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What is rotorcraft?
A heavier than air aircraft with rotary wing generating lift by rotating around a vertical mast.
What are the two main types of rotorcraft?
Helicopters (powered rotors) and Autogyros (unpowered rotor during flight)
How do helicopters differ from autogyros?
Helicopter, take off vertically, and have rotor control input.
Autogyros cannot hover and rely on airflow to power the rotor during flight.
Why do we study rotorcraft?
Rotorcraft principle are used in helicopters, drines, wind turbines, and ship propellors.
What is induced velocity?
The downward velocity imparted to the air by the rotor generating thrust.
What is the relationship between thrust and induced velocity in hover?
Key assumptions of the momentum theory
Flow is incompressioble and axially symmetric, velocity is constant across the disc, and far-field flow is at rest
Purpose of the blade element theory (BET)?
To calculate rotor thrust and torque by summing aerodynamic forces along the blade span.
What is the vortex ring state?
A condition where descending airflow reverses upwards through the rotor, causinga loss of lift and control. The helicopter descends in a spiral motion, with a circular flow of air around the rotor disc.
How can the vortex ring state be avoided?
By increasing forward speed by the pilot pushing longitudinal cyclic pitch or reducing the descent rate.
What is the role of the pre-rotator in autogyros?
It spins the rotor during take off to reduce the required speed take off distance.
What is autorotation?
A state where the rotor spins freely, powered by airflow, allowing for emergency landings without engine power.
How does forward flight differ from hover?
In forward flight, blades experience asymmetric loading, with the advancing blade generating more lift than the retracting blade.
How can cyclic pitch control be used in forward flight?
Cyclic pitch blade angles to tilt the rotor disk forward for propulsion or laterally for balance.
What is the purpose of the blade flapping?
To compensate for asymmetric lift between advancing and retracting blades in forward flight.
What is the retracting blade stall?
A condition where the retracting blade's angle of attack exceed the stall limit, reducing lift.
What are the main rotor control inputs?
A collective pitch (θ_0) for uniform thrust and cyclic path (θ_1s, θ_1c) for disk tilt.
How is yaw control achieved in a single rotor helicopters?
Through tail rotor thrust, counteracting main rotor torque.
What is purpose of aerodynamic damping in flapping motion?
To reduce oscillations and stabilise the rotor's response to disturbances.
The flapping motion creates opposing aerodynamics proportional to velocity, reducing oscillation.
What are stability derivatives?
Metric like forward speed damping (M_u), vertical damping (M_w) and pitching damping (M_q) that describe stability contributions.
What is the thrust coefficient (C_T)?
C_T = T/(ρA(ΩR)^2)
What is the power coefficient (C_P)?
C_P = P/(ρA(ΩR)^3)
What is the figure of merit?
M=P_ideal / P_total measuring rotor efficiency.
Ratio of power associated with useful lift to total power.
How do tandem rotors differ from single rotors?
Tandem rotors uses differential thrust and tilt for pitch control, eliminating the need for a tail rotor.
What is unique about coaxial rotors?
They have two counter-rotating rotors on the same shaft to balance torque without a tail rotor.
What are transverse rotors?
Two side by side rotors used for lateral balance via differential thrust.
How is induced velocity on hover calculator?
v_i = sqrt(T/(2ρA))
What is the thrust equation in vertical climb?
What is the thrust equation for windmill brake descent?
What are the key factors affecting rotor efficiency?
Rotor speed (Ω), blade chord (c) and pitch angle (θ)
What are the limitation of the momentum theory?
Assume steady, incompressible and axisymmetric flow cannot model unsteady effects like vortex ring state or windmill brake conditions.
What is the role of blade twist in BET?
Reduces inboard stall and improves efficiency by distributing lift evenly along the blade span.
What does differential collective pitch affect yaw in tandem?
It creates torque to yaw the aircraft but must be balanced to avoid pitch instability.
Why does vortex ring state occur more frequently in hover descent?
Hover descent produces a strong recirculation of airflow reducing effective thrust.
What are the two main issues driving the multi-rotor configurations widely used in the early rotorcraft development?
Torque balance.
To balane the rolling moment in forward flight.
How does the single rotor helicopter deal with the torque balance?
Tail rotor
How does single rotor helicopter deal with the rolling moment in forward flight?
