RA 11232

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articles of incorporation

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articles of incorporation

A corporation shall have perpetual existence unless its

__ provides otherwise.

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vote of

its stockholders representing a majority of its outstanding capital stock,

Corporations with certificates of incorporation issued prior to the effectivity of this Code,

and which continue to exist, shall have perpetual existence, unless the corporation, upon a ___ notifies the Commission

that it elects to retain its specific corporate term pursuant to its articles of incorporation:

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by amending the

articles of incorporation:

A corporate term for a specific period may be extended or shortened

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three (3) years

prior to the original or subsequent expiry date(s)

That no extension may be made earlier than

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original or subsequent expiry date(s).

such extension of the

corporate term shall take effect only on the day following

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an electronic document,

The articles of incorporation and applications for amendments thereto may be filed with

the Commission in the form of in accordance with the Commission’s rules

and regulations on electronic filing.

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majority vote of the board of directors or trustees and the vote or written assent of the stockholders representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock

the appraisal right of dissenting stockholders

any provision or matter stated in the articles

of incorporation may be amended by

stock, without prejudice to the

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vote or written assent of majority of the trustees and at least two-thirds (2/3) of

the members.

articles of incorporation of a nonstock corporation may be

amended by

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within six (6) months from the date of filing

for a cause not attributable to the corporation.

amendments shall take effect upon their approval by the Commission or from the date

of filing with the said Commission if not acted upon

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expressed powers

expressly authorized by the corporation code, other laws, and articles of incorporation

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implied powers

necessary for the exercise of express powers

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incidental powers

incidental to the existence of the corporation

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partnership and joint venture

corporation can now enter?

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yes, only foreign is now prohibited

can dc give political donations?

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ultra vires acts

not within the express, inherent, implied powers of the corporation

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eclessiastical corporation

for spiritual purposes

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lay corporation

other than religious purposes

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for charitable purposes

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  • valid law

  • attempt in good faith (colorable compliance)

  • use of corporate powers

minimum: submission of bylaws

requities for existence of de facto corporation

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personally liable unless there is novation

liability of a promoter

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  • venue of actions

  • registration of chattel mortgage of sale

  • validity of meetings of stockholders

principal office serves as?

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50 years

corporation can now have _____ existence from ___ years

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not earlier than 3 years

extension of corporate term can be made ____

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1 to 15

number of incorporators

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  • must be natural persons (may include partnership, associatiion, corporation - PAC)

  • of legal age (if natural person)

  • must own or subscribed with at least 1 share

qualifications of incorporators

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not exceeding 15

may exceed 15

number of directors governing stock corporation

number of trustees in non-stock corporation

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independent directors, at least 20%

corporations vested with public interest shall have ____ constituting at least ______ of such board

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  1. corporations under SRC

  2. bank, quasi-banks



    corporations engaged in money service business




  3. other corporations as determined by SEC

corporations vested with public interest

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independent director in revised corporation code

free from any business or other relationship which could reasonably be perceived to materially interfere

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  • labor performed or services rendered

  • previously incurred indebtedness

  • property, intangible, tangible actually received

  • actual cash paid

  • unrestricted retained earnings to stated capital

  • oustanding shares exchanged for stocks (reclassification or conversion)

amendment: shares of stocks in another corporation

consideration for stocks

La Pre Pit A, URE, O SEX

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subscribed but not yet paid, excluding treasury shares

OS - ____ but not yet _____ excluding ____

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ordinary - stock cert and articles of incorporation

close - stck cert, AoI, bylaws

restrictions and preferences should be stated in:

ordinary corpo:

close corpo:

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  • name of treasurer elected by subscribers

  • no transfer clause with regards to minimum ownership

    • 100% mass media, 70% advertising, the rest 60%

  • execution clause - names and signatories of incorporators

  • notarial acknowledgment

other matters inlcuded in the articles of incoporation

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majority vote of the board of directors or trustees and the vote or written assent of the stockholders representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock

vote or written assent of majority of the trustees and at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members.

