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Copy of Grace Hichez Rosario - Unit 2 Test Review_Hist 140 on 2023-02-15 09:37:41

Name: Grace Hichez Date: 02/14/2023 Period: 4

Unit 2 Test Review

Chapter 20

  1. What issues formed the basis of farmers’ dissatisfaction in the late nineteenth century?

Banking, railroading, and speculation.

  1. What did the platform of the People’s party in the 1890s present?

They requested a rise in circulating currency (to be achieved through unlimited coinage of silver), a graduated tax rate, government ownership of railroads, a tariff based solely on income, direct election of U.S. senators, and other indicators to enhance democracy and provide farmers with financial equality with industry and commerce.

3. What sparked the Homestead lockout and the ensuing strike in 1892?

The Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers tried to renew its contract.

  1. Compared to the Homestead lockout, labor’s success at Cripple Creek demonstrated what?

the importance of state support in the outcome of labor disputes

  1. What was one of the root causes of the major strike at the Pullman plant in 1893?

Pullman Palace Car Company employees already faced low wages and high rents in the company town of Pullman, Illinois. During an economic downturn in 1893, their wages were further reduced and working hours were extended. Jobs were also eliminated.

  1. Why did the American temperance movement attract women in the late nineteenth century?

American women were expected to maintain a happy home and raise responsible children. When their husbands drank, wives did not always have enough money to pay for their families' food and clothing. Many women believed that temperance would solve the problem, so they backed the movement.

  1. In 1894, Jacob S. Coxey led thousands of unemployed people to Washington to propose a plan to

Put the unemployed back to work.

8. Which candidate made an eloquent plea for free silver --“Do not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold” -- in 1896?

William Jennings Bryan

9. Why did some Americans call for U.S. expansion in the 1890s?

They wanted to acquire new markets.

10. What position did President Cleveland take in the 1895 border dispute between Venezuela and British Guiana that tested the Monroe Doctrine?

America had the right to step in and mediate.

11. What did the United States hope to secure through the Spanish-American War? They wanted to help secure independence for cuba.

12. What provoked America’s entrance into the Spanish-American War in 1898?

On April 25, 1898 the United States declared war on Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898.

13. The 1898 Treaty of Paris that ended the war with Spain ceded which islands to the United States?

The islands of the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam.

14. For what reason was it difficult for the United States to win control of the Philippines after 1898?

Filipino revolutionaries fought against the United States for seven years.

Chapter 21

15. Which group or groups took part in the February 1892 St. Louis gathering, which evolved into the People’s party?

The People's Party was founded to represent the common people, particularly farmers, against the powerful corporations of railroads, bankers, processors, corporations, and politicians in alliance with such interests.

16. What did Jane Addams quickly learn was necessary to alleviate social problems in Chicago?

Involvement in political action.

17. What did the social gospel movement of the late nineteenth-century advocate?

(change of society, not just individuals)

18. Why did progressives launch the social purity movement?

To attack prostitution and other vices

19. Lawyers used a mass of sociological evidence in the 1908 Muller v. Oregon case to demonstrate…

The ill effects of working long hours on the health and safety of women and children.

20. What idea formed the core of reform Darwinist theory in Progressive-era America?

The state should play a more active role in solving social problems

21. What was one of Cleveland mayor Thomas Lofton Johnson’s primary goals? Reduce Cleveland's streetcar systems fare from five cents to three cents to promote working-class ridership.

22. In his capacity as a reform governor of California from 1911 to 1917, what did Hiram Johnson do?

Supported conservation, the initiative, and the direct primary

23. According to Theodore Roosevelt, the absolutely vital question facing the nation when he became president in 1901 was?

The government had power to control the trusts

24. How did President Roosevelt influence land conservation during his administration?

He more than quadrupled the average of government reserves

25. Why was President Roosevelt awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906?

The Russo-Japanese War

26. What was the purpose of Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom speech?

It incorporated his belief in limited government, state rights and open markets

27. Why did President Wilson champion the Keating-Owen child labor laws, an eight-hour workday for railroad workers and other social reforms in 1916?

He wanted to win support and votes in the West and Midwest

28. The efforts of Alice Paul were instrumental in which movement?

women's suffrage

29. What was the fundamental difference between the philosophies of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Du Bois during the progressive period?

Washington focused on education and economic progress while Du Bois emphasized civil rights and black leadership.