Flapping motion
What is the difference between helicopter and autogiros?
Powered rotor vs Unpowered rotor (during flight), Can hover vs cannot hover, Can take off vertical vs most cannot take off vertically, Have rotor control inputs vs may not have rotor control inputs, can be very large vs mostly small and light
Why does the autogiro not need a tail rotor?
The rotor of the autogiro does not connect with the engine, and it cannot transmit torque to the vehicle.
What is the fundamental difference between the helicopter and the autogiro?
The rotor powered by the engine during cruise flight
The function of the swashplate?
Adjust the blade control angle at different azmiuth angle.
What is the difference between the thrust and lift?
Thrust in the rotor axial direction.
Lift is normal in the inflow direction.
The assumptions of the momentum theory?
1) Existing steam tube which is an axially symmetric surface passing through the rotor disc perimeter which isolates the flow through the rotor.
2) Incompressible flow
3) Velocity imparted to the fluid is constant across the disk.
4) Far away fro mthe disk, the air is at rest.
What is the definition of induced velocity?
The velocity increment due to the rotor.
What is the condition of the momentum theory applicable to the vertical descent flight?
|U_A| > 2*v_i, hover
What is the Figure of merit used for?
It is used to evaluate rotor performance in hover.
What is the difference between calculating the rotor power from the momentum theory, compared to the blade element theory?
The power from the momentum theory is the induced power (induced + parasite power in foward flight), and the power from the blade element theory is the all rotor power consumption.
Why can't the rotor provide any thrust in the vortex-ring state?
The vortex ring staet sucks the downstream flow back, increasing the normal velocity Vn significantly, which makes most of the blade in the stall condition.
What is the most reasonable pilot sontrol stratergy to get rid of the vortex ring state?
Push longitudinal cyclic pitch to increase the forward speed.
From the view of the blade element theory and considering the attack angle and the inflow condition, indicate why the rotor needs the pre-twist angle?
The pre-twist angle allows most of the blade element (especially the blade tip section) to be in the optimal attack angle (masimise the ratio between lift and drag).
Demonstrate the function and mechanism of the pre-rotator?
Function: Reduce the take-off distance of the auto-rotator and even allow the autogiro to have vertical take-off capability.
Mechanism: Let the engine link with the rotor on the ground to make the rotor rotate, which will disconnect with the rotor after take-off.
Demonstrate the control stratergy of the collective pitch during the autorotational landing?
Reduce the collective pitch to maintain the rotational speed, and when the vehicle is close to the ground, increase the collective pitch to add additional vertical acceleration to reduce the vertical speed.
In the autorotation process, is the helicopter similar to the autogiro's rotor. If so, how?
In the autorotation process the helicopter is similar to the autogiro's engine, providing no torque to the vehicle.
Which azmiuth angle will be in the highest point if we only consider the dynamic pressure difference in the forward flight?
180 degrees
Which azmiuth angle will be the highest if we only considered the coning angle in forward flight?
270 degrees
Which azmiuth angle will be the highest point if we only consider the longitudinal cyclic pitch (use it to increase forward speed)?
0 degrees
If we want to provide additional right force along from the rotor in an anti-clockwise rotor, which direction should the swashplate change?
Tilt backwards
By optimising the pre-twist angle, which component of the power consumption will be reduced?
Profile Power.
By optimising the geometry of the fuselage, which component of the power consumption will be reduced?
Parasite Power
Which component of power will increase due to the tip blade compressibilit effect?
Profile Power
Why is the induced power reduced with forward speed increases?
The local dynamic pressure is higher.
Which components provide the mass, damoing and stiffness terms of rotor flapping dynamic equation?
Inertia force, aerodynamic force, and centrifugal force: respectively.
What is the flapping offset influence on the flapping frequency and flapping phase delay angle?
Increase the flapping frequency angle and reduce the flapping phase delay angle.
Why the flapping phase angle is close to 90 degrees?
The natural frequency of the flapping motion is close to the rotational speed, and the excitation frequency is equal to the rotational speed. Thus, the system is in the resonance condition, in which the phase delay is 90 degrees.
What causes the lead-lag motion and why the rotor must have the lead-lag hinge?
The lag (lead-lag) motion is due to the Coriolis forces provided by the flap and the lead lag hinge is used to reduce this harmonic load damage on the rotor hub.
