Ap bio frq Unit 3

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The researchers find that resveratrol stimulates the production of components of the electron transport chain.

The researchers claim that treatment with resveratrol will also increase oxygen consumption by the cells if glucose

is not limiting. Justify the claim.

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15 Terms


The researchers find that resveratrol stimulates the production of components of the electron transport chain.

The researchers claim that treatment with resveratrol will also increase oxygen consumption by the cells if glucose

is not limiting. Justify the claim.

The response includes the justification that, with an increase in the number of electron transport chain components, more

electrons can be transferred so that more oxygen is required as the final electron acceptor.

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Based on the information, describe how atovaquone most likely suppresses growth of P. falciparum.

· Atovaquone prevents/reduces function of the electron transport chain

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Make a claim about how deficiency affects the amount of produced by glycolysis AND the

amount of produced by the Krebs (citric acid) cycle in a cell. Provide reasoning to support your claims

based on the position of the -catalyzed reaction in the sequence of the cellular respiration pathway.

· The claim that the amount of produced in glycolysis does not change and an acceptable

reasoning for this claim. Acceptable reasonings include the following.

- Glycolysis continues; is not needed.

- Glycolysis occurs before conversion of pyruvate to .

· The claim that produced in the Krebs cycle decreases and an acceptable reasoning for this

claim. Acceptable reasonings include the following.

- The Krebs cycle is greatly reduced/slowed down if there is no/less .

- The Krebs cycle occurs after conversion of pyruvate to .

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Using the information above, describe ONE contribution of each of the following in ATP synthesis.

• Catabolism of glucose in glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation

• Oxidation of intermediates in the Krebs cycle

• Formation of a proton gradient by the electron transport chain

1) NADH that goes to ETC, ATP, Acetal CoA

2)NADH and FADH2, 1 ATP, and CO2

3)Flow of protons through ATP synthase protein that produces ATP, energy for oxidation

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Use each of the following observations to justify the claim that glycolysis first occurred in a common ancestor of

all living organisms.

• Nearly all existing organisms perform glycolysis.

• Glycolysis occurs under anaerobic conditions.

• Glycolysis occurs only in the cytosol.

1)This trait was developed and passed down early on and was conserved

2)The start of glycolisis occured befor the atomsphere contained oxygen

3)Glycolisis started before there were cells with membrane bound organelles

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A researcher estimates that, in a certain organism, the complete metabolism of glucose produces 30 molecules of

ATP for each molecule of glucose. The energy released from the total oxidation of glucose under standard

conditions is 686 kcal/mol. The energy released from the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP and inorganic phosphate

under standard conditions is 7.3 kcal/mol. Calculate the amount of energy available from the hydrolysis of 30

moles of ATP. Calculate the efficiency of total ATP production from 1 mole of glucose in the organism.

Describe what happens to the excess energy that is released from the metabolism of glucose.

• Calculate available energy in ATP: 219 kcal

• Calculate efficiency: 0.31 - 0.32 or 31 - 32%

• Describe fate of excess energy: Released as heat/increases entropy

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Many biological structures are composed of smaller units assembled into more complex structures having functions based

on their structural organization. For the following complex structures, describe the smaller units, their assembly into the

larger structures, and one major function of these larger, organized structures.

7. An inner membrane of a mitochondrion.

Unit Structure—Organization/Assembly (must demonstrate organization to inner membrane):

• Phospholipids and proteins (or component later in sequence)—describe at least one

• → organization of proteins (specific respiratory molecules together) → folding → membrane (cristae must be

uniquely mitochondrial)


• Impermeable to H+ forming gradient

• Proximity of Kreb’s Cycle to the membrane

• Electron transport

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According to the chemiosmotic model proposed by Peter Mitchell in 1961, an electrochemical gradient is linked to

the synthesis of ATP in mitochondria. Construct an explanation of the chemiosmotic model by doing each of the


(a) Make a claim about the role of the inner mitochondrial membrane in ATP synthesis.

(b) Present ONE piece of evidence that supports the role you proposed in part (a).

(c) Provide reasoning to explain how the evidence you presented in part (b) supports the claim you made in part

a)· IMM maintains a proton gradient required for ATP synthesis. · Electron transport chain is in IMM and creates a proton gradient · Electron transport chain is in IMM and leads to ATP synthesis · IMM is the site for ATP synthesis

· ETC results in most ATP in cellular respiration.

