Horum duorum criminum video auctorem, video fontem, video certum nomen et caput.
Of these two charges, I asee an originator, I see a source, I see a specific name and origin.
Auro opus fuit; sumpsit a Clodia, sumpsit sine teste, habuit, quamdiu voluit.
There was a need for gold; he procured it from Clodia, procured it without a witness, he held it for as long as he wanted.
Maximum video signum cuiusdam egregiae familiaritatis.
I see a very strong evidence of quite remarkable intimacy.
Necare eandem voluit;
He wanted to kill the same woman;
quaesivit venenum, sollicitavit quos potuit, paravit, locum constituit, attulit.
he sought poison, bribed her slaves, obtained the philtre, decided on a place, brought it secretly.
Magnum rursus odium video cum crudelissimo discidio exstitisse.
On the contrary I see that great hatred has come into existence along with most cruel seperation.
Res est omnis in hac causa nobis, iudices, cum Clodia, muliere non solum nobili, sed etiam nota;
In this trial we are concerned, members of the jury, entirely with Clodia, a woman not only of nobility but also of notoriety.
de qua ego nihil dicam nisi depellendi criminis causa.
About this women I shall say nothing except for the purpose to rebut the charge.