Behaviour is shaped by external stimuli, rather than internal cognitive processes.
Positive and negative reinforcement can modify behaviour and learning (operant conditioning).
Continuity is central to long term associations.
Social learning/cognitive theory
Children learn by watching others.
Copying their ‘role models’ = modelling role models actions.
Children see that some actions may be rewarded or punished = influences their behaviour.
There are factors that will affect whether or not a child will copy what they’ve seen.
Child doesn’t have strong self-efficacy = may have no motivation to learn new skill.
Did Bobo doll experiment.
Attention, was child focusing on what adult was doing.
Retention, can child remember / how much they can remember what they saw.
Reproduction, does child have the skills to repeat what they saw.
Motivation, is child keen to repeat what they saw + believe they have the capacity to do so (self-efficacy).
only focuses on the external stimuli.
doesn’t focus on the child being an independent learner
Operant conditioning = external stimuli occurs after the time of action.
We actively learn.
We learn through exploring the environment, then draw conclusions based on the consequences of their behaviour.
He divided the consequences into 3 groups:
1- positive reinforces
2- negative reinforcers
3- punishments
Unpredictable reinforcement is more effective than continual reinforcement, as it teaches them to not expect it, so should always do the behaviour just in case the reinforcement is given.
Immediate positive reinforcement is more effective than delayed reinforcement, as the behaviour is more strongly linked to the reinforcement.
Operant conditioning
consequences of a behaviour influence subsequent behaviour, he called this the law of effect.
did the cat escaping out the box experiment
Classical conditioning = external stimuli happens before or at time of action.
showed it was possible to use classical conditioning on humans.
‘Little Albert’ was made scared of rats experiment.