Reagan was a neoconservative in opposition of a big government that supported “common man’s” rights, free-market capitalism, and anti-Soviet policies
Reagan opposed favoritism for minorities, liberal welfare programs, and affirmative-action policies
Reagan called for the reassertion of individualistic traditional values and the centrality of family
Reagan won the election of 1980
Iranian’s released hostages on Reagan’s Inauguration Day (January 20, 1981)
Reagan formed a consesrvative cabinet
One of Reagan’s goals was to reduce the government’s size through shrinking the federal budget and cutting taxes
Reagan proposed budget that called for cuts of $35 billion in the social programs such as food stamps and federally-funded job-training centers
Reagan was shot on March 6, 1981 with him recovering and returning back to work 12 days later
Reagan called for substantial tax cuts
Congress approved a set of tax reforms that lowered the individual ta rates such as federal estate taxes
and created new tax-free saving plans for small investors
Reagan supported “supply-side” economics and believed that they would stimulate new investment, boost productivity, promote dramatic economic growth, and reduce the federal deficit
Economy slipped into a recession from 1981-1982 as unemployment rose and banks closed
Income gaps widened between rich and poor during 1980s
Economy had recovered by mid-1980s
Economists speculated economy recovered due to Reagan’s large military expenditures
Reagan’s strategy for dealing with Soviet Union was to initiate a new arms race and outspend the Soviets
Reagan expected that American economy could better support an expensive arms race compared to Soviet Union’s economy
Reagan announced missile-defense system called the Strategic Defense Initiative (called Star Wars) and called for orbiting battle satellites in space that could for fire laser beams to shoot down intercontinental missiles
USSR declared martial law in Poland in 1981
Cold War was intensified by end of 1983 with all arms-control negotiations being broken
Israel invaded Lebanon in June of 1982 with it seeking to destroy the guerilla bases from where the Palestinian fighters were attacking Israel
Reagan sent “military advisors” to El Salvador in 1979 to support the pro-American government
Reagan sent forces to island of Grenada in October 1983 where a military coup brought Marxists to power
Reagan won election of 1984 and foreign policy issues took up the majority of his second term
Gorbachev became the leader of the Soviet Union in 1985
Was committed to reforming country with Glasnost and Perestroika policies with both requiring Soviet Union to reduce the size of its military and concentrate aid on its citizens which necessitated an end to the Cold War and thus, in December of 1985, Reagan and Gorbachv signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which banned all intermediate-range nuclear missiles from Europe
Reagan had to deal with Ameriacn hostages being held by Muslim extremists in Lebanon and Nicaragua being run by a left-wing Sandinista government
Reagan administration secretly sold arms to Iran to circumvent Congress’s ban on sending arms to Nicaraguan rebels
News of the secret deal broke out in November of 1986 and led to controversy which cast a shadow over Reagan’s record in foreign policy
Reagan’s tax cuts and huge increases in military spending led to there being $200 billion in annual deficits
During Reagan’s administration, $2 trillion was added to the national debt with these large budget deficits helped in making future social welfare programs seem economically unattainable
The median household income declined in the early 1990s
A political organization called the Moral Majority was founded in 1979 by Reverend Falwell
Falwell preached against sexual permissiveness, abortion, feminism, and the sperad of gay rights
Organization became an aggressive political advocate of causes that were predominantly conservative
Reagan appointed 3 conservative-minded judges and also appointed the first woman Supreme court Justice
Reagan sought to use Supreme court to fight affirmative action and abortion
Affirmative action consisted of of the court making it more difficult to prove that an employer practiced racial discrimination in hiring through two cases in 1989
In Roe v. Wade the court prohibited states from making laws that interfered with a woman’s right to an abortion in the early months of pregnancy
Democrats gained political opportunities due to corruption in the government
Stock market dropped 508 points on “Black Monday” with it being one of the largest one-day decline in history
Republicans nominated George H. W. Bush in the election of 1988
Democrats nominated Michael Dukakis
Bush won the election
Thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators protested in Tiananmen Square in China in 1989 with the movement being crushed in June of 1989
Several communist regimes in Europe collapsed in 1989 including those in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Romania
Berlin Wall came down in December of 1989 with the two Germanies being reunited in October of 1990
The Soviet Union fell apart with it dissolving into 15 republics, loosely confederated in the commonwealth of Independent States
