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Anything offensive to the human senses and/or tends to cause injury
Anything that injures health, endangers life, offends the senses or produces discomfort to a person or group of persons
Offensive trades or occupation
Any trade or occupation that has the potential to cause damage to life and property, injury, pain, unpleasant or nauseating sensation or produces uneasiness and unbearable conditions to a person or group of persons
Abattoir or slaughterhouse
The establishment or premises used in the slaughter of food animals for human consumption
Animal stockade
Any land, building or structure used for the keeping, stabling, feeding, watering, grooming, shoeing, treatment of an animal, or any other veterinary purpose
Domestic animal
Any animal such as horse, cattle, swine, fowl, etc., which has been suppressed by man to live and breed in a tame condition
Guts cleaning
Cleansing, washing or scouring of bowels or entrails of fishes, poultry, mammals and other animals
Domestic animals used on a farm, especially those kept as food animals
Refuse from stables and barnyards, consisting of animal excreta with or without litter
Manure Storing
Stockpiling or deposition of manure
Glands, tissues or other internal organs of a slaughtered animal
Refers to any parcel of land, building or other structure used for keeping, raising or breeding, depasturing,feeding or watering of swine
Refers to domesticated fowls, which serve as sources of eggs and meat for human consumption or any other purpose. It includes any species of fowl such as chicken, duck, goose, turkey, quail, pigeon or guinea fowl
Skin curing/tanning
An art or process by which a skin of an animal is exposed to the sun
Stray animal
Animal/s not subject to the control and/or found in a place outside the premises of its owner
Construction site
Any premises that are being used in connection with the erection, demolition or renovation of a structure
Lime burning
The process of burning limestone or shells
Any strong alkaline solution used for cleansing purposes
Lye making
The process of producing lye from strong alkaline liquor that chiefly contains potassium carbonate
Means an erratic, intermittent, or statistically random oscillation, or any unwanted sound
Scrap processing
Recovering, preparing, treating, disinfecting, or other means of processing of discarded materials such as scrap metals, leftover food from slaughterhouses or food establishments, or any reusable solid or liquid
Objectionable odor
Any odor present in the outdoor atmosphere which, by itself or in combination with other odors, is or may be harmful or injurious to human health or welfare, which unreasonably interferes with the comfortable use and enjoyment of life and property, or which creates a nuisance
Sound level meter
Means any instrument and its appurtenances used for the measurement of noise and sound level
Soap boiling
The process of boiling, cleansing or emulsifying an agent that is made usually by the action of alkali on fats, fat acids and oil boiling or cold process, consisting essentially of a mixture of water-soluble sodium or potassium salts of fat acids, and may contain other ingredients such as sodium carbonate or other builders, perfume, coloring agents, fluorescent dyes, disinfectants, or abrasive material