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AP Chem Unit 2: Compound Structure and Properties🧪

2.1: Types of Chemical Bonds🔗

electronegativity: measure of an atom(or a group of atoms) to attract shared electrons

  • Fluorine is the most electronegative element

partial charges: created in a polar covalent bond when one atom is more electronegative than another

  • region with high electron density will have a partial negative charge while a region with low density will have a partial positive charge

  • higher electronegativity=partial negative

    lower electronegativity=partial positive







sharing of electrons




visual of electron sharing


A —:-B

A :B

bond dipole moment



positive &


electronegativity diff.


almost no difference,

electrons shared equally


slight difference,

electrons shared unequally


large difference, electrons transferred

Ionic bonds:

  • Ionic interactions occur between metal and nonmetal atoms when they lose or gain electrons to form ions

  • coulombic or electrostatic attraction🧲

  • Stronger when the charges are larger and the ions are smaller

  • Properties:

    • forms crystals🔮

    • high melting/boiling points

    • hard & brittle

    • conducts electricity when dissolved

    • good insulators as a solid

Metallic bonds:

  • Occurs between metal atoms🪙

  • Due to multiple metallic cations being attracted to a delocalized sea of valence electrons

  • IMF is stronger💪 when there are smaller metallic cations and more valence electrons

  • Properties:

    • shiny

    • malleable & ductile

    • conducts heat🔥 & electricity

    • metallic oxides are basic and ionic

    • lose electrons to form cations

Covalent bonds:

  • Electrons are shared between two or more atoms(typically nonmetals)

  • Properties:

    • non-lustrous, various colors

    • brittle, hard or soft

    • poor conductors

    • nonmetallic oxides are acidic and covalent

    • form anions by gaining electrons

  • Polar covalent bond🐻‍❄:

    • when atoms are shared unequally in a covalent bond

    Nonpolar covalent bond🚫🐻‍❄:

    • when atoms are shared equally in a covalent bond

2.2: Intramolecular Force & Potential Energy🔋

Covalent bonds:

  • Can be single, double, triple(or an average if there are resonance structures)

  • Occur at the lowest energy state

  • Happens when the attraction between the nuclei is greatest for the shared electrons and repulsions between electrons and nuclei is the least

  • If atoms are too close the nuclei will repel, if atoms are too far apart the attraction is not enough to hold them together

Bond enthalpy: the energy required to break a bond, or the energy released when a bond is formed

  • larger radii increases the bond length

    longer bond length decreases the bond energy

  • more electrons & shorter bond length = greater coulombic attraction

Lattice energy: the energy to separate ions in ionic compounds

  • larger charges = higher lattice energy

    bigger radii = smaller lattice energy

  • increasing the bond order = increasing the bond energy

2.3: Structure of Ionic Solids🪨

Ionic solids:

  • Consist of cations and anions

  • molecules are held together by coulombic forces

  • higher ion charges = stronger bonds

    larger atoms = weaker bonds

  • properties:

    • nonvolatile & high melting points

      • ionic bonds need to be broken to melt the solid, which separates oppositely charged particles

    • do not conduct electricity🚫

      • charged ions are fixed in place

      • when melted or dissolved, ions are free to move, which enables electrical conduction

    • many are soluble in polar solvents and insoluble in nonpolar

2.4: Structure of Metals & Alloys🪙


  • composed of cations that are embedded in delocalized sea of valence electrons

  • electrons do not stay with one atom, move throughout the entire substance

  • cations and electrons are attracted through coulombic attraction

  • # of valence electrons determines amount of electrons in the delocalized sea of electrons

  • increased charge & increased # of electrons = greater attractions

    decreased ionic radius = increased attractions

  • Alloys:

    • Mixtures of metals🪙

    • interstitial alloys: small atoms added to the metal

      that fit in between the metal atoms(often H,B,C,N)

    • substitutional alloys: atoms added to the metal have smaller radii so they replace atoms in the lattice

2.5: Lewis Diagrams📊

lewis structures:

  • Covalent bonds are formed between atoms sharing electrons

  • lewis structures are a simple way of representing covalent bonds

2.6: Formal Charge & Resonance

formal charge: method that helps determine what resonance structure is the most valid

  • sum of lone electrons & bonds connected to the atom - valence electrons

2.7: VSEPR Theory & Bond Hybridization💡

VSEPR theory: predicts the geometrics of molecules and polyatomic ions

  • the shape, or geometry, of a molecule is determined by lone pairs or bonds on the central atom of a molecule

  • electron-electron repulsions are minimized by positioning themselves as far apart as possible

  • lone pairs tend to repel more than bonds

Bond hybridization:

  • to explain molecular geometries, we assume that the atomic orbitals on an atom mix to form hybrid orbitals

  • the shape of a hybrid orbital is a mix of the shapes of the original atomic orbitals such as s(spherical) and p(dumbbell)

  • the total # of atomic orbitals on an atom remains constant, so the # of hybrid orbitals on an atom equals the # of atomic orbitals that are mixed

  • in CH4, the 2s and 3 2p orbitals of carbon mix to form 4 sp3 hybrid orbitals

Sigma and Pi bonds:

  • Sigma bonds(σ) are always the first bond between two atoms - a single bond

  • Pi bonds(π) are second and third bonds resulting from the overlap of p orbitals🥧

single bond

1 sigma bond

double bond

1 sigma, 1 pi bond

triple bond

1 sigma, 2 pi bonds


AP Chem Unit 2: Compound Structure and Properties🧪

2.1: Types of Chemical Bonds🔗

electronegativity: measure of an atom(or a group of atoms) to attract shared electrons