Demise of Soviet Union ended the Cold War and ethnic warfare broke out throughout the former Soviet Union
America’s economy suffered as a result of the reduced defense spending following the Cold War
Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait, seeking Oil on August 2, 1990
United Nations Security council condemned the invasion and demanded the immediate withdrawal of Iraq’s troops
U.S. led a large international military deployment after Hussein refused, with 539,000 troops being sent to the Persian Gulf region
U.S. and U.N. launched a 37-day air war against Iraq with it being followed by “Operation Desert Storm” (land war)
Hussein was forced to sign a cease-fire on February 27
Bush decided not to invade Baghdad as the allies had only agreed to liberate Kuwait, with this allowing Saddaam to stay in power
Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act in 1990 which prohibited discrimination against citizens with physical or mental disabiltiies
Bush signed a major water projects bill in 1992, with it reforming the distribution of subsidized federal water in the west
Bush’s Department of Education challenged the legality of college scholarships targeted for racial minorities in 1990
By 1992 the rate of unemployment exceeded 7% with the federal budget deficit continuing to grow and thus, Bush was forced to increase taxes, in order to generate revenue for the federal government
Democrats nominated Bill Clinton in election of 1992 with the democrats promoting growth, strong defense, and anti-crime policies while campaigning to stimulate the economy
Republicans chose Bush as their nominee and focused on “family values”
Clinton won the election
Democrats gained control of both the House and the Senate and hired minorities and more women in Congress and his presidential cabinet
Clinton called for accepting homosexuals in armed forces and had to settle for a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy which unoffically accepted gays and lesbians
Hillary Clinton was given the job of revamping the U.S.’s health adn medical care system
Clinton’s policies led to a surplus and the budget with him shrinking the federal deficit to its lowest level in 10 years by 1998
A radical Muslim group bombed the World Trade Center in New York, on February 26, 1993, killing 6 people
Newt Gingrich led Republicans on an attack of Clinton’s liberal failures in 1994
A conservative Congress passed the Welfare Reform Bill which made cuts to the welfare programs
Congress couldn’t agree on a budget, leading to the government shutting down in 1995
Clinton won the election of 1996
Clinton was more of political moderate in his 2nd term
Economy was booming in the late 1990s because of the Federal Reserve Board’s low interest rates and the growth of the Internet
North American Free Trade Agreement was passed in 1993 with it creating a free-trade zone between Mexico, Canada, and the United States while eliminating tariffs between the countries
World Trade Organization was created in 1994 with it promoting trade between participating countries
In his second term, Clinton fought for domestic issues that consisted of the fight against tobacco companies and the fight for gun control
Clinton struggled to develop American foreign policy that didn’t focus around combating communism
Initially, Clinton criticized China for its human rights abuse but eventually ended up supporting China, upon realizing how important trade with it was for America
Clinton committed American troops to NATO to keep peace in former Yugoslavia
Clinton led the reconciliation meeting between Israel’s Rabin and Palestinian Arafat at the White House
Hopes for peace in the Middle East ended with Rabin’s assassination
It was found that Clinton had an affair with a White House Intern, Monica Lewinsky in 1998
Clinton lied about the affair under oath leading to the House of Republicans passing two articles of impeachment against Clinton: perjury before a grand jury and obstruction of justice
Senate voted to remove Clinton from office in 1999
Republicans failed to obtain the ⅔ majority needed
American economy prospered under Clinton, largely due to the global economic expansion
Clinton negotiated a deal to receive immunity from possible legal action over the Lewinsky scandal, just before leaving office
Democrats nominated Albert Gore for president while the Republicans nominated George W. Bush
Bush won the nomination largely due to his father, George H. W. Bush
Bush supported returning the federal budget surplus back to the people in the form of tax cuts and giving money to private institutions that helped the poverty stricken
Gore supported smaller tax cuts and overall strengthening of Social Security
It was a close election with Florida’s electoral votes deciding the victor with it being uncertain who won Florida’s ballots for 5 weeks as some were defective or unreadable
Supreme Court eventually ruled that Bush won the presidency with Bush having won more electoral votes despite having lost the popular vote
Bush wanted to be considered a “compassionate conservative” with him supporting tax cuts and a constitutional amendment for banning gay marriage
Republicans are nominated Bush in the election of 2004 while the Democrats nominated John F. Kerry
Bush won the election of 2004