a system that divides power between the national and state governments
Unitary System
a system where the central government has all of the power over subnational governments
a system where the subnational governments have most of the power
Commerce Clause
grants Congress the authority to regulate interstate business and commercial activity
Necessary and Proper Clause (Elastic Clause)
grants the federal government the authority to pass laws required to carry out its enumerated powers. Also called the elastic clause.
Implied Powers
powers not granted specifically to the national government but considered necessary to carry out the enumerated powers
Supremacy Clause
establishes the Constitution and the laws of the federal government passed under its authority as the highest laws of the land
Tenth Amendment
reserves powers not delegated to the national government to the states and the people; the basis of federalism
Reserved Powers
powers not given to the national government, which are retained by the states and the people
Concurrent Powers
powers granted to both states and the federal government in the Constitution
Full Faith and Credit Clause
constitutional clause requiring states to recognize the public acts, records, and civil court proceedings from another state
the requirement that officials in one state return a defendant to another state where a crime was committed
Privileges and Immunities Clause
constitutional clause that prevents states from discriminating against people from out of state
13th Amendment
constitutional amendment that outlaws slavery
14th Amendment
constitutional amendment that provides that persons born in the United States are citizens and prohibits states from denying persons due process or equal protection under the law
15th Amendment
constitutional amendment that gave African American males the right to vote
Dual Federalism (Layer Cake Federalism)
a form of American federalism in which the states and the nation operate independently in their own areas of public policy
Selective Incorporation
the process through which the Supreme Court applies fundamental rights in the Bill of Rights to the states on a case-by-case basis
Cooperative Federalism (Marble Cake Federalism)
a form of American federalism in which the states and the national government work together to shape public policy
federal money provided to states to implement public policy objectives
Fiscal Federalism
the federal government’s use of grants-in-aid to influence policies in the states
Categorical Grants
grants-in-aid provided to states with specific provisions on their use
Unfunded Mandates
federal requirements that states must follow without being provided with funding
Block grants
a type of grant-in-aid that gives state officials more authority in the disbursement of federal funds
Crossover Sanction
fiscal sanctions applied to one government program in order to influence policy in another program area
Revenue Sharing
when the federal government apportions tax money to the states with no strings attached
New Federalism
a political philosophy of devolution, or the transfer of certain powers from the United States federal government back to the states; primary objective is the restoration of some of the autonomy and power, which individual states had lost to the federal government as a result of President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal policies
returning more authority to state or local governments