Paper 1: Apartheid

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Petty Apartheid & Grand Apartheid Legislation

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Nature & characteristics of discrimination, protests & action, and the role & significance of key actors/groups

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Petty Apartheid & Grand Apartheid Legislation

grand apartheid: determined people’s races

  • land & political laws

  • uprooting & relocation

  • ex: 1950: Population Registration Act (created four race groups & ID/passes made)

petty apartheid: affects one’s daily routine

  • hospitals, work, beach, college, etc etc

  • ex: 1950: Immorality Act (sexual relations between whites & other races prohibited)

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Division & Classification

  • 1950: Population Registration Act (created four race groups & ID/passes made)

  • 1950: Group Areas Act (separate residential areas for each race group)

  • 1951: Bantu Authorities Act (power to traditional chiefs; no Natives’ Rep Council)

  • 1952: Abolition of Passes Act

  • 1956: Separate Representation of Voters Act

herronvolk democracy: only a specific ethnic group participates in government & all other disenfranchised

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Segregation of Populations & Amenities

  • 1949: Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act

  • 1950: Immorality Act (sexual relations between whites & other races prohibited)

  • 1952: Separate Amenities Act

  • 1952: Native Laws Amendment Act

  • 1954: Natives Resettlement Act

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Creation of townships/forced removals

1950: Group Areas Act (demarcated separate residential areas for each race group - zones)

  • Sophiatown, Joburg (1955) - multiracial

  • Cato Manor, Durban (1960) - Indians

  • District 6 in Cape Town (1968) - coloured (moved to Cape Flats)

1951: Bantu Authorities Act [creation of 10 Bantustan territories (homelands based on ethnicity)]

  • 13% of land for 68% of population (Africans)

  • most unproductive land

1970: Bantu Homelands Citizens Act (independence of homelands - no political/economic responsibility)

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Segregation of education

1953: Bantu Education Act

  • end of mission schools for non-whites

  • central government had control over education in Bantustans

    • controlled by Department of Native Affairs

  • vernacular language & vocational skills

    • teachers lacked proper education (horrible conditions)

  • sustained apartheid hierarchy

1959: Separate Universities Act (forced students to study at separate universities)

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Bantustan system

Spearheaded largely by Verwoerd (1958-1966) - PM of NP

1951: Bantu Authorities Act [creation of 10 Bantustan territories (homelands based on ethnicity)]

  • 13% of land for 68% of population (Africans)

  • most unproductive land

1970: Bantu Homelands Citizens Act (independence of homelands - no political/economic responsibility)

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Non-violent protests: Bus Boycotts

1943: Joburg Bus Boycott

  • by Mandela

  • 9 days - walked to work before original fare restored

1957: Alexandra Bus Boycott

  • rose fare price by one penny for a single bus ride

  • 3 months - 70k participants

  • white motorists helped boycotters

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Non-violent protests: Defiance Campaign

1952: ANC & SAIC demand repeal of apartheid laws - non-violent civil disobedience - mass actions


  • ANC on the map

  • increased ANC membership

  • mobilization of thousands

  • establishment of Congress Alliance


  • Public Safety Act (1953): allowed government to declare a state of emergency whenever

  • Criminal Law Amendment Act (1953): prohibition of protests - Suppression of Communism

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Non-violent protests: Freedom Charter

  • framework for anti-apartheid struggle

  • core principles & demands

  • included nearly all major organizations, such as ANC, SAIC, etc

1955: Congress Alliance established

  • unified under Freedom Charter

  • minus commies since they legally cannot exist

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Increasing violence: Sharpeville Massacre


  • PAC (led by Sobukwe) called for nationwide campaign against pass laws

  • march to police stations across country without passes & demand to be arrested

  • 69 killed & thousands wounded - public outcry


  • South Africa becomes a republic

  • stock market decreases

  • large immigration of whites

  • Cape Town march

  • UN Condemns Sharpeville


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Increasing violence: adoption of armed struggle


—> ANC & PAC (Sobukwe) must go underground

1961: creation of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) - “spear of nation” - leader: Mandela

<POQO: PAC branch, “pure”>

  • exhausted potential for non-violent protest

    • received help from SACP

  • strategic government places - NOT human life

  • terror targeting of collaborations with government

1962: Mandela leaves South Africa for military training

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Rivonia Trial


  • incriminating evidence at Lilisleaf farm

  • charged under Suppression of Communism Act (1950), Sabotage Act (1962 - denied rights), General Law Amendment Act (1963 - 90-day detention)

  • decapitated leadership of anti-apartheid organizations

    • life imprisonments

    • ANC ceases to exist - MK

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Imprisonment of ANC leadership

1956: Treason Trial

  • 156 arrested & tried with high treason under Suppression of Communism Act (1950)

  • targeted key members of Congress Alliance, SACP, SAIC, COD

  • dismissed due to lack of evidence after 5 years

1964: Rivonia Trial (see card)

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Nelson Mandela

  • 1st president post-apartheid South Africa

  • head of MK

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Albert Luthuli

  • Zulu chief - Christian

  • joined ANC (1945)

  • inspired by Gandhi

  • president of ANC until death (1952-1967)

  • Defiance Campaign

1961: Nobel Peace Prize

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African National Congress (ANC)

established to protest racial discrimination and appeal to equal treatment before the law

1960: declared unlawful

1990: unbanned - secured majority of votes in 1994 national election

  • Mandela, Luthuli, Tambo, Sisulu

  • Defiance Campaign

  • Freedom Charter

  • Treason Trial

  • Bus Boycotts

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South African Communist Party (SACP)

1921: SACP formed

  • mainly radical whites which will change to be predominantly blacks

1948: NP wins election & targest SACP

1950: Suppression of Communism Act

  • follows May Day Protest

Kotane - General Secretary of SACP from 1939-1978

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