Unless otherwise prescribed by this Code or by special law, and for legitimate purposes, any provision or matter stated in the articles of incorporation may be amended by a _______, without prejudice to the appraisal right of dissenting stockholders in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

The articles of incorporation of a nonstock corporation may be amended by the _______

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6 months from date of filing

amendment of AoI

if the SEC did not act on the application within _____ from ______, the amended is deemed approved

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board of directors

supreme authority in matter of management of regular or ordinary business

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must own at least 1 share or nust be a member

majority of BOD need not to be a resident

qualification of a director or trustee

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5 years

  • exceeding 6 years

  • corporation code

  • securities regulation code

fraudulent activities

foreign country


disqualifications of a director or trustee

  1. if within ___ prior to election or appointment, he was convicted of final judgment:

    • of an offense punishable by imprisonment for a period ____

    • violation of ___

    • violation of ___

  2. liable for ____

  3. by a _____

  4. disqualification in ____

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At all elections of directors or trustees, there must be present, either in person or through a representative authorized to act by written proxy, the owners of a majority of the outstanding capital stock, or if there be no capital stock, a majority of the members entitled to vote. When so authorized in the bylaws or by a majority of the board of directors, the stockholders or members may also vote through remote communication or in absentia: Provided, That the right to vote through such modes may be exercised in corporations vested with public interest, notwithstanding the absence of a provision in the bylaws of such corporations.

At all elections of ________ or ________, there must be present, either in person or through a representative authorized to act by written ________, the owners of a ________ of the outstanding ________ stock, or if there be no capital stock, a ________ of the members entitled to ________. When so authorized in the ________ or by a ________ of the board of ________, the ________ or members may also ________ through remote ________ or in ________: Provided, That the ________ to vote through such ________ may be exercised in corporations vested with ________ interest, notwithstanding the absence of a ________ in the ________ of such corporations.

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30 days, not later than 60 days

In case of non holding, report should be made within _____ which shall include a new date not later than ____ from the scheduled date.

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In stock corporations, stockholders entitled to vote shall have the right to vote the number of shares of stock standing in their own names in the stock books of the corporation at the time fixed in the bylaws or where the bylaws are silent, at the time of the election. The said stockholder may: (a) vote such number of shares for as many persons as there are directors to be elected; (b) cumulate said shares and give one (1) candidate as many votes as the number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of the shares owned; or (c) distribute them on the same principle among as many candidates as may be seen fit: Provided, That the total number of votes cast shall not exceed the number of shares owned by the stockholders as shown in the books of the corporation multiplied by the whole number of directors to be elected: Provided, however, That no delinquent stock shall be voted. Unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation or in the bylaws, members of nonstock corporations may cast as many votes as there are trustees to be elected but may not cast more than one (1) vote for one (1) candidate. Nominees for directors or trustees receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected.

In stock corporations, stockholders entitled to vote shall have the right to vote the number of ________ of stock standing in their own names in the stock books of the corporation at the time fixed in the ________ or where the bylaws are ________, at the time of the ________. The said stockholder may: (a) vote such number of shares for as many ________ as there are directors to be ________; (b) cumulate said ________ and give one (1) ________ as many votes as the number of directors to be elected multiplied by the number of the ________ owned; or (c) distribute them on the same ________ among as many ________ as may be seen fit: Provided, That the total number of ________ cast shall not exceed the number of shares ________ by the stockholders as shown in the ________ of the corporation multiplied by the whole number of ________ to be elected: Provided, however, That no ________ stock shall be voted. Unless otherwise provided in the ________ of incorporation or in the ________, members of nonstock corporations may cast as many ________ as there are trustees to be ________ but may not cast more than one (1) vote for one (1) ________. Nominees for directors or trustees receiving the highest number of ________ shall be declared ________.

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  • Any director or trustee of a corporation may be removed from office by a vote of the stockholders holding or representing at least two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock, or in a nonstock corporation, by a vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members entitled to vote.

  • Provided, That such removal shall take place either at a regular meeting of the corporation or at a special meeting called for the purpose.

  • In either case, after previous notice to stockholders or members of the corporation of the intention to propose such removal at the meeting.

  • A special meeting of the stockholders or members for the purpose of removing any director or trustee must be called by the secretary on order of the president, or upon written demand of the stockholders representing or holding at least a majority of the outstanding capital stock, or a majority of the members entitled to vote.

  • If there is no secretary, or if the secretary, despite demand, fails or refuses to call the special meeting or to give notice thereof, the stockholder or member of the corporation signing the demand may call for the meeting by directly addressing the stockholders or members.

  • Notice of the time and place of such meeting, as well as of the intention to propose such removal, must be given by publication or by written notice prescribed in this Code.

  • Removal may be with or without cause: Provided, That removal without cause may not be used to deprive minority stockholders or members of the right of representation to which they may be entitled under Section 23 of this Code.