  • Fluorine is the most electronegative element

partial charges: created in a polar covalent bond when one atom is more electronegative than another

  • region with high electron density will have a partial negative charge while a region with low density will have a partial positive charge

  • higher electronegativity=partial negative

    lower electronegativity=partial positive







sharing of electrons




visual of electron sharing


A —:-B

A :B

bond dipole moment



positive &


electronegativity diff.


almost no difference,

electrons shared equally


slight difference,

electrons shared unequally


large difference, electrons transferred

Ionic bonds:

  • Ionic interactions occur between metal and nonmetal atoms when they lose or gain electrons to form ions

  • coulombic or electrostatic attraction🧲

  • Stronger when the charges are larger and the ions are smaller

  • Properties:

    • forms crystals🔮

    • high melting/boiling points

    • hard & brittle

    • conducts electricity when dissolved

    • good insulators as a solid

Metallic bonds:

  • Occurs between metal atoms🪙

  • Due to multiple metallic cations being attracted to a delocalized sea of valence electrons

  • IMF is stronger💪 when there are smaller metallic cations and more valence electrons

  • Properties:

    • shiny

    • malleable & ductile

    • conducts heat🔥 & electricity

    • metallic oxides are basic and ionic

    • lose electrons to form cations

Covalent bonds:

  • Electrons are shared between two or more atoms(typically nonmetals)

  • Properties:

    • non-lustrous, various colors

    • brittle, hard or soft

    • poor conductors

    • nonmetallic oxides are acidic and covalent

    • form anions by gaining electrons

  • Polar covalent bond🐻‍❄:

    • when atoms are shared unequally in a covalent bond

    Nonpolar covalent bond🚫🐻‍❄:

    • when atoms are shared equally in a covalent bond

2.2: Intramolecular Force & Potential Energy🔋

Covalent bonds:

  • Can be single, double, triple(or an average if there are resonance structures)

  • Occur at the lowest energy state

  • Happens when the attraction between the nuclei is greatest for the shared electrons and repulsions between electrons and nuclei is the least

  • If atoms are too close the nuclei will repel, if atoms are too far apart the attraction is not enough to hold them together

Bond enthalpy: the energy required to break a bond, or the energy released when a bond is formed

  • larger radii increases the bond length

    longer bond length decreases the bond energy

  • more electrons & shorter bond length = greater coulombic attraction

Lattice energy: the energy to separate ions in ionic compounds

  • larger charges = higher lattice energy

    bigger radii = smaller lattice energy

  • increasing the bond order = increasing the bond energy

2.3: Structure of Ionic Solids🪨

Ionic solids:

  • Consist of cations and anions

  • molecules are held together by coulombic forces

  • higher ion charges = stronger bonds

    larger atoms = weaker bonds

  • properties:

    • nonvolatile & high melting points

      • ionic bonds need to be broken to melt the solid, which separates oppositely charged particles

    • do not conduct electricity🚫

      • charged ions are fixed in place

      • when melted or dissolved, ions are free to move, which enables electrical conduction

    • many are soluble in polar solvents and insoluble in nonpolar

2.4: Structure of Metals & Alloys🪙


  • composed of cations that are embedded in delocalized sea of valence electrons

  • electrons do not stay with one atom, move throughout the entire substance

  • cations and electrons are attracted through coulombic attraction

  • # of valence electrons determines amount of electrons in the delocalized sea of electrons

  • increased charge & increased # of electrons = greater attractions

    decreased ionic radius = increased attractions

  • Alloys:

    • Mixtures of metals🪙

    • interstitial alloys: small atoms added to the metal

      that fit in between the metal atoms(often H,B,C,N)

    • substitutional alloys: atoms added to the metal have smaller radii so they replace atoms in the lattice

2.5: Lewis Diagrams📊

lewis structures:

  • Covalent bonds are formed between atoms sharing electrons

  • lewis structures are a simple way of representing covalent bonds

2.6: Formal Charge & Resonance

formal charge: method that helps determine what resonance structure is the most valid

  • sum of lone electrons & bonds connected to the atom - valence electrons

2.7: VSEPR Theory & Bond Hybridization💡

VSEPR theory: predicts the geometrics of molecules and polyatomic ions

  • the shape, or geometry, of a molecule is determined by lone pairs or bonds on the central atom of a molecule

  • electron-electron repulsions are minimized by positioning themselves as far apart as possible

  • lone pairs tend to repel more than bonds

Bond hybridization:

  • to explain molecular geometries, we assume that the atomic orbitals on an atom mix to form hybrid orbitals

  • the shape of a hybrid orbital is a mix of the shapes of the original atomic orbitals such as s(spherical) and p(dumbbell)

  • the total # of atomic orbitals on an atom remains constant, so the # of hybrid orbitals on an atom equals the # of atomic orbitals that are mixed

  • in CH4, the 2s and 3 2p orbitals of carbon mix to form 4 sp3 hybrid orbitals

Sigma and Pi bonds:

  • Sigma bonds(σ) are always the first bond between two atoms - a single bond

  • Pi bonds(π) are second and third bonds resulting from the overlap of p orbitals🥧

single bond

1 sigma bond

double bond

1 sigma, 1 pi bond

triple bond

1 sigma, 2 pi bonds