Self identification
an important diagnostic in deciding who is Deaf.
________ is independent of English.
Lowercase deaf
________ when referring to audiological condition of not hearing.
person who cant hear
deaf person immersed in their culture
residential schools
state and funded boarding schools for deaf children
disallow use of signed language
signed language is allowed
lowercase d deaf
lack of hearing, either entirely or at a severe to profound level who choose not to participate in the deaf community or became deaf later in life
Capital D Deaf
Individuals who are not hearing and are members of the deaf community
Hard of Hearing
An individual with a hearing loss, mild to moderate
What was Aristotle's view on Deaf people?
Without hearing, people cannot learn
What was Plato's view on Deaf people?
Deaf people cannot speak and lack intelligence
How did early Christians see deafness?
As a sin