  • The Commission shall, motu proprio or upon verified complaint, and after due notice and hearing, order the removal of a director or trustee elected despite the disqualification, or whose disqualification arose or is discovered subsequent to an election.

  • The removal of a disqualified director shall be without prejudice to other sanctions that the Commission may impose on the board of directors or trustees who, with knowledge of the disqualification, failed to remove such director or trustee.


  • Any director or trustee of a corporation may be removed from office by a vote of the stockholders holding or representing at least ________ of the outstanding capital stock, or in a nonstock corporation, by a vote of at least ________ of the members entitled to vote.

  • Provided, That such removal shall take place either at a ________ meeting of the corporation or at a ________ meeting called for the purpose.

  • In either case, after previous ________ to stockholders or members of the corporation of the intention to propose such ________ at the meeting.

  • A special meeting of the stockholders or members for the purpose of removing any director or trustee must be called by the ________ on order of the ________, or upon written demand of the stockholders representing or holding at least a ________ of the outstanding capital stock, or a ________ of the members entitled to vote.

  • If there is no ________, or if the secretary, despite ________, fails or refuses to call the special meeting or to give ________ thereof, the stockholder or member of the corporation signing the ________ may call for the meeting by directly addressing the ________ or ________.

  • Notice of the ________ and ________ of such meeting, as well as of the intention to propose such ________, must be given by ________ or by written notice prescribed in this Code.

  • Removal may be with or without ________: Provided, That removal without cause may not be used to deprive ________ stockholders or members of the right of ________ to which they may be entitled under Section 23 of this Code.

  • The Commission shall, motu proprio or upon verified ________, and after due notice and ________, order the removal of a director or trustee elected despite the ________, or whose disqualification arose or is ________ subsequent to an election.

  • The removal of a disqualified director shall be without ________ to other ________ that the Commission may impose on the board of directors or trustees who, with ________ of the disqualification, failed to ________ such director or trustee.

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  • shareholders

  • directors if they constitute quorum

  • shareholders


  • removal

  • death, resignation, abandonment

  • increase in the number of directors

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  • same day

  • no later than 45 days

  • same meeting

in case of removal, election is held ___ of the meeting authorizing the removal

in case of DRA, _____ from the time of vacancy

in a general or special meeting called for the purpose, or in ____

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stockholders even if directors constitute a quorum since their capacity is before expiration only

who shall replace hold-over directors?

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  • among officiers

  • uninanimous vote

  • remaining directors or trustees

  • within 3 days

emergency board is temporarily filled by _____ of the corporation by ____ vote of _____

notification to SEC shall be made ___

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at least 2/3 of the outstanding capital stocks

self-dealing directors ratification

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voidable, board of directors

self dealing officers general rule: ____ unless authorized by ____

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  1. presence

  2. vote

  3. 2/3 of OCS

    1. meeting

    2. adverse interest

    3. fair and reasonable

  4. reasonableness

self-dealing directors:

GR: _____


  1. ___ not required to constitute a quorum

  2. ____ not necessary

  3. if 1 and 2 is absent, ratified by ____


    1. there must be ____

    2. full disclosure of ____

    3. contract is ____

  4. if it owns all or substantially all, ____ shall be determined

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  • at least 20%

  • exceeding 20%

if one is substantial and the other is nominal, voidable on the part of the latter

interlocking directors

GR: ____

  • nominal

  • substantial

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  • board of directors

  • three

  • executive commitee is appointed by the ____

  • not less than ___

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special commitee

__ commitee can be created

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  • filling the vacancy

  • amendment or repeal of bylaws

  • amendment or repeal of board of resolution

  • approval of action which SH’s approval is needed

  • distribution of cash and stock dividends

executive commitee cannot do the following

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not entitled to compensation


  • reasonable per diems

  • bylaws

  • upon majority vote of SH

  • if performing a function other than director

10% of net income before tax during the preceding year

general rule as to compensation of directors


yearly compensation?

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nonstock - shareholders

stock - board of directors

election of corporate officers is done by:

in nonstock?

in stock?

