Unit 1: Period 1: 1491-1607

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Roger Williams

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Roger Williams

________, a minister in Salem Bay settlement, taught that church and state should be separate.

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Columbus arrival

________ initiated a long period of European expansion and colonialism in the Americas.

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Virginia Company

In 1618, the ________ introduced the headright system as a means of attracting new settlers to the region and addressing the labor shortage created by the emergence of tobacco farming.

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In August of 1492, ________ used three caravels, supplied and funded by the Spanish crown, to set sail toward India.

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Anne Hutchinson

________ was a woman in a resolutely patriarchal society which turned many against her.

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Native Americans

________ had their own complex societies, cultures, and religions.

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Indian War

French played a significant role in the French and ________ (1754- 1763) but overall had a much lighter impact on native peoples compared to Spanish and English.

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In ________, Virginia established the House of Burgesses, in which any property- holding, white male could vote.

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North America

________ was populated by Native Americans, not to be confused with native- born Americans.

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In ________, Separatists set sail for Virginia on the Mayflower, but went off course and landed in modern- day Massachusetts.

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New England

Slavery was rare in ________, but farms in middle and southern colonies were much larger, requiring large numbers of enslaved Africans.

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Intermarriage was common between Spanish and French settlers and the natives in their colonized territories (though rare among ________ and Dutch settlers)

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middle leg

Was the ________ of the triangular trade route among the colonies, Europe, and Africa.

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South Carolina

________ had a larger proportion of enslaved Africans than European settlers.

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English Calvinists

________ led a Protestant movement called Puritanism in the 16th century.

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Intercontinental trade

________ became more organized with the creation of joint- stock companies, corporate businesses with shareholders whose mission was to settle and develop lands in North America.

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Roman Catholic Church

The ________ was the dominant religious institution in western Europe.

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________ was funded by a joint- stock company, a group of investors who bought the right to establish New World plantations from the king.

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A(n) ________ is a territory settled and controlled by a foreign power.

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Englands first attempt to settle North America came a year prior to its victory over ________, in 1587, when Sir Walter Raleigh sponsored a settlement on Roanoke Island (now part of North Carolina)

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Anne Hutchinson

________, a prominent proponent of antinomianism, banished for challenging Puritan beliefs and authority of Puritan clergy.

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North America

________ was home to hundreds of tribes, cities and societies.

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________ also marks the introduction of slavery to the English colonies.

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Old World to New World

horses, pigs, rice, wheat, grapes

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New World to Old World

corn, potatoes, chocolate, tomatoes, avocado, sweet potatoes

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