From the IGCSE endorsed textbook guide
Joining of Austria and Germany as one state which was forbidden by the ToV in 1919 and was stopped by Mussolini in 1934 but carried out by Hitler in 1938
Anti-Comintern Pact
Alliance between Germany, Italy and Japan in 1936 to combat the spread of communism
The policy of Britain and France in the 1930s which allowed Hitler to break the terms of the ToV to avoid another world war
The political, economic and social system involving total state control of the economy and less emphasis on individual rights than capitalism
Compulsory service in the armed forces
“Living space” → became part of Hitler’s plans to conquer an empire for Germany in the 1930s
Mein Kampf
“My Struggle” → the autobiography of Adolf Hitler in which he set out his theories about power and racial superiority
Munich Agreement
An agreement in October 1938 which Britain and France agreed to Hitler’s demands to control the Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia (This is generally seen as the final stage of the policy of Appeasement)
Nazi-Soviet Pact
An agreement in 1939 between Hitler and Stalin to not attack each other and to divide Poland between them
November Criminals
Refers to the German politicians who signed the ToV → used as a term of abuse exploited by extreme parties in Germany, especially the Nazis, to undermine democracy
Polish Corridor
A strip of land which, under the ToV in 1919, gave Poland access to the sea but separated East Prussia (a part of Germany) from the rest of Germany
Building up arms and armed forces, usually as a means to fight unemployment by many states in the 1930s after the economic depression, including Nazi Germany and Britain
Reintroduction of armed forces into an area → The Rhineland of Germany in 1936, even though this was banned by the ToV
Spanish Civil War
Conflict in Spain which was seen as a rehearsal for the Second World War when German and Italian forces intervened to support General Franco
An Area of Czechoslovakia which bordered Germany and contained many Germany speakers → taken over by Hitler in 1938 as part of the Munich Agreement