3.1.2: Theories of corporate strategy

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business strategy

  • planning to achieve corporate objectives

  • using analytical tools to understand the current position of business

  • evaluating where the business wants to be

  • SWOT

  • five forces analysis

  • corporate strategy dervices to achieve long-term aims

  • use: advantage in competitive market, helps fulfill stakeholder expectations

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development of corporate strategy

  • key members of management looking critically at what the business has done before

  • look at what needs to be done in order to achieve corporate objectives

  • tools: ansoff’s matrix, porter’s strategix matrix, portfolio analysis

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ansoff’s matrix

  • igor ansoff

  • strategic tool to help a business achieve growth

  • allows the owners of a business to consider a number of factors that wil determine its corporate strategy:

    • level of investment in existing and new products

    • exploitation of different markets

    • growth strategy for the business

    • level of risk business is willing to accept

  • 4 possible strategies that a business might adopt

  • the further a business gets from the top left-hand corner of the matrix, the greater the risk

<ul><li><p>igor ansoff </p></li><li><p>strategic tool to help a business achieve growth</p></li><li><p>allows the owners of a business to consider a number of factors that wil determine its corporate strategy:</p><ul><li><p>level of investment in existing and new products</p></li><li><p>exploitation of different markets</p></li><li><p>growth strategy for the business</p></li><li><p>level of risk business is willing to accept </p></li></ul></li><li><p>4 possible strategies that a business might adopt </p></li><li><p>the further a business gets from the top left-hand corner of the matrix, the greater the risk</p></li></ul>
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ansoff’s matrix - market penetration

  • used to achieve growth in existing

  • ways a business can achieve this:

    • increase brand loyalty to reduce use of substitute brands

      • adopting loyalty schemes

    • encourage regular use

    • encourage increased use

      • larger sizes

  • low risk, low level of investment

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ansoff’s matrix - product development

  • marketing new or modified products in existing markets

  • used when PLC is short or in quick changing trends

  • associated with product innovation and continuous development

  • requires high investment and R&D

  • high risk

  • requires heavy investment in promotion

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ansoff’s matrix - market development

  • marketing of existing products in new markets

  • entering geographically new markets

  • adjusting tastes and preferences based on regions

  • changing the name or labelling the product differently to meet international laws

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ansoff’s matrix - diversification

  • occurs when new products are developed for new markets

  • enables a business to move away from depending upon existing markets and products

  • allows the company to spread risk and increase safety

  • takes a business outside its area of expertise

  • hoghest risk

  • performance in new markets may be poor compared with more experienced operators

  • useful for large MNCs and conglomerates with extensive networking, strong branding and considerable capital

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porter’s strategic matrix

  • developed by michael porter

  • identifies sources of competitive advantage that a business might achieve in a market

  • any business that fails to adopt one of these strategies is unlikely to succeed

<ul><li><p>developed by michael porter </p></li><li><p>identifies sources of competitive advantage that a business might achieve in a market </p></li><li><p>any business that fails to adopt one of these strategies is unlikely to succeed</p></li></ul>
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porter’s strategic matrix - cost leadership

  • striving to be the lowest-cost provider in the market

  • competes in 2 ways:

    1. increasing profits while charging market level prices

    2. increasing market share while charging lower prices - still profitable

  • generally held by one business in the market with the significant market share to achieve lowest costs

  • focus on reducing costs through negotiation and simplifying operations

  • cost leaders offer a basic product to minimise cost and limit adding value

  • minimal service and number of available versions

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porter’s strategic matrix - differentiation

  • business operating in a mass market with a unique position

  • used by business that can differentiate itself from the competition

  • adding value to products in a unique way

  • business can charge premium price for USP

  • difficult to guarantee that rewards of differentiation will justify additional costs

    • good R&D

    • effective marketing

  • easier to copy

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porter’s strategic matrix - focus

  • targeting a narrow range of customers in 1 of 2 ways

  • closely aligned to niche marketing

  • used by small or specialist firms

  • focuses on a very narrow segment of the market

  • gains an advantage by understanding customers well

  • delivers products specific to needs

  • high level of customer satisfaction and loyalty

  • less competition, high profit margins

  • small market = low bargaining power

  • 2 forms:

    1. cost focus: cost minimisation within a niche market, focused range of products at low prices

    2. differentiation focus: following different strategies within a focused market

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portfolio analysis - aim

  • method of categorising products of a firm in order to decide where each fits in the strategic plan

  • products evaluated according to their competitive position and potential growth rates

  • 2 step process:

    1. give a full and detailed overview of all of the products in the current business portfolio

    2. look at the performance of each product and service by examining:

      • current and projected sales

      • current and projected costs

      • competitor activity and future competition

      • risks that may affect performance

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boston matrix

  • stars:

    • high growth

    • strong compared to competitors

    • require investment

    • ideally should become cash cows

  • cash cows:

    • low growth

    • high market share

    • generate more cash than consumed

    • generate ROI and fund investment

  • question marks:

    • low market share in high growth markets

    • consume cash, little return

    • potential to turn into stars

    • potential for growth

  • dogs:

    • low market share in low growth markets

    • may break even

    • take time and effort with little prospect of future growth

    • sold//divested

<ul><li><p>stars: </p><ul><li><p>high growth</p></li><li><p>strong compared to competitors</p></li><li><p>require investment</p></li><li><p>ideally should become cash cows</p></li></ul></li><li><p>cash cows:</p><ul><li><p>low growth</p></li><li><p>high market share</p></li><li><p>generate more cash than consumed </p></li><li><p>generate ROI and fund investment</p></li></ul></li><li><p>question marks:</p><ul><li><p>low market share in high growth markets</p></li><li><p>consume cash, little return </p></li><li><p>potential to turn into stars</p></li><li><p>potential for growth</p></li></ul></li><li><p>dogs:</p><ul><li><p>low market share in low growth markets </p></li><li><p>may break even </p></li><li><p>take time and effort with little prospect of future growth </p></li><li><p>sold//divested </p></li></ul></li></ul>
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effect of strategic and tactical decisions

  • strategies set out long term direction that a business takes to achieve objectives

  • tactics are short term responses to current opportunities and threats

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effect of strategic and tactical decisions - human resources

  • strategic decisions = long lasting effect

    • increased workforce size

    • recruiting different types of labour

    • moving existing workers to a new location

    • indefinite impact

  • tactical decisions = short period, affects only a small proportion

    • seasonal working hours

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effect of strategic and tactical decisions - physical resources

  • physical resources: land, machines, tools, equipment, vehicles, shops, computers, factories and raw materials

  • strategic decision: dramatic changes

  • tactical decisions: smaller changes

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effect of strategic and tactical decisions - financial resources

  • strategic decisions: significant long-term impact

    • raise millions by selling shares and therefore have to meet dividend payments

  • tactical decision: short-terrm effect

    • deliberate overdraw due to payment delay

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