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List the regulatory agencies
department of health and human services
national center for devices and radiological health
List the 2 most important government actions
1990 - safe medical devices act (SMDA)
1992 - mammography quality standards act (MQSA)
Who provides the standards in radiology?
American College of Radiologists (ACR) and American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
DICOM standardized transmission behavior of all devices with a ___
PACS system
___ sets standards for images
___ sets standards for transmission of written data
What is the goal of quality control?
calibrate and monitor technical equipment to maintain image quality and ensure radiation exposure as low as reasonable achievable
Quality control is based on the need to ___
stabilize various equipment components
What are the 2 ACR recommendations for digital QC?
must have documented policies and procedures for monitoring and evaluating equipment
QC program should be designed to maximize quality and accessibility of dx information
List the 3 components of QC
acceptance testing
performed at equipment installation
diagnosis of deviations from acceptable equipment tolerances
routine maintenance tolerances
diagnosis deviations from baseline and tracks errors
documentation of corrections made
if it isn’t documented, it didn’t happen
Explain acceptance testing as a component of quality control
at time of installation equipment is checked by service engineer and bio med, IS and PACS administrator, and a medical physicist
purpose is to confirm equipment is functioning according to specifications set by vendor
establishes baseline for equipment performance
manager signs off that equipment meets performance expectations
List some aspects of performance monitoring
evaluates performance of generator and tube
simple to complex equipment can be used
ACR requires medical physicist to perform tests
most testing is performed annually
What are some tools used to monitor equipment performance?
ion chamber dosimeter (gas filled chamber)
solid state dosimeter (newer, smaller, and accurate)
Explain the control booth and exposure switch specifications as mandated by the FDA
control booth
minimum of 7.5 sq ft
walls 7 ft high
1.5 mm lead equivalent
exposure switch
minimum of 30” from booth wall
X-rays must scatter ___ times before entrance to control booth
Explain the high voltage generator
converts low voltage to kilovolts
step-up transformer for kV
step down transformer for tube filament (current)
rectifiers convert incoming alternating voltage to pulsating direct current
Explain high frequency generators
single source of alternating current
require less space and power
produce more efficient energy
very little ripple (<1%)
What is used to assess timer accuracy on single phase equipment?
spinning top
What is used to assess timer accuracy on 3 phase equipment?
motorized synchronous top
Time accuracy with equipment operating at MORE THAN 10 ms = ___
Time accuracy with equipment operating at LESS THAN 10 ms = ___
more: ±5%
less: ±20%
Back-up timer should terminate the exposure at ___
6 seconds or 600 mAs
Explain the spinning top test
circular steel/lead disc with small hole is mounted on a base that allows it to move freely
test can indicate a problem with rectifier or timer
In the spinning top test, if half of the dots are there, this is a ___ issue
In the spinning top test, if a number other than half of the dots are there, this is a ___ issue
Single phase rectifier equipment has ___ on the spinning top test
3 phase rectifier equipment has ___ on the spinning top test
single: dots
3: arc
In a 1 second exposure, the spinning top test should produce an image with ___ dots
In a 1 second exposure, the spinning top test should produce an image with ___ arc
a 360o
Line focus principle
when the target angle is less than 45 degrees, the projected focal spot is smaller than the actual focal spot
What is blooming?
FS size increases as tube ages (and with high mA)
causes electron cloud to swell
unwanted change in actual focal spot size during change in exposure
Explain the pinhole camera focal spot test tool
CR is aligned through metal sheet with 0.03 & 0.075 mm holes (difficult to align)
exposure is made
image of focal spot displayed
actual size of effective focal spot is measured using micrometer
long exposure is hard on tube
causes blooming (more blooming with higher tube current)
Explain the slit camera focal spot test tool
preferred method
metal template with series of finely cut slits in groups of 3
make exposure to determine smallest set of lines resolved
Explain the star focal spot test tool
measure resolution
estimated FSS
List the NEMA specifications for FS variations
FS smaller than 0.8 may be 50% larger
FS between 0.8mm and 1.5mm may be 40% larger
FS larger than 1.5 may be 30% larger
a 0.5mm FS may actually be 0.75mm and still be within the allowable tolerance
As FSS goes up, the tolerance ___
goes down
kV and mA accuracy refers to ___
stability of relationship between kV or mA and the resulting exposure intensity
kV setting must be within ___ of kV output
Measure tube potential using:
Wisconsin test cassette
Arden & Cook’s cassette
digital kVp meter
more accurate and easier to use
Explain mA linearity
sequential increases in mA should produce the same increase in the exposure rate
exposures must not vary more than ±10%
Explain mA reproducibility
output intensity must be consistent form one exposure to the next
same technique should have same exposure rate (must be within ±5%)
Explain the law of reciprocity
any combination of mA and time that equals the same mAs should produce the same exposure intensity
Fluctuations in mA readings = ___
“gassy” tube
Explain HVL
expresses beam quality
test used to determine if equipment has adequate filtration
filtration of primary beam
filter absorbs low energy waves
improves image quality/reduces patient dose
increases average energy of beam
expressed in terms of Al/Eq
beam quality/penetrability
measured with computerized dosimeter
provides readout of HVL
NCRP requires equipment operating
Explain the effect of collimation on the beam
limit size of x-ray field
improve image quality
less scatter
improved contrast
reduce patient dose
Explain collimation congruency
measures how well collimator regulates field size
NCRP requires it must be accurate to within ± 2% of SID
8 penny test
tested annually
Explain central ray accuracy
beam alignment tool (cylinder with metal washer)
must be within ± 1% of SID
0.4'“ at 40” SID
0.72” at 72” SID
tested annually
Explain distance accuracy
measuring devices and detents must be accurate
accuracy is checked with tape measure
tube angles should be accurate to within 2o
Explain distortion checking
checked with wire mesh test
mesh is placed on cassette
dark area indicate poor contrast
pincushion: warped image appearance from curved surface of input screen to flat surface of output screen
What is the max exposure rate for fluoroscopic systems?
exposure rate must not exceed 10 R/min at tabletop
entrance dose not to exceed 5 R/min
What are some safety specifications on fluoro machines?
primary barrier of 2 mm Pb/eq for housing
bucky slot cover .25 mm Pb/eq
fluoro curtain .25 mm Pb/eq
cumulative fluoro timer (5 min alerts)
minimum source to table distance:
15” for stationary
12” for mobile
What is field uniformity?
image is visually checked for defects
What is ghosting?
inadequate CR erasure
loss of lamp intensity or short erasure time
residual charge is trapped in DEL of digital IR
off-focus/STEM radiation
What are some examples of CR quality control tests?
dark noise
spatial accuracy
erasure thoroughness
What is the weakest link in the digital imaging chain?
the monitor
Explain primary vs secondary display monitors