PLSC211 exam 2

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Adiantum pedatum (northern maidenhair fern)

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Adiantum pedatum (northern maidenhair fern)

-small, long and thin green leaves that grow off stems -wiry stems, reddish-brown to black

<p>-small, long and thin green leaves that grow off stems -wiry stems, reddish-brown to black</p>
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Athyrium felix-femina (lady fern)

-fine toothed leaves

<p>-fine toothed leaves</p>
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Athyrium nipponicum (Japanese painted fern)

-many colors

<p>-many colors</p>
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Dennstaedta punctiloba (eastern hay scented fern)


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Dryopteris erythrosora (autumn fern)

-evergreen or semi evergreen

<p>-evergreen or semi evergreen</p>
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Osmunda regalis var spectabilis (royal fern)


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Osmundastrum cinnamomeum (cinnamon fern)

-fiddleheads look like cinnamon sticks -cinnamon colored fibers near frond bases

<p>-fiddleheads look like cinnamon sticks -cinnamon colored fibers near frond bases</p>
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Polystichum acrostichoides (Christmas fern)

-leathery -evergreen

<p>-leathery -evergreen</p>
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Acer griseum (paperbark maple)

-peeling bark

<p>-peeling bark</p>
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Acer palmatum (Japanese maple)

-reddish purple leaves

<p>-reddish purple leaves</p>
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Carpinus caroliniana (musclewood)

-serrated leaves -bark looks like muscles -seedheads that hang down

<p>-serrated leaves -bark looks like muscles -seedheads that hang down</p>
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Euonymous americanus (strawberry bush)

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Fraxinus americana (white ash)

-usually emerald ash borer holes (small D shaped holes) -diamond shaped bark, esp on bottom of trunk

<p>-usually emerald ash borer holes (small D shaped holes) -diamond shaped bark, esp on bottom of trunk</p>
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Gleditsia triacanthos (honey locust)

-can be thornless -long bean like seedpods -tiny compound leaves that look like ferns

<p>-can be thornless -long bean like seedpods -tiny compound leaves that look like ferns</p>
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Gymnocladus dioicus (Kentucky coffeetree)

-brown seed pods in fall -seedpods shorter and thicker -yellow green fall foliage -long, bare leaf stems dropped or still on tree in fall

<p>-brown seed pods in fall -seedpods shorter and thicker -yellow green fall foliage -long, bare leaf stems dropped or still on tree in fall</p>
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Liriodendron tulipifera (tulip tree)

-have those flat seed pods with the cone like spike that hurt bad to step on barefoot

<p>-have those flat seed pods with the cone like spike that hurt bad to step on barefoot</p>
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Ostrya virginiana (musclewood)

-flowers look like hops -peeling bark

<p>-flowers look like hops -peeling bark</p>
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Rosa "Radrazz" Knockout

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Amsonia hubrichtii (blue star)

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Opuntia humifusa (eastern prickly pear)

-i mean its a cactus

<p>-i mean its a cactus</p>
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Acer saccharum (sugar maple)

-usually has sapsucker holes -winged samaras -stringy flowers -darker bark -no/few leaves in fall

<p>-usually has sapsucker holes -winged samaras -stringy flowers -darker bark -no/few leaves in fall</p>
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Cercidiphyllum japonicum (katsura tree)

-big boy -lily pad shaped leaves

<p>-big boy -lily pad shaped leaves</p>
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Cotinus coggygria (smokeshrub)

-yellow to purplish leaves in fall -some have red leaves year round -leaves almost circular -shrub

<p>-yellow to purplish leaves in fall -some have red leaves year round -leaves almost circular -shrub</p>
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Cotinus obovatus (American smoketree)

-tree -leaves round -orange, yellow, pink leaves in fall

<p>-tree -leaves round -orange, yellow, pink leaves in fall</p>
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Diospyros virginiana (common persimmon)

-orange fruit -thick gray bark, divided into squares, look like alligator skin -bases of fruits look like clovers -mature ones w blocky bark

<p>-orange fruit -thick gray bark, divided into squares, look like alligator skin -bases of fruits look like clovers -mature ones w blocky bark</p>
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Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo)

