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Tacit (TAS•it)
(adj): Implied; Not spoken
Taciturn (TAS•i•turn)
(adj): Untalkative by nature
Tangential (tan•JEN•shul)
(adj): Only superficially related to the matter at hand; Not especially relevant; Peripheral
Tangible (TAN•juh•bul)
(adj): Touchable; Palpable
Tantamount (TAN•tuh•mownt)
(adj): Equivalent to
Tautological (tawt•uh•LAH•juh•kul)
(adj): Redundant; Circular
Temerity (tuh•MER•uh•tee)
(n): Boldness; Recklessness; Audacity
Temperate (TEM•pur•it)
(adj): Mild; Moderate; Restrained
Tenable (TEN•uh•bul)
(adj): Defensible, as in one’s position in an argument; Capable of being argued successfully; Valid
Tenacious (tuh•NAY•shus)
(adj): Persistent; Stubborn; Not letting go
Tenet (TEN•it)
(n): A shared principle or belief
Tentative (TEN•tuh•tiv)
(adj): Experimental; Temporary; Uncertain
Tenuous (TEN•yoo•us)
(adj): Flimsy; Extremely thin
Terse (turs)
(adj): Using no unnecessary words; Succinct
Theology (thee•AHL•uh•jee)
(n): The study of God of religion
Tirade (TYE•rayd)
(n): A prolonged, bitter speech
Torpor (TOR•pur)
(n): Sluggishness; Inactivity; Apathy
Touchstone (TUCH•stohn)
(n): A standard; A test of authenticity or quality
Tout (towt)
(v): To praise highly; To brag publicly about
Transcend (tran•SEND)
(v): To go beyond or above; To surpass
Transgress (trans•GRES)
(v): To violate (a law); To sin
Transient (TRAN•shunt)
(adj): Not staying for a long time; Temporary
Trepidation (trep•uh•DAY•shun)
(n): Fear; Apprehension; Nervous trembling
Turpitude (TUR•puh•tood)
(n): Shameful wickedness; Depravity
Ubiquitous (yoo•BIK•wuh•tus)
(adj): Being everywhere at the same time
Unconscionable (un•KAHN•shuh•nuh•bul)
(adj): Not controlled by conscience; Unscrupulous
Unctuous (UNGK•choo•us)
(adj): Oily, both literally and figuratively; Insincere
Uniform (YOO•nuh•form)
(adj): Consistent; Unchanging; The same for everyone
Unremitting (un•ri•MIT•ing)
(adj): Unceasing; Unabated; Relentless
Unwitting (un•WIT•ing)
(adj): Unintentional; Ignorant; Not aware
Urbane (ur•BAYN)
(adj): Poised; Sophisticated; Refined
Usurp (yoo•SURP)
(v): To seize wrongfully
Utilitarian (yoo•til•uh•TAR•ee•un)
(adj): Stressing usefulness or utility above all other qualities; Pragmatic
Utopia (yoo•TOH•pee•uh)
(n): An ideal society