The process of our sensory receptors and nervous system receiving and representing stimuli from our environment
The process of organizing and interpreting sensory information
Experiences + Expectations
An approach to processing information that is guided by thoughts or higher level mental processes
Top - Down Processing
Macro → Micro
Top - Down Processing
An approach to logical thinking that begins with a general idea then, develops specific evidence to support it
Deductive Reasoning
An information processing that begins with the sensory receptors and works up to the brain
Bottom - Up Processing
Micro → Macro
Bottom - Up Processing
An approach to logical thinking that begins with specific details and forms broad generalizations based on them
Inductive Reasoning
Focusing on two or more tasks
Divided Attention
Homing on a particular stimulus while our brain processes through the relevant and irrelevant
Selective Attention
A.K.A. Cocktail Party
Selective Attention
Cancelling out unwanted stimuli
Selective Inattention
A.K.A. “you hear what you want”
Selective Inattention
When focused is directed at one stimulus while being blind to other stimuli
Inattention Blindness
The inability to see changes in the environment when attention is directed elsewhere
Changed Blindness
The study of the relationship between stimuli and our psychological response to them
Founded by Ernst Weber
The smallest amount that two stimuli must differ in order to tell them apart
Difference Threshold
A.K.A noticeable difference
Difference Threshold
Weber’s Law and Gustav Fechner
Difference Threshold
The minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus
Absolute Threshold
50% or more
Absolute Threshold
A theory predicting how and when we detect the presence of faint stimulus (signal) and background stimulations (noise)
Signal Detection Theory
Perception of a stimulus below the threshold of conscious recognition
Subliminal Perception
The activation of certain association predispository one’s perception, memory, and response
Varies with age
Absolute Threshold
Interrupts the brains processing before conscious perception
Masking Stimulus
The ability of the body and brain to adapt to an environment and filter out distractions
Perceptual Adaptation
When sensory receptors reduce their sensitivity to continuous/unchanging stimuli
Sensory Adaptation
No longer having interest or lacking attention to a stimulus