cicero's letters

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62BC formal letter to Pompey

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62BC formal letter to Pompey

written in Rome

a year after Cicero’s consulship in 63. Cicero wants to form a friendship with Pompey so that he can achieve Concordia Ordinum

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June 59BC informal letter to Atticus

written in Rome

during the consulship of Julius and Caesar. Cicero thinks that everyone is suffering under Caesar’s consulship because Caesar was ignoring the traditions of the republic by ignoring Bibulus. Caesar invited Cicero to join him as a legate, Cicero is reluctant

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53BC informal letter to Curio

written in Rome

the same year Crassus dies in Carrhae. Cicero is afraid Rome is edging closer to a civil war, he is unsure which side to take. he wants Curio’s assurance

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April 50BC informal letter to Caelius

written in Laodicea

a friend of Cicero, Cicero had defended him against false charges in 56. Caelius is currently an aedile and Cicero was governing Cililcia. Caelius wanted Cicero to send him panthers to make him more popular, Cicero refuses because it is corrupt

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March 49BC formal but friendly letter to Caesar

written in Formiae

Formiae is where Cicero had a villa, it’s 2 months into the civil war. Caesar had asked for his advice about the civil war. Cicero is trying to convince Caesar and Pompey to make up by emphasising the long friendship the three of them had. Cicero wants peace and friendship with both sides

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March 49BC informal letter to Atticus

written in Formiae

Cicero is conflicted, whilst he endorses verbal conflict, he doesn’t like physical conflict. he questions if the best way to better the state is to commit great crimes against both the people and the state. He wants Atticus’ input

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February 49BC informal letter to Atticus

written in Formiae

Cicero blames Pompey for having created Caesar and then not being able to resist him as he fled Rome. The longer Pompey puts off the confrontation, the less honourable he looks

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August 45BC informal letter to Atticus

written in Tusculum

Cicero still hasn’t made up his mind on whether to go back to Rome and he doesn’t seem to be a fan of Caesar despite him being pardoned for his relationship with Pompey during the civil war

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April 44BC informal letter to Atticus

written in Lanuvium

less than 4 weeks after the assassination of Caesar. Cicero feels cut off from Rome despite him only being 20 miles away. Cicero believes that the assassination was the right thing to do, but seemed upset at the violence. Now that Caesar is dead, Cicero can restore the institutions of the republic

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February 43BC formal but friendly letter to Trebonius

written in Rome

Trebonius is the governor of Asia, but had died the month before Cicero’s letter. Cicero is back in Rome, where the influence is. some ex-consuls are afraid of being ‘removed.’ He praises Octavian for stopping Mark Antony by taking some of his legions

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43BC formal letter to Plancus

written in Rome

Cicero wants Plancus’ firm support against Mark Antony because he has a lot of power (proconsul in Gaul 44-43BC) but wasn’t taking a hard stance between the two. Plancus is in Gaul

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