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Supply of cocoa
The amount of cocoa available in the market.
Global Value Chain Approach
Linking the activities of firms involved in bringing a product from conception to consumption.
State Marketing Boards
buying from producer and then selling said product to buyers
Private Governance
Rules and standards enforced by non-state actors, typically companies.
Third Party Certification
Voluntary standards checked by an independent third party.
Inspectors come and see if your claim are true
If you don’t meet the standards, you cant put the third party certification logo on your product
Labels that guarantee certain minimum production conditions
Example of Third Party Certification: Fair Trade (Company)
pay the producer a minimum price
Must be above the market price
Guarantee a long term relationship with the producer
Producers will always be small-scale that are bought from
Mandatory State Monitored Labelling
Providing production conditions on product labels to inform consumers.
Will reduce Commodity Fetishism - exposes production conditions
a group of independent market participants who collude with each other in order to improve their profits and dominate the market.
Voluntary Industry Self Regulation
Companies self-regulating their practices, often for public relations purposes.
Problems with Cartels
Tend to fall apart
Agree to shrink production to drive the price up
creates opportunities for people outside the cartel
Cocoa Protocol
Companies took this up when there was a risk of “this product used child labour” on their products
Came up with the Cocoa Protocol
eliminated “worst forms” of child labour in the sector
lead to questioning of its authenticity
Companies cannot be trusted to self-regulate as it conflicts with their interest of profit
Problems with Voluntary Industry self Regulation
Doesn’t do very much
PR with consumers, more this than improve the well being of producers
Aimed at the state
More of a defensive move by companies
There is problem of Transparency
who is conducting inspections?
are promises being lived up to?
Continued supply from producers
Producers will continue to leave the industry
what might be the current best interest of the firm may not be in the best interest of the cocoa industry in the long term
Problems with Third Party Certification
Standards might be super low
Race to the bottom (Standard wise)
Relying on consumer demand means kind people pay while selfish do not
some people may simply not care
Falls just on people who are nice
Producers of Chocolate Live in Poverty
Small-scale farmers producing cocoa and workers in the chocolate industry live in poverty.
Cheap Child Labour
The use of child labor on cocoa farms due to low wages paid to farmers.
State Marketing Boards
Buying from producers and selling the product to buyers.