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what is secularisation
the idea that individuals, society’s and the world is becoming less religious
whats wilsons definition of secularization
Wilson (1966):
the process whereby religious thinking, practice and
institutions lose social significance’.
arguments for secularization
decline in religious thinking & belief
decline in religious practice
decline of power & influence of religious institutions
who talks about a decline in religious thinking
weber ( rationalisation)
lyotard and bauman (decline in metanarratives)
explain a decline in religious thinking
with industrialization, people would start to look towards science and rationality rather than religion and the supernatural
who talks about metanarratives
lytoard and bauman
what do lytoard and bauman talk about
postmodernists like Lyotard & Bauman argue that metanarratives like religion have lost their influence as people are more likely to control their own identities in a “pick and mix” world
people now have more choice to create ‘do-it-yourself’ identities and enter the ‘spiritual supermarket’ when it comes to their beliefs.
what are the statistics that show a decline in religious practice
declining attendance: in 2007 only 2% of the population attended religious practices on a sunday compared to 40% in 1851
decline in ceremonys: less than ½ all UK marriages involve church
who talks about decline of power for religion
herberg (secularisation from within)
what is herbergs argument
that religions are going against their traditions and regulations themselves and as such are showing weakness.
he points out
the ordination of women (women becoming presist)
the acceptance of homosexuality
as evidence of this.
arguments rejecting secularisation
religious thinking is not in decline
religious practice is not in decline
religious institutions are not in decline
why are religious beleifs not in decline
70% of people beilve in “souls” and “sins”
heelas: resecularisation
the world is going through a spiritual revolution, more people getting involved in new age “mind body and spirit”
whats heelas arguemtn
heelas: resecularisation
the world is going through a spiritual revolution, more people getting involved in new age “mind body and spirit”
who argues religious practice is not in decline
davie: believing without belonging
believing in god does not necessarily mean attending a religious institution or service, people can express their beliefs and worship at home in a ‘privatised’ manner
who argues religious institution are not in decline
warner: religious economy theory
sheer number of sects, cults and denominations out there, Warner argues that market competition actually makes these institutions stronger and more powerful.