· Proton gradient has sufficient energy to drive ATP synthesis.

· Protons accumulate across the membrane

· ATP can be produced by incubating isolated mitochondria with low pH buffer and ADP +

c)pH is a measure of proton concentration; higher proton concentration --> lower pH · Protons move through ATP synthase from intermembrane space to matrix and produce ATP · Energy from oxidizing NADH/FADH2 is converted to energy in proton gradient (PMF) energy in gradient can be coupled to ATP synthesis · Protons move through ATP synthase from intermembrane space to matrix and produce ATP · Protons move through ATP synthase from intermembrane space to matrix and produce ATP

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a)Describethe transfer of energy that occurs in the reaction shown in Figure 1

Energy is released during the hydrolysis of and then captured in the formation of the new bond between and

the phosphate to form .

· Energy is transferred from the molecule to the molecule to form .

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Identifya dependent variable in the experiment shown in Figure 2. Based on the data shown in Figure 2,

justifythe use of the substrate at a concentration of

when the scientists performed the experiments

shown in Figure 3. Based on data shown in Figure 2 for reactions performed in the absence of ,describe

the relative difference between the reaction rate at and at when the concentration of is

AND when the concentration of is

. Based on Figure 3,calculatethe fold change in the

reaction rate (how many times higher or lower the reaction rate is) at when the concentration of citric acid

is increased from to .

An identification that the dependent variable is rate of the reaction (inμ


A justification that an approximately maximum reaction rate occurs at all temperatures when the

concentration of is . To see the effect citric acid has on the rate of the reaction, they had to

start with a maximum reaction rate.

An acceptable description. Acceptable descriptions include the following.

· At a concentration of

, reaction rate is higher at than it is at , whereas at a

concentration of

the reaction rate is higher at than it is at .

· At a concentration of

, reaction rate is lower at than it is at , whereas at a

concentration of

, the reaction rate is lower at than it is at .

The fold change in the reaction rate is calculated to be .

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Statea null hypothesis for the experiments shown in Figure 3. The scientists claim that the concentration of

citric acid in cells regulates the rate of glycolysis by the cells.Supportthe scientists' claim using biological

principles and the data provided.Predictthe effect on the active site of if is maintained at for

minutes prior to starting the reaction.

A null hypothesis stating that the concentration of citric acid/the temperature will have no effect on the

reaction rate

Scoring Guide

Cellular respiration Free response practice

Support for the claim by stating that the presence of increasing concentrations of citric acid slowed the

-catalyzed reaction at all temperatures. Feedback inhibition of the -catalyzed reaction results

in a decrease in glycolysis overall.

An acceptable prediction. Acceptable predictions include the following.

· The active site will change shape.

· The active site will be unable to bind to its substrate ( )/catalyze the reaction.

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Some aquatic organisms that live in cold environments similar to that of the crabs have multiple forms of

certain enzymes that catalyze reactions at various temperatures.Explainhow having multiple forms of the

enzymes would contribute to the fitness of these organisms. Both adult and juvenile red king crabs can be found in

ocean water of a different salinity and osmolarity than their body tissues are.Explainwhy it is important to the

crabs that they can regulate the osmolarity of their tissues.

An explanation that having multiple forms of enzymes enables the organisms to survive and/or reproduce

in environments that are different/variable (in temperature)

An explanation that osmoregulation allows the crabs to control solute composition/water potential of

their tissues in order to maintain water balance/homeostasis

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Based on the data, propose a hypothesis to explain the change in blood lactate levels in Weddell seals for dives

lasting longer than 20 minutes.

· Increase in lactate levels are due to fermentation/anaerobic metabolism

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Describe the most likely shape of the curve if blood oxygen levels of Weddell seals were plotted rather than

blood lactate levels. Include in your description the likely shape of the curve between 0 and 20 minutes and the

shape of the curve after 20 minutes.

0-20 minutes (1 point)

Oxygen levels start high and decline steadily

Oxygen levels start and remain high

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The data suggest that Baikal seals can sustain much longer dives than Emperor penguins. Propose a hypothesis

that could explain the evolution of different dive responses in Emperor penguins and Baikal seals.

· The (genetic/heritable) capacity to sustain dives for longer periods of time provides selective/reproductive advantages

(access to food/avoidance of predators) for seals but not for penguins.

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