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Anirudh Mohanty - Honors Meiosis Notes

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  • Purpose of meiosis:

    • To make gametes (egg and sperm cells)

    • Only body cells go through meiosis

    • Daughter cells have half the amount of DNA

  • Chromosomes:

    • Each person has 1 chromosome set from mom and 1 set from dad

    • Egg/sperm cells need only 1 set each

  • End result of meiosis:

    • Meiosis ends with genetically different cells

    • You resemble your siblings but are not identical to them

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  • Phases of meiosis:

    • Interphase: Growth and DNA duplication

    • Prophase I: Nuclear membrane breaks down, chromosomes find their homologous pair, crossing-over can occur

    • Metaphase I: Homologous chromosomes line up in the middle, spindle fibers attach to the center of each chromosome

  • Anaphase I: Homologous pairs get pulled to opposite poles, separate the homologous pairs from each other

  • Telophase I / Cytokinesis: Nuclear membrane reforms, cells separate into two, only have half the number of chromosomes it started with

  • Prophase II: Nuclear membrane breakdowns in each cell, centrioles and spindle fibers reform

  • Metaphase II: Chromosomes line up in the middle, spindle attaches to centromeres

  • Anaphase II: Sister chromatids separate

  • Telophase II / Cytokinesis: Nuclear membrane reforms, cell divides and separates into four cells

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  • End results of meiosis:

    • Cells at the end of meiosis are not identical

  • Centrosome, Interphase, chromosome, Prophase I, X, Recombination, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I & Cytokinesis, Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II & Cytokinesis, Four granddaughter cells, n - haploid, 2n - diploid

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  • Mitosis:

    • Purpose: Grow and repair cells

    • Ending cells: 2 identical, diploid cells

  • Meiosis:

    • Purpose: Make gametes

    • Ending cells: 4 non-identical, haploid cells

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  • Centrosome, Interphase, chromosome, 2n, DNA is copied, Prophase I, X, Recombination occurs, Metaphase I, Chromosomes line up at equator, meiotic spindle, Anaphase I, Chromosomes pulled apart, Telophase I & Cytokinesis, Cell pinches in the middle, Prophase II, Two daughter cells, Metaphase II, Chromosomes line up at equator, Anaphase II, Sister chromatids pulled apart, Telophase II & Cytokinesis, Cell pinches in the middle, Four granddaughter cells, n - haploid, 2n - diploid

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  • Mitosis:

    • Purpose: Grow and repair cells

    • Ending cells: 2 identical, diploid cells

  • Meiosis:

    • Purpose: Make gametes

    • Ending cells: 4 non-identical, haploid cells

  • Homologous Chromosomes:

    • Pair of maternal and paternal chromosomes that are similar in shape and size

    • Carry genes controlling the same inherited traits

  • Chromosome Number Errors:

    • Monosomy: Having one copy of a chromosome instead of two

    • Trisomy: Having three copies of a chromosome instead of two

    • Polyploidy: Having multiple copies of multiple chromosomes

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  • Centromere Position:

    • Metacentric: Middle of the chromosome

    • Submetacentric: Between the center and end of the chromosome

    • Acrocentric: Near the end of the chromosome

  • Karyotypes:

    • Image of chromosomes from a diploid cell in which they are counted and matched

    • Distinguished by chromosome length, centromere position, and banding pattern

  • Nondisjunction:

    • When a pair of homologous chromosomes have failed to separate at anaphase

    • Results in both chromosomes of the pair passing to the same daughter cell

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  • Chromosome structure errors:

    • Deletion: Part of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to a different chromosome

    • Inversion: Section of a chromosome breaks off and reattaches upside-down on the same chromosome

    • Duplication: Section of a chromosome is repeated

  • Chromosomal Disorders:

    • Down Syndrome: Also called trisomy 21, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, symptoms include intellectual disability and characteristic facial features

    • Patau Syndrome: Also called trisomy 13, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 13, symptoms include severe intellectual disability and physical abnormalities

  • Translocation, Inversion, deletions, duplication

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  • Klinefelter Syndrome: where boys are born with an extra X chromosome

