Asphyxia — %%lack of oxygen in blood and tissues%% due to impaired or absence of exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide on a ventilatory basis, leading to death.
Findings in the Face
Findings in the Neck
Findings in Other Parts of the Body
Homicidal hanging may be suspected when following findings are observed in the body hanged:
Knot of the ligature is exactly on the back of the neck
Mouth is gagged with cloth/paper
Hands are tied on the backside of body
Several injuries on the parts of body
At autopsy, there are no pathognomonic findings to make the diagnosis of drowning.
The diagnosis is based on the circumstances of death, plus a variety of nonspecific anatomical findings.
Chemical tests put forth to make the diagnosis are nonspecific and essentially unreliable.
If an individual is found dead in water and all other causes of death have been excluded, he is presumed to have drowned.
It must be remembered that people who have had fatal heart attacks and fallen into the water, and that disposal of a victim of a fatal drug overdose in water is not unknown.
Attachment of heavyweights to the body to keep it underwater is consistent with both homicidal and suicidal drowning, as well as disposal of the body of a person who died of some other cause.
Position and flotation of a dead body in drowning – when a person drowns, the body sinks, assuming a position of head down, buttocks up, and extremities dangling downward.
Depending on how long the body was in the water, there may be evidence of animal activity, for example, fish, turtles, crabs, or shrimp.
Drowning in bathtubs is relatively uncommon. Usually involves young children unattended by parents. Some are undoubtedly homicidal as well.
Scuba Divers deaths can occur with the use of scuba diving equipment, and may be caused by natural diseases, as a consequence of being underwater at increased pressure.