-leaves come from pegs on branch

<p>-leaves come from pegs on branch</p>
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Ilex verticillata (winterberry)

-berries tight against branch -leaves not pokey

<p>-berries tight against branch -leaves not pokey</p>
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Metasequoia glyptostroboides (dawn redwood)

-big boy -feathery, fern like foliage that is soft -deeply fissured bark -conical -cones point up -'armpits' flat -no knees

<p>-big boy -feathery, fern like foliage that is soft -deeply fissured bark -conical -cones point up -&apos;armpits&apos; flat -no knees</p>
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Morella cerifera (southern bayberry)

-wont see this on central campus -bigger

<p>-wont see this on central campus -bigger</p>
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Morella pensylvaicum (northern bayberry)

-waxy gray fruits -dark green and glossy leaves -leaves aromatic

<p>-waxy gray fruits -dark green and glossy leaves -leaves aromatic</p>
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Oxydendrum arboreum (lily of the valley tree)

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Parthenocissus quinquefolia (Virginia creeper)

-holds on via suckers

<p>-holds on via suckers</p>
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Physocarpus opulifolius (common ninebark)

-foliage can be deep purple to red

<p>-foliage can be deep purple to red</p>
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Rhus aromatica "Grow-Low" (fragrant sumac)

-shrub, spreads more -aromatic leaves -small flower buds -thigh high ish

<p>-shrub, spreads more -aromatic leaves -small flower buds -thigh high ish</p>
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Taxodium distichum (bald cypress)

-knees -feather like needles -red spots on bark

<p>-knees -feather like needles -red spots on bark</p>
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Taxodium ascendens (swamp cypress)

-whispy like -needles free -knees

<p>-whispy like -needles free -knees</p>
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Zelkova serrata (Japanese zelkova)

-smooth gray bark when young, reveals orange inner bark with aging -serrated leaves -branches V shaped from trunk -peely bark

<p>-smooth gray bark when young, reveals orange inner bark with aging -serrated leaves -branches V shaped from trunk -peely bark</p>
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Andropogon virginicus (broom sedge)

-chest ish height -color has some red and salmon/peach -fluffy seeds

<p>-chest ish height -color has some red and salmon/peach -fluffy seeds</p>
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Aronia arbutifolia (red chokeberry)

-berries hang down from ends of branches

<p>-berries hang down from ends of branches</p>
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Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry)

-berries hang down from ends of branches

<p>-berries hang down from ends of branches</p>
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Calamagrostis x acutiflora (feather reed grass)

-very upright, slender, vertical -pointy/linear seed heads

<p>-very upright, slender, vertical -pointy/linear seed heads</p>
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Carex pensylvanica (Pennsylvania sedge)

-sedges have edges -short -clumped -finer leaves than H. macra

<p>-sedges have edges -short -clumped -finer leaves than H. macra</p>
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Deschampsia cespitosa (tufted hair grass)

-looks fluffy -not pink -semievergreen

<p>-looks fluffy -not pink -semievergreen</p>
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Festuca glauca (blue fescue)


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Molinia arundinacea (purple moor grass)

-tall -airy seed heads -yellow in fall

<p>-tall -airy seed heads -yellow in fall</p>
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Muhlenbergia capillaris (muhly grass)

-pink -fluffy, cloud/haze like -yellow green leaves

<p>-pink -fluffy, cloud/haze like -yellow green leaves</p>
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Nessella tenuissima (Mexican feather grass)

-semievergreen -droopy, fluffy looking

<p>-semievergreen -droopy, fluffy looking</p>
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Panicum virgatum (switchgrass)

-tall -yellow or red in fall -seed heads airy and open (some cultivars denser)

<p>-tall -yellow or red in fall -seed heads airy and open (some cultivars denser)</p>
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Schizachyrium scoparium

-blueish (can be colorful in fall) -slender -shorter -white fuzzy seedheads

<p>-blueish (can be colorful in fall) -slender -shorter -white fuzzy seedheads</p>
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Scirpus cyperinus (woolgrass)

-droopy and fluffy seed heads

<p>-droopy and fluffy seed heads</p>
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Camellia japonica (and hybrids) (camellia)

