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US Geological Survey: DRG and DLG
Digital Raster Graphic (DRG)
images of USGS topographic maps
UTM projection with NAD 1983 datum
includes imagery, roads, toponymy names, elevation contours and boundaries
Digital Line Graph (DLG)
vector files generated on traditional paper topographic maps.
shows info about geographic features, hydrography, townships & ranges, contour lines, rivers, lakes, roads, railroads, and towns
National Land Cover Database
maps characterize land cover and land cover change
Maps show: Land cover, land cover change index, urban imperviousness, urban impervious descriptor, NLCD science products (land cover change disturbance date, forest disturbance date, land cover change count, land cover with additional forest transition classes, U.S. forest service science tree canopy cover)
Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles
computer generated image of aerial photo where image is displaced bc terrain relief and camera tilt had been removes
here you can find coverage maps
National Agriculture Imagery Program
Aerial imagery of crops during agricultural growing season in the US
Can be in TIFF or JPEG format
National Wetlands Inventory
Can find maps of US wetland and deep water habitats
provides information on wetland and deep water habitat type, location and trends to support research
NHD and NHDPlus
National Hydrography Dataset
show surface water and hydrological unit mapping in the US
Soil Survey Geographic Database
information about soil collected over the course of the century
can be displayed as tables or maps
Digital Elevation Models
representation of the topographic surface of the bare Earth (excluding trees, buildings and any other objects on surface)
TIGER files
Topologically Integrates Geographic Encoding and Referencing System
represents US Census Bureau’s geospatial data ad primary source
can find line shapefiles, geodatabases, line with demographic and economic data, cartographic boundary databases, cartographic boundary shapefiles, cartographic boundary KML