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Types of cell
Prokaryotes-lack or don't have a true nucleus but have nuceoild region divide into bacteria and archaea
Eukaryotes-possess a true nucleus and organelles which develop by membrane bound or surrounded bygenetic material
Characteristics of animals they are 11
. Eukaryotes
. Multicellular
. Heterotrophic
. Sensetive to stimul
. Reproduce
. Protect them sleves
. Move.
.have different body symmetries
. Bilateral symmetries
Closed circulatory system
Circulatory systems
Open circulatory - in which the circulatory fluid is pumped by the heart through vessels and into the body cavity and is then returned to the vessels. For Invertebrates
Closed circulatory - blood is pumped by a heart and circulates through the body in vessel that form a closed loop
What are body symmetries
Bilateral(biosymmetries) -mirror image or if we cut the body half the 2 sides will be equal or have left and inside we have side or there is axis spherical symmetry is define as if we cut by half they will be equal
human tiger
Radial-mainly live in water, move slowly, stay in one location or body radiate outward the center
Asymmetrical-body plan does not display symmetry example sponge-have the simplest body plan of all animals
Based on the present of backbone animal divide into 2
Vertebrate-have vertical column and divide into 2
1.homeothermic(warm blooded) or endothermic - regular or maintan their body or internal temperature constant
Example mammal,and bird
2.poikilothermic(cold blooded) or ecothermic-irregular or variable body temperature
Example fish reptile and amphibians
Invertebrates classified into
Invertebrates classified into
which classified into 4
B.arachnida (spider)
D.myriapoda(many legs)
All about Invertebrates
1.Do not have vertical column or lack of rigid internal skeleton but many of them are soft-bodied. And some have external skeleton or (exo) made of chitin which protect their soft inner bodies
2.Most diverse group of animal
3.Found almost every where from the hottest desert and the deepest sea beds to the darkest cave and the highest mountain
4.they do not regulate their body temperature coded blood
Circulatory system is both open and closed
6.jelly fish
9.sea star
Most are radial or bilateral symmetry
All about Vertebrate
Most advanced group in animal kingdom
Possess well define internal skeleton system with cartilage (which found in ears but the types are hyaline, fibro (this 2 found in the knees ) and elastic (ear) ) and backbone
Cartilage and backbone separate into
1.Axial skeleton- made up of bone in our hand, neck, back and chest
skull- protect brain
. Vertebrae- protect the nerve cord
. Ribs around the lung
. Sternum - vertical found inside the ribs
2.Appendicular skeletons- is the bone that attach append to our axial
Appendicluar skeleton made up of every thing else
Include -
. Girdles
. Appendages
Vertebrate have more complex and specialized organ system such as
1.Circulatory systems- is closed circulatory system with a ventral heart having 2-4 chambers and median dorsal artery.
2.Respiratory system-consist of either gills or lungs
3.Nerves system-with a brain and sensory organ (eye, ear, nostrils, nose, skin, tongue)
4.Excretory system-consist of paired kidney
Removal of waste by urine from kidney and by lung by co2 and by skin by sweat
Classification of vertebrate based on body symmetries and blooded chordate
1. Fish, mammal, amphibians, reptiles and birds bilateral
2.Cold blooded - fish, amphibians and reptiles
Warm mammal and bird
All vertebrate are chordate but all chordate are not vertebrate
Reproduction and types
Is the process by which living organism duplicate themselves
ASexual some- single parent doesn't require fusion of gamete
Found invertebrate more common than vertebrate
The most common forms are
1.budding-result from outgrowth of parent cell or by forming side growth (bud) example yeast
2.fragmentation-parent body breaks into distinct fragments and each develop new offspring
Other form
Parthenogenesis-unfertilze egg develop into new offspring or
Embryo develop from unfertile egg
Sperm produce n from testes and store in epididymis until ejaculation
Produce Ovum or egg from haploid that is mature in ovary
Is the production of offspring by fusion of the 2 gamate to form a 2n zygote which develops into mature organism
Type of fertilzation
Fertilization is the process of fussing gamete to form fertlized Ovum or zygote 2n
Internal-egg release from ovary to uterine tube for fertilzation
External both male and female released to the environment
What happens after fertilzation
Series of embryonic development occurs In this stage
1stage is cleavage which involves mitotic division of zygote to produce eight cell structure
2stage the another cell division and rearrangement of cell into hollow structured cell blastula
Then undergoes further cell division and rearrangement with the process of gastrulation which produce gastrula that has different cell layers called germ layer
By the process organogensis these germ layer later develop into different tissue organ and organ system or
Formation of organ during embryonic development is called organogenesis
Insect and their characteristics and
i. Most divers group of animal
Largest class of phylum or (in plant division) or (arthropoda in animal)
1.Segmanted bodies consist
A. Head consist-sensetive organs like eye and antenna (touch, taste and smell) and mouth and part also brain
B. Thorax consist-insect legs which are 3 pairs means 6 legs and 2 or more wings all of this attach or found in thorax
C. Abdomen consist house of (vital organ) such as digestive system, reproduction organ and part of respiratory system and also store fat for energy.
