Sed tamen ex ipsa quaeram prius utrum me secum severe et graviter et prisce agere malit an remisse et leniter et urbane.
But I will however require from her first of all whether she prefers me to deal with her sternly and forcefully and in an old fashioned way or mildly and lightly and in a civilised manner.
Si illo austero more ac modo, aliquis mihi ab inferis excitandus est ex barbatis illis non hac barbula, qua ista delectatur, sed illa horrida, quam in statuis antiquis atque imaginibus videmus, qui obiurget mulierem et pro me loquatur, ne mihi ista forte suscenseat
If in the former harsh austere, I have to summon from the dead someone from among those men with beards, not with this little beared which this women is delighted, but with bristly one which we say on see on ancient statues and wax images.
Exsistat igitur ex hac ipsa familia aliquis ac potissimum Caecus ille;
Therefore, let somone from this very own family of hers and in particularly that very known Caecus rise up;
minimum enim dolorem capiet, qui istam non videbit.
For her will experience the least grief since he will not see that woman.
Qui profecto, si exstiterit, sic aget ac sic loquetur:
For he will experience the least grief since he will not see this woman, this man who assuredly will, if he rises up, will act like this;
“Mulier, quid tibi cum Caelio, quid cum homine adulescentulo, quid cum alieno?
“Woman, what buisness have you with Caelius, what buisness with a man quite young, what with another man?
Cur aut tam familiaris huic fuisti, ut aurum commodares, aut tam inimica, ut venenum timeres?
Why have you been so intimate as to loan him gold or been such and enemy that fear his poison?
Non patrem tuum videras, non patruum, non avum, non proavum, non abavum, non atavum audieras consules fuisse;
Had you not seen that your father was a consul, had you not heard that your uncle, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great grandfather, great-great-great grandfather were consuls?;