30. Which president allegedly got stuck in the White House bathtub?

President William H. Taft

Copy of Grace Hichez Rosario - Unit 2 Test Review_Hist 140 on 2023-02-15 09:37:41

Name: Grace Hichez Date: 02/14/2023 Period: 4

Unit 2 Test Review

Chapter 20

  1. What issues formed the basis of farmers’ dissatisfaction in the late nineteenth century?

Banking, railroading, and speculation.

  1. What did the platform of the People’s party in the 1890s present?

They requested a rise in circulating currency (to be achieved through unlimited coinage of silver), a graduated tax rate, government ownership of railroads, a tariff based solely on income, direct election of U.S. senators, and other indicators to enhance democracy and provide farmers with financial equality with industry and commerce.

3. What sparked the Homestead lockout and the ensuing strike in 1892?

The Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers tried to renew its contract.

  1. Compared to the Homestead lockout, labor’s success at Cripple Creek demonstrated what?

the importance of state support in the outcome of labor disputes

  1. What was one of the root causes of the major strike at the Pullman plant in 1893?

Pullman Palace Car Company employees already faced low wages and high rents in the company town of Pullman, Illinois. During an economic downturn in 1893, their wages were further reduced and working hours were extended. Jobs were also eliminated.

  1. Why did the American temperance movement attract women in the late nineteenth century?

American women were expected to maintain a happy home and raise responsible children. When their husbands drank, wives did not always have enough money to pay for their families' food and clothing. Many women believed that temperance would solve the problem, so they backed the movement.

  1. In 1894, Jacob S. Coxey led thousands of unemployed people to Washington to propose a plan to

Put the unemployed back to work.

8. Which candidate made an eloquent plea for free silver --“Do not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold” -- in 1896?

William Jennings Bryan

9. Why did some Americans call for U.S. expansion in the 1890s?

They wanted to acquire new markets.

10. What position did President Cleveland take in the 1895 border dispute between Venezuela and British Guiana that tested the Monroe Doctrine?

America had the right to step in and mediate.

11. What did the United States hope to secure through the Spanish-American War? They wanted to help secure independence for cuba.

12. What provoked America’s entrance into the Spanish-American War in 1898?

On April 25, 1898 the United States declared war on Spain following the sinking of the Battleship Maine in Havana harbor on February 15, 1898.

13. The 1898 Treaty of Paris that ended the war with Spain ceded which islands to the United States?

The islands of the Philippines, Puerto Rico and Guam.

14. For what reason was it difficult for the United States to win control of the Philippines after 1898?

Filipino revolutionaries fought against the United States for seven years.

Chapter 21

15. Which group or groups took part in the February 1892 St. Louis gathering, which evolved into the People’s party?

The People's Party was founded to represent the common people, particularly farmers, against the powerful corporations of railroads, bankers, processors, corporations, and politicians in alliance with such interests.

16. What did Jane Addams quickly learn was necessary to alleviate social problems in Chicago?

Involvement in political action.

17. What did the social gospel movement of the late nineteenth-century advocate?

(change of society, not just individuals)

18. Why did progressives launch the social purity movement?

To attack prostitution and other vices

19. Lawyers used a mass of sociological evidence in the 1908 Muller v. Oregon case to demonstrate…

The ill effects of working long hours on the health and safety of women and children.

20. What idea formed the core of reform Darwinist theory in Progressive-era America?

The state should play a more active role in solving social problems

21. What was one of Cleveland mayor Thomas Lofton Johnson’s primary goals? Reduce Cleveland's streetcar systems fare from five cents to three cents to promote working-class ridership.

22. In his capacity as a reform governor of California from 1911 to 1917, what did Hiram Johnson do?

Supported conservation, the initiative, and the direct primary

23. According to Theodore Roosevelt, the absolutely vital question facing the nation when he became president in 1901 was?

The government had power to control the trusts

24. How did President Roosevelt influence land conservation during his administration?

He more than quadrupled the average of government reserves

25. Why was President Roosevelt awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1906?

The Russo-Japanese War

26. What was the purpose of Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom speech?

It incorporated his belief in limited government, state rights and open markets

27. Why did President Wilson champion the Keating-Owen child labor laws, an eight-hour workday for railroad workers and other social reforms in 1916?

He wanted to win support and votes in the West and Midwest

28. The efforts of Alice Paul were instrumental in which movement?

women's suffrage

29. What was the fundamental difference between the philosophies of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B Du Bois during the progressive period?

Washington focused on education and economic progress while Du Bois emphasized civil rights and black leadership.

30. Which president allegedly got stuck in the White House bathtub?

President William H. Taft