Emperor Domitian
Built the Arch of Titus for his brother
Quintus Haterius Latronianus
A very famous contractor, in charge of contructing the Arch of Titus
Father died at Masada
Simon’s mother
Did not dare to reveal the matter to her children
Ransacked the Temple
Lucius Flavius Silva
Led the enemy, built a large embankment to the top of rock Masada, conquered the Jews.
Leader of the Jews, led them to rock Masada
Master of the craftsmen, tried to soothe Haterius
Gaius Salvius Liberalis
Patron of Haterius
Why the Forum Romanum was the center of Rome
Cultural, social, political, and commercial center
miliarium aureum
golden milestone set up by Augustus
Four fora built in Rome
2 were built by Augustus and CEasar. 2 more were added by Domitian and Trajan. Trajas’’ was the most splended
What could a person do in a forum?
Visit temples, listen to speeches, watch processions, meet their friends, and bargain with a street vendor
Courthouse, lawyers would plead their case in front of a large and noisy audience; merchants and bankers would negotiate business deals
Senate house
Processions in the forum
Funeral procession or a procession of a wealthy noble
Where was the Forum?
Between Palatine and Capitoline
What was the main building on the Capitoline?
Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, center of the Roman State religion. The emperor would pray for the Roman people
Where did Roman emperors live?
On the palatine
What was the rostra?
Platform where public speeches were given. It got its name form the rostra ship’s prow.
What famous event took place at the rostra?
Mark Antony’s speech over the body of Julius Ceasar in 44 B.C.
Features of the Temple of Vesta
Cone-shaped roof and vestal virgins who tended to the sacred flame
Via Sacra
Sacred way that held religious or triumphal processions
Arch of Titus
Erected at Eastern end of Via Sacra. Commemorated Titus who triumphed over the Jews and was commissioned by Domitian.
Building between the rostra nd the curia
Prison that held prisoners of war
When did Judea become a client state of Rome?
65 B.C.E after Jerusalem was taken by Pompey the Great
Religious concessions that Ceasar and Augustus made to the Jews
Constructed synoagogues, celebrated Shabbat, and collected temple tax
What was causing unrest in Judea?
Higher taxes, non-Jewish governmors, lack of united Jewish leadership
Who was the emperor when the Jews revolted against Romans?
Roman generals who were given the job of crushing the rebellion
Vespasian (civil war resulted in his gaining the throne) and Titus (he besieged Jerusalem, taking it over and destroying the rebellion)
What happened to the generals who were given the job of crushing the rebellion?
Vespasian was the commander in the Roman army given the job of crushing the rebellion and he took over the throne from there; Titus (son of Vespasian) besieged Jerusalem and destroyed the temple.
What was Masada?
Fortress build by King Herod on 1300 ft butte near the Dead Sea
Who went to Masada?
A band of zealots under the leadership of Eleazor
Who took Masada?
the 10th Legion and General Flavius Silva
Who was the historian that recorded these events?