2.joined legs
3.exoskeleton which found in all invertebrate
Insect reproduction
They reproduction by both sexually and asexually
Sexually - most insect and by internal fertilization
aSexually - does occur in some species by the process of parthenogensis by which the Embryo develop from unfertiled egg or unfertilized egg develop into new offspring as in some insect and vertebrate
i. What happens during sexual reproduction and ii. after fertilization and iii. after hatching
i. during sexual,
Male produce sperm and female produce egg during mating.
ii. After fertilization
The female lay the egg and hatches them after completing their development.
iii. After hatching
Metamorphosis occurs - which is when the insect undergoes a series of major changes in body structure as they develop. Which regulate by hormone called ecdyson
Types of Metamorphosis and how we can control it
1.chemical substance in the insect control the process of metamorphosis
2.complete and incomplete
Complete and incomplete metamorphosis and how many insect includes for each
I. Complete - has 4 stages egg, larva, pupa, adult
Butter flies
Honeybee, ant, mosquito
ii. Incomplete - egg, nymp, adult includes-
Period for honey bee
Egg-3 days
Pupa-12 to 13
Adult- queen within 16 days
Worker 21
Drone 24
For grasshopper
Egg 1 to 3 weeks
Nymph have 5 stage 1 to 3 month
1 to 2 month
Common frog (Rana temoraria) in europe
Grass ferog genus (Ptychadena goulenger) in SSA Include Ethiopia
Ptychadena harenna and Leptopelis ragazzi in Bale mountain and shoa forest Ethiopia
Reproduction of frog
Sexually most are external both release to the water and some are internal
Unlike bird their eggs do not produce amniotic eggs
They covered by jelly like substance and it's functional is they must lay their eggs in water to protect them from drying out
Frog lay large number of egg in same place at the same time
In Process of metamorphosis after fertilzation
Frog go through larval stage which is different from adult form
Zygote develop into larval stage called tadpole that is also different from adult frog
What happens in the after fertilization during the process of metamorphosis
After fertilization, frog goes through larval stage that is different from adult form,
The fertilized egg develop into larval stage called tadpole which is different from adult.
Crocodile and how the reproduce and when they mating and where and how many egg they produce and what is the cover
Are large semi aquatic reptile
Sexually and internally
The mating season usually begins in July or August
Mating takes place under water
They lay their eggs and bury them in sand or deposit them in mound vegetation.
Number of egg deposits varies from 10 to 100 depend on species
Unlike frog, their eggs have hard, leathery eggs that enable them to protect their young.
Bird and reproduction
Birds are
1.sexually and internal fertilization
2.chickens which lays their eggs are one of the bird group
3.most birds are monogamous and some are polygamous
A. Monogamous is usually mating system between single adult male and single adult female in entire breeding season
but chatgpt says single breeding season
B. Polygamous is mating system with several partners during single breeding season
Unlike animals
A. For male don’t have external genital organ
B. Female have single ovary
Reproduction starts
1.by joining of egg with sperm in oviduct
Oviduct in birds consist of
1. Infundibulum- fertilization occurs or site of fertilization
A. Funnel shape
B. Found in upper portion of the oviduct
C. Purpose is to search out and engulf or opening the yolk egg(yellow(ovulate egg) causing it to enter the oviduct
A.longest part
B. Secretion of albumen
Nearly all the egg white is deposited in the magnum
A relatively short portion
B. Formation of inner shell and outer shell membranes
C. The gland of isthmus is produce sulfur containing amino acid that is important for shell membrane formation
4.uterusA developing egg takes longer period of time
B. Formation of egg shell-shell is formed over shell membrane
5.vagina-the final section Which is separated by a sphincter present between the uterus and vaginas during oviposition relax of muscle allow egg to leave the uterus immediately laid through the cloaca
Cloaca and about fertilzation and how many eggs they lay and examples
1.Cloaca found in both male and female
Is single opening used for excretion and reproduction
2.They lay from few to more than 10
Few are penguin and albatrosses
>10 chicken and ducks
3.the sperm from the male cloaca fertilized the egg then the fertilization travels down to the uterus, forming a layer of albumen around it and followed by shell membrane in the uterus then hard shelled egg developed within the female with fluid filled amnion
Finally thin mambrane forming closed sac around the embryo
4.fertilization occurs in infundibulum
5.afer complete their development they lay the egg
Bird egg have different parts
What the major parts of birds egg
Yolk - yellow part
The chalaza
Albumen small white layer
Air sac
1.Incubation or brooding and
2.what happen when breed season approaches
3.how they distribution warmth
1.Incubation - is the process of keeping the egg warm with the body heat, while the Embryo inside continue it’s develop after bird lay their eggs.