Anirudh Mohanty - Honors Meiosis Notes

Page 1:

  • Purpose of meiosis:

    • To make gametes (egg and sperm cells)

    • Only body cells go through meiosis

    • Daughter cells have half the amount of DNA

  • Chromosomes:

    • Each person has 1 chromosome set from mom and 1 set from dad

    • Egg/sperm cells need only 1 set each

  • End result of meiosis:

    • Meiosis ends with genetically different cells

    • You resemble your siblings but are not identical to them

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  • Phases of meiosis:

    • Interphase: Growth and DNA duplication

    • Prophase I: Nuclear membrane breaks down, chromosomes find their homologous pair, crossing-over can occur

    • Metaphase I: Homologous chromosomes line up in the middle, spindle fibers attach to the center of each chromosome

  • Anaphase I: Homologous pairs get pulled to opposite poles, separate the homologous pairs from each other

  • Telophase I / Cytokinesis: Nuclear membrane reforms, cells separate into two, only have half the number of chromosomes it started with

  • Prophase II: Nuclear membrane breakdowns in each cell, centrioles and spindle fibers reform

  • Metaphase II: Chromosomes line up in the middle, spindle attaches to centromeres

  • Anaphase II: Sister chromatids separate

  • Telophase II / Cytokinesis: Nuclear membrane reforms, cell divides and separates into four cells

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  • End results of meiosis:

    • Cells at the end of meiosis are not identical

  • Centrosome, Interphase, chromosome, Prophase I, X, Recombination, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I & Cytokinesis, Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II & Cytokinesis, Four granddaughter cells, n - haploid, 2n - diploid

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  • Mitosis:

    • Purpose: Grow and repair cells

    • Ending cells: 2 identical, diploid cells

  • Meiosis:

    • Purpose: Make gametes

    • Ending cells: 4 non-identical, haploid cells

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  • Centrosome, Interphase, chromosome, 2n, DNA is copied, Prophase I, X, Recombination occurs, Metaphase I, Chromosomes line up at equator, meiotic spindle, Anaphase I, Chromosomes pulled apart, Telophase I & Cytokinesis, Cell pinches in the middle, Prophase II, Two daughter cells, Metaphase II, Chromosomes line up at equator, Anaphase II, Sister chromatids pulled apart, Telophase II & Cytokinesis, Cell pinches in the middle, Four granddaughter cells, n - haploid, 2n - diploid

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  • Mitosis:

    • Purpose: Grow and repair cells

    • Ending cells: 2 identical, diploid cells

  • Meiosis:

    • Purpose: Make gametes

    • Ending cells: 4 non-identical, haploid cells

  • Homologous Chromosomes:

    • Pair of maternal and paternal chromosomes that are similar in shape and size

    • Carry genes controlling the same inherited traits

  • Chromosome Number Errors:

    • Monosomy: Having one copy of a chromosome instead of two

    • Trisomy: Having three copies of a chromosome instead of two

    • Polyploidy: Having multiple copies of multiple chromosomes

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  • Centromere Position:

    • Metacentric: Middle of the chromosome

    • Submetacentric: Between the center and end of the chromosome

    • Acrocentric: Near the end of the chromosome

  • Karyotypes:

    • Image of chromosomes from a diploid cell in which they are counted and matched

    • Distinguished by chromosome length, centromere position, and banding pattern

  • Nondisjunction:

    • When a pair of homologous chromosomes have failed to separate at anaphase

    • Results in both chromosomes of the pair passing to the same daughter cell

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  • Chromosome structure errors:

    • Deletion: Part of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to a different chromosome

    • Inversion: Section of a chromosome breaks off and reattaches upside-down on the same chromosome

    • Duplication: Section of a chromosome is repeated

  • Chromosomal Disorders:

    • Down Syndrome: Also called trisomy 21, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 21, symptoms include intellectual disability and characteristic facial features

    • Patau Syndrome: Also called trisomy 13, caused by an extra copy of chromosome 13, symptoms include severe intellectual disability and physical abnormalities

  • Translocation, Inversion, deletions, duplication

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  • Klinefelter Syndrome: where boys are born with an extra X chromosome