-evergreen -blooming in fall -serrate leaves -fragrant

<p>-evergreen -blooming in fall -serrate leaves -fragrant</p>
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Fagus grandifolia (American beech)

-serrated leaf edges -leaves bigger -smooth gray bark

<p>-serrated leaf edges -leaves bigger -smooth gray bark</p>
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Fagus sylvatica (European beech)

-smooth bark -wavy edged leaves

<p>-smooth bark -wavy edged leaves</p>
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Fothergilla gardenii (dwarf fothergilla)

-usually bright colored leaves in fall -buds gray brownish -short

<p>-usually bright colored leaves in fall -buds gray brownish -short</p>
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Hamamelis virginiana (American witch-hazel)

-stringy yellow flowers

<p>-stringy yellow flowers</p>
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Ammophila breviligulata (American beach grass)

-elongated flower spikes

<p>-elongated flower spikes</p>
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Bouteloua gracilia (blue grama)

-caterpillar liek seed heads

<p>-caterpillar liek seed heads</p>
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Carex appalachica (Appalachian sedge)

-narrow, whispy leaves -clumpy

<p>-narrow, whispy leaves -clumpy</p>
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Carex laxiculmus (spreading sedge)

-bluish, evergreen -thicker leaves

<p>-bluish, evergreen -thicker leaves</p>
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Carex plantaginea (plantain leaf sedge)

-semi evergreen -very thick leaves

<p>-semi evergreen -very thick leaves</p>
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Carex cultivars (ornamental sedge)

-not rlly sure what she wants us to know with this, im jj

<p>-not rlly sure what she wants us to know with this, im jj</p>
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Chasmanthium latifolium (northern sea oats)

-flat seed heads

<p>-flat seed heads</p>
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Sporobolus heterolepis (prairie dropseed)

-short -orange ish color in fall -seeds usually bigger

<p>-short -orange ish color in fall -seeds usually bigger</p>
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Comptonia peregrina (sweet fern)

-aromatic -shrubby -thick leaves

<p>-aromatic -shrubby -thick leaves</p>
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Quercus alba (white oak)

-rounded lobes on leaves -sinus depth varies -underside whitish color -warty acorn cap

<p>-rounded lobes on leaves -sinus depth varies -underside whitish color -warty acorn cap</p>
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Quercus imbricaria (shingle oak)

-oblong leaves (bigger than Q. phellos)

<p>-oblong leaves (bigger than Q. phellos)</p>
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Quercus bicolor (swamp white oak)

-leaf sides very different colors -shallower sinuses -leaf widens at end -branch bark peely -acorns on long stems

<p>-leaf sides very different colors -shallower sinuses -leaf widens at end -branch bark peely -acorns on long stems</p>
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Quercus coccinea (scarlet oak)

-egg shaped sinuses -sinuses very deep, make leaf look thin/stringy

<p>-egg shaped sinuses -sinuses very deep, make leaf look thin/stringy</p>
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Quercus macrocarpa (bur oak)

-funky leaves with big head -acorn cap with fuzzy margins

<p>-funky leaves with big head -acorn cap with fuzzy margins</p>
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Quercus palustris (pin oak)

-bottom leaf lobes almost horizontal -sinuses U shaped, can be deep -ladder like branch placement -acorns with flat cap

<p>-bottom leaf lobes almost horizontal -sinuses U shaped, can be deep -ladder like branch placement -acorns with flat cap</p>
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Quercus phellos (willow oak)

-thin oblong leaves -a crap ton of leaves on the ground in fall

<p>-thin oblong leaves -a crap ton of leaves on the ground in fall</p>
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Quercus rubra (red oak)

-large leaves -pointed lobes and shallower sinuses -acorn with shallow cap -darker bark -no fuzz on leaf underside

<p>-large leaves -pointed lobes and shallower sinuses -acorn with shallow cap -darker bark -no fuzz on leaf underside</p>
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Quercus velutina (black oak)

-fewer lobes on leaf -fuzz on underside of leaf -acorn cap covers 1/2 or more of the acorn -darker bark

