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Small scale systems (food)
Group, tribe farming, Backyard farms, Hunter/Gatherer
Example: farmers Market
Why adopt Ag
Promote stability, Peak harvests, familiarity with an area, longer residence time.
Home grown food, Backyard farms, urban gardens
Large Box store
Walmart, jewel Osco
subsistence farming
producing just enough to meet immediate needs.
Backyard farms, urban gardens
Human Selection
humans began agriculture because they wanted better fruits, nuts, Animals,
Genetic mutations humans promote
Pleistocene overkill
Intensified hunting efforts that may have killed off many species of large animals in North America such as mammoths, horses &camels; started after giant continental glaciers began to melt 15,000 years ago.
Ag Surplus
Allows for cities, Urban systems come up, less moving, pop growth
Occupational specialization
Become something or someone
What did ag surplus lead to?
Feudalism (Small-scale self-contained estates controlled by lord/master)
Carrying capacity
How many people can live in a region
Arable Lands
Places that make a lot of food well
Animal Centered or plant centered
Plants in arable lands, animals of arable lands
Commercial Ag
Support self and for cash
Extensive Subsistence Ag
Subsistence but also moving
Intensive Subsistence Ag
Lots of concentrated effort, High yields, very nutritious foods
Urban Subsistence Farming
Greenhouse, roof top gardens
Great Columbian Exchange
1492 Columbus sales across the pond
Green Revolution
Attempt to spread western ag to everywhere else.
Imperial Economies
Roman, Byzantine, Chinese, Islamic Empires, Degree of capitalism
Tertinary Sector
Service based
Quaternary sector
Intellectual products