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Dental Terminology Related to Tooth Origin and formation

  • Dentition: The teeth in the dental arch

    • Deciduous

      • A term used to describe the primary teeth

      • The first set of teeth (or tooth)

      • Having the property of falling off or shedding

    • Permanent

      • The second set of human teeth (except molars)

      • They are also called succedaneous

        - What is a succedaneous tooth? A permanent tooth that replaces a primary tooth

        - What teeth are succedaneous? Incisors (both central and lateral), canines, first and second premolars

        - What teeth are not succedaneous? First, second and third molars

        - Why are some teeth nonsuccedaneous? Because they do not have primary predecessors

    • Mixed

      • Deciduous + Permanent = Heterodont

      • when does it begin? with the appearance of the first permanent molars.

      • when does it end? with the exfoliation of the deciduous teeth

  • Odont (prefix)

    • related to dentition

    • ex: odontoblast

  • -genesis (suffix)

    • related to the process of creation and formation

    • ex: osteogenesis

  • Exfoliate: Physiologic loss of primary dentition (to fall out)

  • Eruption: The process of penetration of the tooth to the surrounding tissues (breaking out)

the deciduous teeth exoliate and permanent teeth erupt into the space

  • proliferation: The process of increase in mass and number but with the same characters

  • differentiation: The process of acquiring different functions from the original source

  • -blast (suffix)

    • the function of tissue creation by a specialized cell type

    • ex: fibroblast

  • -cyte (suffix)

    • the function of tissue maintained by a specialized cell type

    • ex: fibrocyte

  • -clast (suffix)

    • the function of tissue destruction by a specialized cell type

    • ex: fibroclast

Dental Terminology Related to Tooth Origin and formation

  • Dentition: The teeth in the dental arch

    • Deciduous

      • A term used to describe the primary teeth

      • The first set of teeth (or tooth)

      • Having the property of falling off or shedding

    • Permanent

      • The second set of human teeth (except molars)

      • They are also called succedaneous

        - What is a succedaneous tooth? A permanent tooth that replaces a primary tooth

        - What teeth are succedaneous? Incisors (both central and lateral), canines, first and second premolars

        - What teeth are not succedaneous? First, second and third molars

        - Why are some teeth nonsuccedaneous? Because they do not have primary predecessors

    • Mixed

      • Deciduous + Permanent = Heterodont

      • when does it begin? with the appearance of the first permanent molars.

      • when does it end? with the exfoliation of the deciduous teeth

  • Odont (prefix)

    • related to dentition

    • ex: odontoblast

  • -genesis (suffix)

    • related to the process of creation and formation

    • ex: osteogenesis

  • Exfoliate: Physiologic loss of primary dentition (to fall out)

  • Eruption: The process of penetration of the tooth to the surrounding tissues (breaking out)

the deciduous teeth exoliate and permanent teeth erupt into the space

  • proliferation: The process of increase in mass and number but with the same characters

  • differentiation: The process of acquiring different functions from the original source

  • -blast (suffix)

    • the function of tissue creation by a specialized cell type

    • ex: fibroblast

  • -cyte (suffix)

    • the function of tissue maintained by a specialized cell type

    • ex: fibrocyte

  • -clast (suffix)

    • the function of tissue destruction by a specialized cell type

    • ex: fibroclast