With forwards speed increase, how will the reverse flow are change ad how will it influence the rotor aerodynamic?
The reverse flow area will increase with forward speed, and it would reduce thrust and increase the rotor drag.
How will the flapping offset provide additional control moments and how will it influence the pitching and rolling damping?
The flapping offset gives a moment to let the rotor thrust contribute to the control moment, which is called the hub moment. The flapping offset can make the rotor provide additional pitching and rolling damping.
For a rotor system with no flapping offset and its rotational direction is anti-clockwise:
When the helicopter is in forward flight:
Indicate the direction of increment of the rotor thrust, forward/backward forces, and rotor tilting angle (flapping motion) provided by pushing backwards the longitudinal cyclic pitch controller.
Higher rotor thrust, more backward forces, rotor tilt backwards
For a rotor system with no flapping offset and its rotational direction is anti-cockwise:
When the helicopter is in forward flight:
Indicating the direction of the additional rotor thrust, forward/ backward force and rotor tilting angle (flapping motion) provided by introducing additional lateral cyclic pitch?
Sideward force (direction: act as damping), rotor tilt sideward
For a rotor system with no flapping offset and its rotational direction is anti-clockwise:
When the helicopter is in forward flight:
Collective pitch influence on the rotor forward/ backward forces and flapping direction
Exaggerate the flapping motion, making the rotor tilt backwards and sideward.
When the helicopter is in hover, and the rotor is not tilted backward or sideward: Vertical velocity influence in flapping motion.
Not create any sideward tilt, and coning angle willl be changed.
When the helicopter is in hover, and rotor is not tilted backward or sideward: If a man is walking from the cockpit to the tail part of the vehicle, how will trim control input, pitching altitude, rotor flapping, and tail rotor thrust change?
Collective pitch will be higher, additional nose-up pitching altitude, the longitudinal cyclic pitch should be pushed forward, the rotor is flapping forward, and tail rotor thrust will increase.
For a single-rotor helicopter configuration, they usually have a pre-setting angle. It means the rotor hub shaft tilts forward:
When this helicopter is in hover flight, the trim pitching angle of this type of rotorcraft should be...
nose up
For a sing-rotor helicopter configuration, they usually have a pre-setting angle. It means the roto hub shafts tilts forward. Compared to the traditional rotor design with no pre-setting angle, how will the pitching altitude and longitudinal cyclic change in the forward flight.
The pitching altitude will be more nose-up and longitudinal cyclic control input will be more backwards.
Here is the x3 rotorcraft and its power consumption figure. This helicopter can fly at a higher forward speed compared to the traditional helicopter.
Compared to the trimmed collective pitch of this vehicle and the vehicle sharing same size but without the wing system in hover and high-speed forward flight.
The trim collective pitch x3 would be higher in the hover but lower in the high-speedc flight.
Here is the x3 rotorcraft and its power consumption figure. This helicopter can fly at a higher forward speed compared to the traditional helicopter.
Indicate the reason why this vehicle ground effect is lower than the single-rotor helicopter configuration.
The rotor wake is affected by the wing system, and therefore the airflow momentum that can hit the ground would be reduced.
Here is the x3 rotorcraft and its power consumption figure. This helicopter can fly at a higher forward speed compared to the traditional helicopter.
What are the two main reasons related to the rotor that limits the helicopter's maximum flight speed?
Advancing tip compressibility effect, stall condition in the retracting side.
Which vehicles can be catergorised as rotorcraft?
Tiltrotor Aircrafts
Quadrotor Drone
(basically anything with a rotor system)
What is the aim of developing the flapping motion for rotorcraft?
Balance the rolling moment in forward flight.
What is the most essential difference between the helicopter and the aurogiro.
Whether the rotor is powered by the engine during the cruise flight
What type of rotorcrafts can fly forwardly without the flapping motion?
Tandem configuration, side-by-side configuration and quadrotor drone
What can figure of merit not exceed?
The figure of merit cannot exceed 100%
Which of the following statements related to the momentum theory is right
(a) It cannot be used in the certical descent
(b) It can be used to evaluate the vortex-ring state's induced velocity
(c) Its accuracy is still acceptable in the small speed vertical descending flight
(d) The hover equivalent induced velocity is always larger than the absolute value of the induced velocity
(c) Its accuracy is still acceptable in the small speed vertical descending flight
Which of the following statements related to the blade design is right
(a) The lift coefficients at different radius locations are the same.
