appoints John Marshall to Chief Justice
strengthened SC as institution, established independent federal judiciary
focused on uniting the court, unanimous opinions
doctrine of judicial review
Johnson, Livingston, Todd
wanted to pack the court with Republicans
In Marshall Court, which is focused on unanimous decisions
After FDR’s filled 8 vacantes on SC the Washington Post predicted “virtual unanimity” for years to come
correct in the area of economic and social legislation
correct in the area of social liberties
Not accurate, civil rights issues divided the court
talking a bill to death without having to vote on it
seen as “nuclear option“ voting to end debate
unlimited debate
can be ended with a now a 3/5 (60 votes)
judicial nominees now with 51 votes
he wanted to pack the court with like-minded justices
he did not succeed Blackmun and Rehnquist moved party lines during certain cases
roe v wade, who they resigned under