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A peaceful culture known for their language, Linear A, which has yet to be translated.
Fall of the Minoans
Occurred due to a volcanic eruption followed by the invasion of the Mycenaeans.
A more warlike people whose earliest form of Greek, Linear B, has been translated.
Fall of the Mycenaeans
Caused by the invasion of the Sea People, also known as the Philistines.
Geography of Greece
75% mountainous with many coasts and ports for trading.
Role of the sea in Greek society
Greece held a monopoly over the Aegean Sea and used it for trading with other nations.
Contributions of the Greeks to modern civilization
Athenian architecture greatly influenced early American architecture in D.C.
Trojan War
Involved the Mycenaeans and Trojans.
Reason for the Trojan War according to Homer
Homer claimed it was due to Helen being stolen.
Reality of the Trojan War
Greece hated Troy and wanted an excuse to attack them.
Time period of the Trojan War
Took place in the 12th and 11th century BC.
Literature about the Trojan War
The stories are found in the works of Homer, specifically the Odyssey and the Iliad, and Virgil's Aeneid.
Heinrich Schliemann
Contributed to understanding the Trojan War through archaeology.
Democracy in Athens
A limited form of democracy.
Athenian Voting
Only males could participate, and a council of 500 presided over public meetings.
Voting process in Athens
Citizens could vote, debate, and propose laws in meetings presided over by the boule.
Eligibility to vote in Athens
Citizen males who owned land were allowed to vote.
Direct Democracy vs. Representative Democracy
Athenians had a select amount of voters, which would be unfair in modern times.
A prominent statesman in Athens.
Athenian willingness to fight
They believed that even if they lost a battle, they would eventually win the war.
Sparta vs. Athens
Students should know the differences in education, military, ethics & morals, women's roles, and government.
Greco-Persian War
Fought between Athens and its allies and Persia, with the Greeks winning.
Start of Persian attacks on Greece
Began around 490 BC.
Battle of Marathon
The major battle that began the Persian Wars.
Consequences of losing the Battle of Marathon
Outcomes are subject to interpretation.
Impact of a Persian victory
Western Civilization and culture would look significantly different today.
Darius I
Leader of the Persians at Marathon.
Leader of the Greeks (Spartans) at Thermopylae.
Significant battle where the Persians won and Greeks were betrayed.
Battle where Athens had an advantage over the Persians due to their ships being too big for the strait.
First boat to have three levels for the ships' arrows.
The largest and final major battle of the Persian wars.
Greek Golden Age
Timeframe for Golden Age: 500-300 BC, smaller scale 479 BC-431 BC.
Delian League
An important alliance for the Greeks with main purposes including mutual defense.
Peloponnesian War
War fought between Athens and Sparta starting in 461 B.C.E due to rivalry.
Long walls
Athenian strategy during the Peloponnesian War, wrapping around the city-state and harbor.
First scientific historian known for his significant style of recording history.
Powerful tribe located in Northern Greece.
Philip II
Began conquering Greece in 338.
Tutor of Alexander the Great, influencing his 'Greekness'.
A Greek military tactic.
One of the three main philosophers of Ancient Greece.
One of the three main philosophers of Ancient Greece.
One of the three main philosophers of Ancient Greece.
'Love of knowledge' - search for answers to life's big questions.
One of the two historians known for recording history accurately.
Geography of Ancient Greece
Led to the formation of city-states.
Alexander the Great
Contributed to the spread of Greek ideas throughout the world.
Battle of Marathon
A significant battle in which the Greeks fought against the Persians.
Battle of Thermopylae
A significant battle where Spartans fought against the Persians.
Contributions of Greece
Influences on modern society including democracy, philosophy, and arts.