private markets don’t efficiently bring about allocation of resources
govt may be called to satisfy society’s wants
public goods
imperfect competition
unequal distribution of income
free market doesn’t include external costs or benefits
no govt involvement would mean too much or too little of something
situation that results in a cost for a different person other than the original decision maker
between MSC and S = MPC, above D = MSB
flat side facing right
situations that result in a benefit for someone other than the original decision maker
opposite triangle
flat side facing left
left of equilibrium
goods available to everyone are often polluted because nobody has incentive to keep them clean
no monetary incentive to use them efficiently
result is high spillover cost
individuals that benefit without paying
keep firms from making profits
if left to free market, essential services will be underproduced
keep prices low
make monopolies efficient
regulate with price ceilings
not w/ taxes bc will limit supply
shows the degree of income inequality
straight line is perfect equality
lorenz curve is actual distribution (bowed out to bottom right)
statistical measurement of income distribution
area inside banana divided by triangle banana is in
higher number → more inequality
lower number → less inequality
mandatory payments made to the government to cover costs of goverment
finance govt operations
influence economic behavior of firms and individuals