<p>-fewer lobes on leaf -fuzz on underside of leaf -acorn cap covers 1/2 or more of the acorn -darker bark</p>
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Rhus typhina "Tiger Eyes" (staghorn sumac)

-orange to scarlet fall color -bright red to dark red hairy drupes on female flowers -purple ish branches and stems -stems soft and fuzy

<p>-orange to scarlet fall color -bright red to dark red hairy drupes on female flowers -purple ish branches and stems -stems soft and fuzy</p>
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Aucuba japonica (spotted laurel)

-plain green leaves in straight species -usually a cultivar, with yellow (or other color) spots -sometimes bri

<p>-plain green leaves in straight species -usually a cultivar, with yellow (or other color) spots -sometimes bri</p>
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Cedrus atlantica "Glauca" (blue atlas cedar)

-bluish -shorter needles in bundles that come out of pegs -irregular or flat topped in overall shape

<p>-bluish -shorter needles in bundles that come out of pegs -irregular or flat topped in overall shape</p>
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Chimonanhis praecox (wintersweet)

-foliage rough and glossy -may not have flowers in fall

<p>-foliage rough and glossy -may not have flowers in fall</p>
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Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese cedar)

-nubbins (flowers?) at ends of some needles -droopy, linear needles, have sharp points -spikey like pinecones (green to brown)

<p>-nubbins (flowers?) at ends of some needles -droopy, linear needles, have sharp points -spikey like pinecones (green to brown)</p>
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Ilex cornuta (Chinese holly)

-spiky leaves, not as many points -red berries tight against branch -rectangular leaves

<p>-spiky leaves, not as many points -red berries tight against branch -rectangular leaves</p>
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Ilex crenata (box leaved holly)

-smaller leaves (size of fingernail), not spiky -sometimes black berries -many cultivars that change its overall shape

<p>-smaller leaves (size of fingernail), not spiky -sometimes black berries -many cultivars that change its overall shape</p>
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Ilex glabra (inkberry)

-black berries tight against branch -leaves not spiky (at least not much) -bigger leaves (size of finger)

<p>-black berries tight against branch -leaves not spiky (at least not much) -bigger leaves (size of finger)</p>
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Ilex opaca (American holly)

-tree -less shiny leaves -more spiky leaves -berries tight on branch

<p>-tree -less shiny leaves -more spiky leaves -berries tight on branch</p>
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Juniperus chinensis (Chinese juniper)

-dark blue green, flat, scale like needles -light blue seed cones in female -exfoliating light brown bark

<p>-dark blue green, flat, scale like needles -light blue seed cones in female -exfoliating light brown bark</p>
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Juniperus procumbens "Nana" (Japanese garden juniper

-flat -spiny pointed blue green needles in whorls of tree

<p>-flat -spiny pointed blue green needles in whorls of tree</p>
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Juniperus squamata "Blue Star" (blue star juniper)


<h2><span class="heading-content">-shrub</span></h2>
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Juniperus virginiana (eastern red cedar)

-blue berries -scaly needles when adult, spiny needles when baby

<p>-blue berries -scaly needles when adult, spiny needles when baby</p>
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Microbiota decussata (Russian arborvitae)

-flat shrub -lacy needles

<p>-flat shrub -lacy needles</p>
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Nandina domestica (heavenly bamboo)

-yellow to scarlet foliage in fall -clusters of red to yellow berries in fall -many cultivars

<p>-yellow to scarlet foliage in fall -clusters of red to yellow berries in fall -many cultivars</p>
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Picea abies (Norway spruce)

-conical, typical Christmas tree -can be dwarf -individual needles

<p>-conical, typical Christmas tree -can be dwarf -individual needles</p>
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Picea pungens (blue spruce)

-blue -can be dwarf

<p>-blue -can be dwarf</p>
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Yucca filamentosa (Adam's needle)

-spiky -stringy filaments on leaves

<p>-spiky -stringy filaments on leaves</p>
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Cedrus deodora (deodar cedar)

-soft looking -long needles -pinecones grow upwards -conical

<p>-soft looking -long needles -pinecones grow upwards -conical</p>
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