Middle English

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Courtly Love

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Courtly Love

The concept that a knight's bravery and nobility could be increased by his pure adoration of a lady.

Most distinctive literature from this time often dealt with it.

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A code of conduct supposedly followed by knights in which a knight practiced loyalty to his lord, honor in battle, and service to women.

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Romance (genre)

A prose narrative about fictional characters involved in events remote in time and dealing with the adventurous, mysterious (e.g. supernatural), and chivalric.

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The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

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The Chain of Being

A hierarchical structure for all things (living and not). Begins with God and descends through angels, humans, animals and plants to minerals.

Didn't allow for much social movement among lower classes.

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What allowed the eventual rise of the middle class?

Partly due to labor shortages caused by the Black Death/Bubonic Plague

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Geoffrey Chaucer

Made the English language respectable Hailed as the father of English poetry Composed his works in everyday English (which was a big change from the formal, elevated language used prior)

Author of The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales

A collection of tales written in Middle English by Geoffrey Chaucer.

It details 29 people going on a pilgrimage from London to Canterbury to visit the shrine of Saint Thomas Becket at Canterbury Cathedral. They partake in a storytelling contest during the journey.

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The Canterbury Tales Significance

Depicts a collection of people from all social classes/walks of life as they share a common goal. It also comments on the morality of the time period.

The language it is written in (style) The strength of its spirit The personality it holds

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King Arthur

Wields Excalibur Reigns over Camelot Member of the Roundtable (but not the head) Very honorable, chivalrous, and brave

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Three major classes of Medieval society?

Nobility, Clergy, and Commoners

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Arthurian Romance Hero...

is often flawed or has a weakness

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