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  1. pres - director

  2. treasurer - resident of PH

  3. secretary - resident and citizen

officers must be:

  1. pres

  2. treasurer

  3. secretary

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compliance officer

officer required in a corporation vested with public interest

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not civilly or criminally liable

  • gross negligence

  • watered stocks

  • personally or solidarily

  • law (BP22)

liability of officer


  1. assents to patently unlawful act, __ negligence, conflict of interest

  2. consents in issuance of ____

  3. agrees to hold himself ____

  4. made by ___ to answer for his action

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majority vote of all members regardless if present or not

ex: 15 members, 9 are present, required vote is 8

election of corporate officers requires?

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certificate of stocks

document evidencing the interest of stockholder of a corporation

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common stocks

founder’s shares

pro-rata division of profits but without any preference

may be limited because of ___

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not exceeding 5 years, non-extendable

founder’s shares - with the exclusive right to vote and be voted for a period ____ it is ____

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  • issued only with stated par value

  • preference must be in ABS

limitations of preferred stock

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preferred stocks

they have the privilege of being paid dividends first

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are redeemable shares denied of voting right?

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  • increase, incur, create bonded indebtedness

  • increase or decrease capital stock

  • amend articles of incorporation

  • merger or consolidation

  • sale, lease, exchange, mortgage of all or substantially all of corporate property

  • amend and adopt bylaws

  • dissolution of the corporation

rights of preferred shares

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par value

values are fixed in the articles of incorporation and certificate

minimum subscription or orginal price

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articles of incorporation, board of directors, by shareholders

no par value shares may be fixed in the ____ by ___when authorized or if not, by ____

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  • deemed fully paid

  • non-assessable

  • consideration is not less than 5

  • entire consideration constitutes capital so not available for dividends declaration

  • cannot be issued as preferred stocks

  • cannot be issued by BLTBIPO

    • buildings, loans, trust, banks, insurance, public utilities

limitations of no-par value shares

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watered stocks

shares are issued less than par value

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redeemable shares

subjet to redemption which may be optional or mandatory based on face or issued value plus premium

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reedemable shares

not subject to availability of unrestricted retained earnings

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treasury shares

issued and fully paid but subsequently reacquired

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  • A pre-incorporation subscription is deemed irrevocable for at least __________ months from the date of the subscription.

  • A pre-incorporation subscription can be revoked if the incorporation does not materialize within __________ months from the date of subscription or any longer period stipulated in the subscription contract.

  • Pre-incorporation subscriptions become irrevocable __________ submission of the Articles of Incorporation (AOI) to the SEC.

  • If the incorporation fails to materialize within the stipulated period, the subscription __________ be revoked.

  • To revoke a pre-incorporation subscription within the irrevocable period, __________ must consent to the revocation.

  • 6

  • 6

  • after

  • can

  • all subscribers

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subscription contract

Any contract for the acquisition of unissued stock in an existing corporation or a corporation still to be formed shall be deemed a subscription, notwithstanding the fact that the parties refer to it as a purchase or some other contract

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post-incorporation subscriptions

are those made or executed after the formation or organization of the corporation

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1. It must be signed by the president or vice-president and countersigned by the secretary or assistant secretary;

2. It must be sealed with the corporate seal, and

3. The entire value thereof (together with the interest or expenses, if any) should have been paid

Issuance of certificates of stock; requisites:

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Subscription to shares of stock are deemed ____ and no certificate of stock can be issued unless and until the full amount of his subscription including interest and expenses, if any is paid.

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  • For the issuance of a certificate of stock;

  • If his shares are declared delinquent; or

  • When he exercises appraisal right.

Rights of a SUBSCRIBER: a subscriber, even if not yet fully paid, is entitled to exercise all the rights of a stockholder and the corresponding liability that attach thereunder, except:

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  • 30

  • Board of Directors (BOD)

A subscription to shares of stock becomes delinquent if no payment is made on the balance of all or any portion of the subscription within __________ days from the date or dates fixed in the contract of subscription, without the need of a call, or on the date specified by the __________ pursuant to a call

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the stockholder thereof immediately loses the right to vote and be voted upon or represented in any stockholders meeting as well as all the rights pertaining to a stockholder

Effect of Delinquency: General Rule:

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the right to receive dividends:

1. Cash dividend - shall first be applied to the unpaid balance on his subscription plus cost and expenses; while

2. Stock dividends - shall be withheld until his unpaid subscription is paid in full.

XPNS to delinquency

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  1. contract of subscription

  2. Board of Directors (BOD)

  3. board

  4. collection

Unpaid subscriptions or any percentage thereof, together with interest if required by the by-laws or the contract of subscription, shall be paid either:

  1. On the date or dates fixed in the __________;

  2. On the date or dates specified by the __________ pursuant to a “call” declaring any or all unpaid portion thereof to be payable.

