Sunt autem duo crimina, auri et veneni;
However there are two charges, one about gold and one about poison.
in quibus una atque eadem persona versatur
in which one and the same character is involved.
Aurum sumptum a Clodia, venenum quaesitum, quod Clodiae daretur, ut dicitur.
Gold taken from Clodia, poison sought to be given to Clodia, so it has been said.
Omnia sunt alia non crimina, sed maledicta, iurgi petulantis magis quam publicae quaestionis.
All of the other things are not charges but slanders, more suited to an unruly brawl than they belong in a public trial.`
"Adulter, impudicus, sequester" convicium est, non accusatio;
“Adulterer, pervert, dealer in bribes,” is abuse not prosecution;
nullum est enim fundamentum horum criminum, nulla sedes;
for there is no basis for these charges, no foundation;
voces sunt contumeliosae temere ab irato accusatore nullo auctore emissae.
they are the words of insult thrown rashly by an angry prosecutor with there being no actual wintess.