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The only way to 100% prevent pregnancies and STDs.
The Pill/The Ring/The Shot/The Patch/Implants
These all change hormone levels and are 92-99.7% Effective. Does not prevent against STDs.
A barrier made of latex or animal skin around the penis or vagina. Prevents against SOME STDs.
Diaphragm and Cervical Cap
Internal barrier in cervix. 84-94% effective and doesn’t protect against STDs.
A piece of metal against the uterine wall that prevents the egg from attaching. 92-99.9% and does not protect against STDs.
Tubular Litigation
Tying of the fallopian tubes and 95-99.9% effective. Does not protect against STDs. permanent.
Vas Deferns is tied, still able to ejaculate, 99.5-99.9% effective and permanent.
Sexually Transmitted Disease
In addition to fertilizing eggs, intercourse can also transmit diseases. Most STDs are viral. All STDs cause extreme pain in the genital organization. Bacterial STDs can be treated with antibacterial medication.