Anak Krakatau, Indonesia - December 2018

Background Information

  • Population approx 238 million (2018)

  • Capital city Jakarta (not affected by the earthquake)

  • Archipelago of volcanic islands located in the Pacific Ocean in east Asia

  • One of the MINT countries with a rapidly expanding economy (and population)

  • High degree of vulnerability despite awareness of tectonic risk

  • Emotional attachment to their country - belief that volcanoes and earthquakes are retribution for behaviour of people

  • 23rd December 2018 - 21:00 (tsunami) - eruption continued for approx 1 week


  • Located on Pacific Ring of Fire

  • Constant risk of natural disasters - tsunamic, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes

  • Volcano lies in the Sunda Strait - site of Kratatoa (erupted in 1883 - most destructive volcano ever - power of 4 nuclear bombs - causing volcanic winter)

  • Between Java and Sumatra - linking Indian Ocean and the Java Sea on subduction plate boundary

  • Tsunami - triggered by eruption of Anak Krakatoa (child of Krakatoa, formed 44 years after original eruption) - set off undersea landslide - 64 cubic hectare side (flank) of volcano collapsed into sea


  • Large tsunami swept into coastal towns on Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java

  • Approx 429 people died - many deaths at a rock concert held on Tanjung Lesung beach

  • 150 still missing

  • Approx 1,400 injured

  • Approx 556 houses, 9 hotels, 60 food stalls, and 350 boats known to have been damaged

  • 16,000 people displaced

  • Thousands of people living in temporary shelters - e.g., mosques or schools - dozens sleeping on floor

  • Volcanic cone (340m high) - now only 110m tall

  • 150-170 million cubic meters of material gone - 40-70 million cubic meters still in place

  • Torrential rain followed eruption - slowed down emergency aid and rescue operations


  • Volcanic tsunamis may not trigger warning systems

  • Took 23 minutes for tsunami to reach land after volcano erupted

  • Warning times would have been minimal given high speeds tsunami waves travel


  • Aid agencies (NGO’s) supported evacuation of injured - provided clean water, shelter, and tarpaulins

  • Volunteer groups cooked meals for people who were displaced/emergency camps

Wider Reading

  • Tsunami crashed into more than 300km of coastline in Sumatra and Java

  • 23 people missing in waves that were 2 meters or higher

  • Experts largely relied on satellite radar images to work out what happened to the volcano due to cloud cover + continuing eruptions

  • High seas have hampered inspections

  • Residents warned to stay away from coastline of Sundra Strait because of the risk of another tsunami

  • Another potential tsunami triggered by volcano collapsing again would be less severe due to its reduced mass

  • Torrential rain complicated recovery aid efforts, muddying roads and holding up convoys delivering heavy machinery and food to remote areas

  • Third major natural disaster in just a few months