2.most cases female brooding but sometimes male participate
3.when breeding season approaches female develop a brood patch and to help them transfer heat efficiency
brood patch which is has an area of skin with densely blood vessel that produce more heat and facilitate heat transmission to the egg.
4.bird rotate their eggs periodically to ensure an even distribution of warmth. Finally this helps the Embryo to finish its development inside the egg.
1.bird hatching and what it will lose after hatching
2. parental care
1.bird hatching
Occurs after incubation, Embryo complete it’s development
During hatch, chick develop tooth like structure at the beaks tip to break the egg shell
Then before day or two days of hatching the chick communicate with its parent using vocal sounds
Then chick starts to use the hard tip of its bill which is a tooth like structure also called (egg tooth) to break out of the egg
Finally the young loss egg tooth after hatching
2.parental care most birds
One of the method used to protect their young is to build nests and this are made in a hidden areas in order to prevent predicators
Some don’t build a nest they simply lay on bare cliffs
And bird which make a nest in an open area have camouflaged eggs
And lastly while parental care of offspring lies on one or both parents the length and the type of parental care is varies amongst different species, A. Some species paraental care ends at hatching newly chick dig itself out of nest mound without help and some care for their young for extended time
General applied to several rodent families genus Rattus
1.Black rat (Rattus Rattus) (warmth area)
2.Brown rat (Rattus norvegicus) (temperate region)
This are the most common species
3.In Ethiopia giant mole rat or giant root rat (Tachyoryctes macrocephalus) (endemic to Ethiopia where confined to high altitude shrub and grassland in afro alpine habitat such as bale mountain)
Reproduction in rat and male and female reproductive structure
Is represented the mammalian sexual reproductive
1.male reproductive structure consist 6 of
Single testis, scrotum seminiferous tubules, epididymis, vasdeferens and penis with bacula
2.female reproductive structure
2 ovaries, oviduct, uterine horns and vaginas with vulva
Is The fertilization similar to mammalian and What is pregnancy and it’s development
Yes the fertilzation of the egg occur inside the female and the fertilized zygote develop in the mother during a gestation period called pregnancy
Pregnancy or gestation period varies
Brown(22to24 days)
Black(usually 22 days)
Giant mole rat(37 to 49 days)
1.What's happen after fertilzation
2.what is umbilical cord
3.what is placenta
4.by what the Embryo is protect
1.zygote divide into a hallow ball of cell blastocyst called blastula
Then, blastula travels down into the oviduct
Then, implant in the uterine horns and began to differentiate into embryonic tissue and extra embryonic tissue
2 umbilical cord - is complex system of connecting the blood vessels nourishes the Embryo from the mother
3 placenta - transport oxygen to the Embryo and remove the waste from the embryos environment
4.during the pregnancy the Embryo is protected by amniotic sac
Gradually, the Embryo forms neural plate
Which later develop to spinal cord and brain,
The arm and leg buds become visible
1.what happen when the nerve system pathway developed
2.how the rat will birth
3.rats normally birth offspring per liter on average
4.for how many the mother feed her young what they feed
5.when the sexual maturity age in rats
When the nerve system pathway develops
The rat will give birth to hairless, deaf with sealed eyelids offspring
On average from 7 to 12 offspring per liter but in giant mole rats fewer
Mother feed milk after 45 days young are fully weaned and are actively foraging and feeding
Black and brown 3to4 months giant mole rat 4to5 months old
1.parental care in mammalian
2.what they build for their baby or young
3.what the young called
4.where the young stay
5.who take care of them
6.male rats participate in parental care
1.parental care in mammalian is often critical for the survival and development of the offspring.
2.rats build nests to rear their youngs
3.they called pups or kittens
4.they stay in the nest that built by the mother until weaned
5.female cares regardless who is the true mother, if the mother died another females will take care
6.male rats don't participate