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Parking away from a curb
1 ft
Parking distance from fire hydrant
15 ft
Parking distance from a crosswalk
20 ft
Parking distance from a fire station driveway
25 ft
Parking distance from fire station (opposite side)
75 ft
Parking distance from stop, yield, or traffic light
30 ft
Parking distance from railroad tracks
50 ft
Line of sight needed to park on the side of the road
200 ft
Stopping distance from a school bus
25 ft
How far do low beams reach?
100 ft
How far do high beams reach?
350 ft
How far away from another car should you turn off high beams?
150 feet
No passing zone distance to a bridge, tunnel, intersection, or railroad
100 ft
Following distance from a fire truck with lights on
500 ft
Turn signal distance on a regular road
100 ft
Turn signal distance on the interstate
500 ft
At what BAC is a person over 21 not allowed to drive?
At what BAC is a person under 21 not allowed to drive?
What is the average reaction time
3/4 second
safe following distance
3 seconds, add 1 for every bad condition
city/business speed limit
30 mph
rural/residential speed limit
35 mph
other highways speed limit
50/55 mph
interstate speed limit
45/65 mph
school zone speed limit
-10 mph from posted, 45 mins before and after school
GDL Rules
No driving between 1-4 AM
Only one unrelated passenger under 25 for first 6 mo.
Everyone in the car must have a seatbelt available
No electronics
Fines for speeding in a construction zone
between 250 and 500
Inspection rule for brakes
stop within 30ft at 20 mph
Renew your license after..?
5 birthdays
How long do you have to get your car inspected after registration
10 days
Time to notify DMV after name or address change
30 days
Required tire tread depth
2/32 inch (penny trick)
Car seat law
under 7 years old or under 57 inches
Stopping distance
one car length
Implied consent law
agreement to take a breathalyzer or urine test if there’s suspicion that you are intoxicated
NO zones
Blind spots around a truck (very far behind and some on the sides and front)
Helmet laws (motorcycle)
required under 18
What makes motorcycles dangerous
2 wheels
No protection
Close to the ground
What is a staggered stop for
holding back at an intersection so trucks can swing corners
What is hydroplaning
When your tires ride up on a thin film of water
Timing traffic: in a gap
4 seconds
Timing traffic: joining traffic
6-8 seconds
Target driving areas
Target: straight ahead, 12 sec
Control: wider and shorter, 4-12 sec
Danger: wide and close, <4 sec
What is defensive driving
To drive in a way that shows you understand things can go wrong
Car positions
1 is normal driving
Odd numbers go off to the right
Even numbers off to the left
Yellow light procedure
Who is behind you?
Stale or fresh?
Is the car fast or slow?
Take momentum out
Right on red procedure
Look for sign
Pedestrian light
Who has the green
Check traffic and go
What is a controlled intersection
has lights or signs
What are the 3 groups that override traffic signals
Crossing guards
At what speeds do airbags deploy
200 mph
Number of US fatalities from cars
HTS meaning and components?
Highway transportation system:
Driving is a ___ but primarily a _______
social task, mental task
Issues with teen driving
Brains aren’t developed
Teens are risk takers
Learning to drive WELL is hard work
Remember to study sign colors and shapes! I’m not writing them all out