PREY on you/on your mind
fall PREY to
fall PREY to
wind something up
thin on the ground
to exist only in small numbers or amounts
prompt in doing something
you do something that you are spposed to do without delay
to have something all of its own
it as a quality that is unique to it
to weight up something
you consider it carefully by looking at different aspects of it
let something show
you reveal it
set something against something else
you judge them by comparing
position yourself somewhere
youmove to a particular place
nothing short of + adjective/noun
absolutly equal to being that thing and not less than it
to do everything in your power to do something
to be justified in doing something
it is reasonable for you to do it and there are good reasons which mean that you are right to do it
so as to do something
in order to do something
have to contend with something
you have to face it or deal with it and it is a difficult thing to overcome or solve
all of a sudden
suddenly - quickly and unexpectedly
coming to grips
to deal with (something) usually skillfully or efficiently
caught sight of
to see something only for a moment
no sooner (ex: had they seen)
used to show that one thing happens immediately after another thing
Put (someone) at ease
to make (someone) feel calm and relaxed.
to make a lasting impression
to make an impact or have a lasting effect on someone or something
without fail
do sth no matter what
up in the air
existing, but not talked about
up and coming
likely to be successful
under the weather
stay clear of
avoid something or someone
shed light upon
give new/further information
rack sb’s brains
think very hard about sth
a wild-goose chase
a hopless search
all in all
when everything is considered
be as thick as a brick
be stupid
be in the dark about sth
be unaware of sth
be second to none
be the best
be thrown off balance
be surprised
be up in arms
be very angry
beg the question
makes people want to ask a particular question
blessing in disguise
sth which appears bad at first but then turns out favourably
break even
show neither loss nor profit
by trial and error
learning from one’s mistakes
come out of one’s shell
gain personal confidence |
cry over spilt milk
grieve over sth that can’t be put right
for all
in spite of
go without saying
be a foregone conclusion
grow out of sth
become to big for sth
keep in check
keep sth quiet
keep sth secret
kick the bucket
kill time
pass time while waiting for sb/sth
kill two birds with one stone
achieve two things with one action
know the ropes
know all the details of sth
lay bare
make public
make a living
earn money
make a killing
have a sudden grat succes
make amends for
try to compensate for a past acion
make a name for oneself
become famous/respected for sth
make hay while the sun shines
take advantage of favourable circumstances
off the point
off the record
on edge
once in a blue moon
very rarely
open to debate
not decided/settled
out of the blue
suddenly and unexpectedly
out of the question
pull a few strings
use influential contacts in order to obtain an advantage
put down roots
settle down
put one’s foot down
insist on sth
put words into one’s mouth
pretend that sb has said sth that they haven’t actually said