To enforce payment, the following remedies are available:

  1. By __________ action; and

  2. By a __________ case in court.

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Failure or refusal of the BOD to enforce or collect payment of unpaid subscription will not prevent the creditors or the receiver of the corporation to institute a court action to collect the unpaid portion thereof. (TRUE OR FALSE)

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  1. subscription

  2. interest

  3. advertisement

  4. sale


  6. expenses

  7. certificate

  8. certificate

  9. treasury

  • In a delinquency sale, the amount to be paid includes:

    • a. The balance due on each __________.

    • b. All accrued __________.

    • c. Costs of __________.

    • d. Expenses of __________.

  • Bids in a delinquency sale shall all be for the amount due above and shall differ only on the number of __________ that the bidders are willing to accept in exchange for the said amount.

  • The highest bidder in a delinquency sale is determined by the bid made for the __________ number of shares in exchange for the total amount due.

  • The effect of a delinquency sale is that the stock purchased shall be transferred to the purchaser in the books of the corporation and a __________ for such stock shall be issued in the purchaser’s favor.

  • Any remaining shares, if any, shall be credited to the delinquent stockholder, who shall also be entitled to the issuance of a __________ of stock covering those shares.

  • If there are no bidders at the public auction, the corporation may bid for the shares, and the total amount due shall be credited as __________ in the books of the corporation.

  • In this case, title to all the shares of stock covered by the subscription shall be vested in the corporation as __________ shares.

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pre-emptive right

right is the shareholder’s right to subscribe to all issues or disposition of shares of any class in proportion to his present holdings, the purpose being to enable the shareholder to retain his proportionate control in the corporation and to retain his equity in the surplus

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a. Shares to be issued to comply with the laws requiring stock offering or minimum stock ownership by the public;

b. Shares issued in good faith in exchange for property needed for corporate purposes;

c. Shares issued in payment for previously contracted debt;

d. In case the right is denied in the Articles of Incorporation;

XPN in pre-emptive right

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maximum of 30 days

suspension of rights

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  • old: less than 50k

  • assets or liabilities less than 600k


section 75 (old)

section 74 (RCC)

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  • signed by all incorporators

  • majority of the OCS or members

adoption of by laws

  • prior to incorporation

  • after incorporation

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  • majority of OCS and members

  • delegation - 2/3 of OCS or members, revocation - majority of SH or members

amendment of by laws

  • regular or special meeting

  • BOD delegated and revocation

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  • arbitration

  • no longer requires

AMENDMENTS: Section 46(d) of the RCC now includes “The modes by which a stockholder, member, director, or trustee may attend meetings and cast their vote.”

It likewise includes that an ___ agreement may be provided in the bylaws.

The submission of the amended by-laws _____ that it be filed with the SEC attached to the original articles of incorporation and original bylaws.

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Not exceeding 1/10 of 1% of the aggregate price

Payment of filing fees is ____ at which securities are proposed to be offered

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Within 45 days after date of filing

___SEC shall give order declaring registration statement effective or rejecting it

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Securities Regulation Code

Aims to protect investing public

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1/10 of 1% of the maximum aggregate price or issued value of the securities

Exemption Fee

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  • Which has sold a class of its securities pursuant to registration

  • Listed for trading in an exchange

  • Need assets of what is 50 million pesos having 200 or more shareholders holding up these 100 shares of a class of its equity securities

Reporterial requirements shall apply to an issuer:

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90 days

Obligation of such issuer to file report shall be terminate ___ after the notification to that SEC by the issuer that the number of its holders holding at least 100 shares reduce to less than 100

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  • Date of annual stakeholders meeting

  • Date of annual members meeting

  • Anniversary date of the license of SEC license

All corporation shall file their general information sheet within ____ from

  • Stock

  • Nonstock

  • Foreign

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  • Calendar year - last numerical digit

  • Coding schedule

  • Fiscal year

  • 120 days

  • 110 days (brOker)

  • 105 days (list5d)

Filing of annual Financial statements

corporations using ___ depending on the_____ of their SEC registration or license number

however any corporation may file their AFS on or before the____

Corporations using ____

GR: ___ calendar days

XPN: broker dealers: ___ calendar days from end of fiscal year

Listed companies and public companies - ___ days from the end of FY

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