy of its DNA

    • Divides into two identical cells

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Exponential Growth

  • Binary fission → Population of cells double every generation

  • Time required for population to double = generation time

  • Varies greatly between different bacteria

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Bacteria Growth in Lab

  • Inoculation: Introducing microbes into a medium to start culture

  • Culture: Microbes Growing in a medium

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Batch Culture

  • Closed System

  • Once started, no other nutrients added

  • When nutrients are used up - bacteria stomp growing

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Continuous Culture

  • Open system

  • Nutrients are continuously added, wasted are continuously removed

    • Supports indefinite growth

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Growth Curve in Batch Culture - Lag Phase

  • Period of adaptation

    • Cells adjust to new media and prepare to grow

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Growth Curve in Batch Culture - Exponential Phase (Log Phase)

  • Period of maximal reproduction - cell numbers increase exponentially

    • Used to calculate generation time

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Growth Curve in Batch Culture - Stationary Phase

  • Cells have reached maximum population density

  • Nutrients have been used in, or wasted have accumulated

  • No increase in cell number

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Growth Curve in Batch Culture - Death Phase

  • Toxic waste products have accumulated

    • Cells die at uniform rate

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Growth Curve in Batch Culture - Phase of Prolonged Death Phase

  • Sometimes a small fraction of population survived the death phase

  • May consume nutrients release from dying cells

  • Selects for the strongest cells in population

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Environmental factors that influence bacterial growth

  • Temperature

  • Oxygen

  • pH

  • Osmotic Pressure

  • Nutritional Factors

  • Nutritional Diversity

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Temperature Requirements

  • Each microbe species has its own temperature range

    • Usually spans about 30°C

      • Maximum: Lowest temperature supporting growth

      • Optimum: Temperature supporting best growth

      • Maximum: Highest temperature supporting growth

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  • Cold loving

  • Grows between 5°C - 15°C

  • Killed at 20°C

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  • Very broad temperature range

  • Minimum: ~5°C

  • Maximum: ~30°C - 45°C

  • Optimum: 15°C - 30°C

  • The microbes that cause food to spoil in fridge

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  • Moderate temperature loving

  • Minimum: ~10°C

  • Maximum: ~45°C

  • Optimum: 25°C - 45°C

  • Most bacteria

  • Most pathogens have temperature optimum of 37°C

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  • Heat loving

  • Minimum: ~40°C

  • Maximum: ~80°C

  • Optimum: 65°C

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  • Minimum: ~75°C

  • Maximum: ~121°

  • Restricted to very few places on earth where water reaches these temperatures

    • E.g. Deep ocean vents

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Food Safety

  • Involves use of both hot and cold temperatures

  • Heat is used to kill mesophilic and psychrotrophic microbes

  • Cold temperature is used to slow growth

    • Only psychrotophs will grow in a refrigerator - and slowly

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Obligate Aerobes

  • Require O2 for respiration (energy generation)

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Facultative Anaerobes

  • Can use O2 for respiration but also grow in it its absence

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Obligate Anaerobes

  • Cannot use O2 and are killed by it

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  • Require O2 in low amounts, but killed in high concentrations

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Aerotolerant Anaerobes

  • Cannot use O2, but are not killed by it

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  • Measurement of acidity or alkalinity

    • pH < 7 = Acidic

    • pH > 7 = Alkaline

    • pH of 7 = Neutral

  • Most bacteria grow at or near neutral

  • Bacteria that grow at low pH are Acidophiles

  • Bacteria that grow at high pH are Alkaliphiles

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  • Movement of solvent molecules across a semi-permeable barrier

    • E.g. Movement of water through cytoplasmic membrane

  • H2O will move from area of high concentration to low

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Hypertonic Solution

  • High solute concentration

  • Ex. Salt or sugar

  • Water flows out of cell

  • Cell dries up - Plasmolysis

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Hypotonic Solution

  • Low solute concentration

  • Water flows into cell

  • Cell bursts - Osmotic Lysis

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Isotonic Solution

  • Condition where solute concentration on outside of cell is equal to that inside the cell

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Osmotic Pressure & Food Preservation

  • Some bacteria have adapted to life in high salt concentrations - requiring up to 30% NaCl

    • Extreme Halophiles

  • Blood has a salt concentration of about 0.9%

    • Does not inhibit the growth of most microorganisms

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Nutritional Factors Influencing Growth - Carbon

  • required for all organic molecules - backbone of living matter

  • Heterotrophs - Take carbon from organic matter

  • Autotrophs - Use inorganic carbon

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Nutritional Factors Influencing Growth - Nitrogen, Sulfur, & Phosphorus

  • Required in smaller amounts for synthesis of cellular material

  • E.g. Protein, nucleic acids, phospholipids, ATP

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Nutritional Factors Influencing Growth - Trace Elements

  • Required in very small amounts

  • E.g. Iron, zinc, molybdenum

  • Essential to functions of certain enzymes

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