100 per cent bar chart
A type of bar chart where each bar represents subcategories of a variable totaling 100 percent, showing proportions of each subcategory out of 100.
Accidental sampling
Selecting participants based on convenience without specific characteristics in mind, stopping data collection once the desired number of respondents is reached.
Action research
Research methodology involving community members in planning, executing, and evaluating research initiatives to address community issues through a cyclical process.
Active variable
Variables that can be controlled or influenced by researchers in studies aiming to establish causality or associations.
After-only design
Research design studying the impact of an intervention on a population where baseline information is 'constructed' after the intervention.
Alternative hypothesis
A scientific convention specifying the relationship considered true if the research hypothesis is disproven, serving as the opposite of the research hypothesis.
Ambiguous question
A question with multiple interpretations leading to varied responses among respondents.
Applied research
Using research methodologies for practical purposes like policy formulation, program development, and enhancing understanding in social sciences.
Area chart
Graphical representation for variables on interval or ratio scales, displaying subcategories' magnitudes relative to each other through shaded areas under lines.
Attitudinal scales
Tools measuring attitudes towards issues, including Likert scale, Thurstone scale, and Guttman scale.
Attitudinal score
Numerical representation of a respondent's attitudinal response based on assigned values in different attitude scales.
Attitudinal value
Weight given to a statement in an attitudinal scale reflecting its significance in portraying attitudes.
Attribute variables
Characteristics of the study population like age, gender, education, and income that cannot be manipulated.
Bar chart
Graphical method for displaying categorical data using spaced rectangles indicating categorical data.
Before-and-after design
Research design comparing data collected before and after an intervention to assess changes over time.
Systematic watching and listening to interactions or phenomena for data collection.
Observer's Bias
Misreporting observations due to personal interests, considered unethical.
Open-Ended Questions
Questions without predefined responses, allowing free-form answers.
Operational Definition
Defining concepts in measurable terms for study purposes.
Online Survey
Common method for data collection and analysis using online platforms.
Oral History
Method for studying historical events or cultural information through personal accounts.
Ordinal Scale
Ranking subgroups based on a common characteristic, adding order to nominal scale.
Outcome Evaluation
Assessing effects, impacts, and changes produced by a program in the target population.
Panel Studies
Collecting data from the same respondents over time.
Participant Observation
Researcher actively involved in group activities for data collection.
Participatory Research
Involving research participants in the research process for relevance.
Pie Chart
Graphical representation dividing a circle into sections based on data proportions.
Placebo Effect
Psychological recovery due to belief in receiving treatment.
Unethical use of someone else's work as your own.
Polytomous Variable
Variable with more than two categories.
Population Mean
Estimate of characteristics for the total study population from sample statistics.
Predictive Validity
Degree to which an instrument can forecast outcomes correctly.
Testing research instruments or code books before actual use to identify issues.
Primary Data
Information collected specifically for a study.
Primary Sources
Sources providing primary data like interviews and observations.