(b) Incidence angles at different radius locations are the same.
(c) The blade control angle at the tip is always lower than that at the root.
(d) The thrust calculated by the blade element theory is related to the induced velocity.
(c) The blade control angle at the tip is always lower than that at the root
(d) The thrust calculated by the blade element theory is related to induced velocity
When the rotorcraft is in hover, which blade section is easier to be in the stall condition?
0.00R - 0.25R
The function of the swashplate and its components
Components: a stationary swashplate and a rotating swashplate
The stationary (lower) swashplate is mounted on the main rotor mast and is connected to the rotor controllers.
The rotating (upper) swashplate is mounted to the stationary swashplate using a bearing and is allowed to rotate with the main rotor.
The design allowed the blade AoA to be adjusted based on the azmiuth angle.
Momentum theory deduction process
The momentum theory can be used to deduce the relationships between the lift force, weight, and accerleration of the helicopter in climbing and descending flight. For climbing flight, the lift force must be greater than the weight of the helicopter to produce a downward acceleration.
What is the condition of the windmill brake state?
|Ua| > 2vi.hov is directed upward and so the slipstream will be above the rotor.
The definition of the solidity ratio
=blade area/ disc area
The collective pitching control stratergy to execute safe landing
Increases the collective pitch at the final stage to reduce the vertical velocity
The function of the pre-twist angle
Removes primary differences due to twist, for comparing rotors with different twist values in terms of thrust and torque and control angles
From the blade element theory, how will the rotational speed remain invariable during the auto-landing?
In the blade element theiry, the rotational speed of a helicopter rotor is determined by the balance between the lift force produced by the rotor blades and the torque produced by the engine. During the auto-landing process, the rotational speed of the rotor must remain invariable (constant) to ensure a smooth and controlled descent to the ground.
What's the direction of the rotational speed and corresponding tail rotor thrust direction?
Rotation = anti-clockwise
Rotational speed = clockwise, tail
Rotor thrust = right
The influence of the flapping motion on the rotor disc lift distribution.
Two main effects:
Flapping angle: as the blade flaps up and down, the flapping angle changes, which can affect the lift distribution of the rotor disc. The flapping angle has the greatest effect on the lift distributions at the blade tip, where the blade is moving the fatest and the lift force is the highest.
Flapping offset: can cause an uneven lift distributions across the rotor disc, which can affect the overall performance and stability of the helicopter.
How does forward speed influence the flapping motion?
As the forwards speed of the helicopter increases, the airspeed over the rotor blades also increases, which can cause the angle of attack of the blades to change. This can affect the lift force produced by the blades and the resulting flapping motion.
The assumption of the rotor-wing analogy method in the forward flight
The mean rotor wake in forward flight behaves like that of an elliptical wing
The feasibilities of two different induced velocity calculation methods in forward flight
The approximate equation is usually used for prediction of induced velocity in forward flight if Mux>0.1
The trends and reasons for induced/ profile/ and parasite power consumptions VS forward speed?
The induced power, profile power, and parasite power all increase with the forward speed of the helicopter, as the induced velocity, lift and drag forces, and air resistance and drag all increase with increasing forward speed.
How to get the speed points corresponding to the maximum flight range?
It is necessary to consider the trade-off between the power required to maintain lift and the drag experienced by the helicopter as it moves through the air. At high speeds, the power required to maintain lift and the drag experienced by the helicopter both increase, which reduces the flight raneg. At low speeds, the power required to maintain lift is reduced, but the drag experienced by the helicopter is also reduced, which can increase the flight range. The speed point corresponding to the maximum flight range is the speed at which the trade-off between these factors is optimal.
How to get the speed points sorresponding to the maximum flight duration?
It is necessary to consider the power avilable to the helicopter and the power required to maintain lift and overcome the drag experienced by the helicopter. At high speeds, the power required to maintain lift and overcome the drag experienced by the helicopter is high, which reduces the flight duration. At low speeds, the power required to maintain lift and overcome the drag experienced by the helicopter is low, which can increase the flight duration. The speed point corresponding to the maximum flight duration is the speed at which the power available to the helicopter is sufficient to maintain lift anf overcome the drag experienced by the helicopter for the longets period of time.